/* This file is part of Repetier-Firmware. Repetier-Firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Repetier-Firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Repetier-Firmware. If not, see . This firmware is a nearly complete rewrite of the sprinter firmware by kliment (https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter) which based on Tonokip RepRap firmware rewrite based off of Hydra-mmm firmware. */ #include "Repetier.h" const uint8_t sensitive_pins[] PROGMEM = SENSITIVE_PINS; // Sensitive pin list for M42 int Commands::lowestRAMValue = MAX_RAM; int Commands::lowestRAMValueSend = MAX_RAM; void Commands::commandLoop() { while(true) { #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT debugWaitLoop = 1; #endif if(!Printer::isBlockingReceive()) { GCode::readFromSerial(); GCode *code = GCode::peekCurrentCommand(); //UI_SLOW; // do longer timed user interface action UI_MEDIUM; // do check encoder if(code) { #if SDSUPPORT if(sd.savetosd) { if(!(code->hasM() && code->M == 29)) // still writing to file sd.writeCommand(code); else sd.finishWrite(); #if ECHO_ON_EXECUTE code->echoCommand(); #endif } else #endif Commands::executeGCode(code); code->popCurrentCommand(); } } else { UI_MEDIUM; } Printer::defaultLoopActions(); } } void Commands::checkForPeriodicalActions(bool allowNewMoves) { Printer::handleInterruptEvent(); EVENT_PERIODICAL; if(!executePeriodical) return; executePeriodical = 0; EVENT_TIMER_100MS; Extruder::manageTemperatures(); if(--counter250ms == 0) { if(manageMonitor) writeMonitor(); counter250ms = 5; EVENT_TIMER_500MS; } // If called from queueDelta etc. it is an error to start a new move since it // would invalidate old computation resulting in unpredicted behaviour. // lcd controller can start new moves, so we disallow it if called from within // a move command. UI_SLOW(allowNewMoves); } /** \brief Waits until movement cache is empty. Some commands expect no movement, before they can execute. This function waits, until the steppers are stopped. In the meanwhile it buffers incoming commands and manages temperatures. */ void Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves() { #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT debugWaitLoop = 8; #endif while(PrintLine::hasLines()) { GCode::readFromSerial(); checkForPeriodicalActions(false); UI_MEDIUM; } } void Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllBuffers() { GCode *code = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT debugWaitLoop = 9; #endif while(PrintLine::hasLines() || (code != NULL)) { GCode::readFromSerial(); code = GCode::peekCurrentCommand(); UI_MEDIUM; // do check encoder if(code) { #if SDSUPPORT if(sd.savetosd) { if(!(code->hasM() && code->M == 29)) // still writing to file sd.writeCommand(code); else sd.finishWrite(); #if ECHO_ON_EXECUTE code->echoCommand(); #endif } else #endif Commands::executeGCode(code); code->popCurrentCommand(); } Commands::checkForPeriodicalActions(false); // only called from memory UI_MEDIUM; } } void Commands::printCurrentPosition(FSTRINGPARAM(s)) { float x, y, z; Printer::realPosition(x, y, z); if (isnan(x) || isinf(x) || isnan(y) || isinf(y) || isnan(z) || isinf(z)) { Com::printErrorFLN(s); // flag where the error condition came from } x += Printer::coordinateOffset[X_AXIS]; y += Printer::coordinateOffset[Y_AXIS]; z += Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS]; Com::printF(Com::tXColon, x * (Printer::unitIsInches ? 0.03937 : 1), 2); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceYColon, y * (Printer::unitIsInches ? 0.03937 : 1), 2); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceZColon, z * (Printer::unitIsInches ? 0.03937 : 1), 3); Com::printFLN(Com::tSpaceEColon, Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS] * (Printer::unitIsInches ? 0.03937 : 1), 4); //Com::printF(PSTR("OffX:"),Printer::offsetX); // to debug offset handling //Com::printFLN(PSTR(" OffY:"),Printer::offsetY); } void Commands::printTemperatures(bool showRaw) { float temp = Extruder::current->tempControl.currentTemperatureC; #if HEATED_BED_SENSOR_TYPE == 0 Com::printF(Com::tTColon,temp); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceSlash,Extruder::current->tempControl.targetTemperatureC,0); #else Com::printF(Com::tTColon,temp); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceSlash,Extruder::current->tempControl.targetTemperatureC,0); #if HAVE_HEATED_BED Com::printF(Com::tSpaceBColon,Extruder::getHeatedBedTemperature()); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceSlash,heatedBedController.targetTemperatureC,0); if(showRaw) { Com::printF(Com::tSpaceRaw,(int)NUM_EXTRUDER); Com::printF(Com::tColon,(1023 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS)) - heatedBedController.currentTemperature); } Com::printF(Com::tSpaceBAtColon,(pwm_pos[heatedBedController.pwmIndex])); // Show output of autotune when tuning! #endif #endif #if TEMP_PID Com::printF(Com::tSpaceAtColon,(autotuneIndex == 255 ? pwm_pos[Extruder::current->id] : pwm_pos[autotuneIndex])); // Show output of autotune when tuning! #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 && MIXING_EXTRUDER == 0 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { Com::printF(Com::tSpaceT,(int)i); Com::printF(Com::tColon,extruder[i].tempControl.currentTemperatureC); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceSlash,extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC,0); #if TEMP_PID Com::printF(Com::tSpaceAt,(int)i); Com::printF(Com::tColon,(pwm_pos[extruder[i].tempControl.pwmIndex])); // Show output of autotune when tuning! #endif if(showRaw) { Com::printF(Com::tSpaceRaw,(int)i); Com::printF(Com::tColon,(1023 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS)) - extruder[i].tempControl.currentTemperature); } } #endif Com::println(); } void Commands::changeFeedrateMultiply(int factor) { if(factor < 25) factor = 25; if(factor > 500) factor = 500; Printer::feedrate *= (float)factor / (float)Printer::feedrateMultiply; Printer::feedrateMultiply = factor; Com::printFLN(Com::tSpeedMultiply, factor); } void Commands::changeFlowrateMultiply(int factor) { if(factor < 25) factor = 25; if(factor > 200) factor = 200; Printer::extrudeMultiply = factor; if(Extruder::current->diameter <= 0) Printer::extrusionFactor = 0.01f * static_cast(factor); else Printer::extrusionFactor = 0.01f * static_cast(factor) * 4.0f / (Extruder::current->diameter * Extruder::current->diameter * 3.141592654f); Com::printFLN(Com::tFlowMultiply, factor); } uint8_t fanKickstart; void Commands::setFanSpeed(int speed,bool wait) { #if FAN_PIN>-1 && FEATURE_FAN_CONTROL speed = constrain(speed,0,255); Printer::setMenuMode(MENU_MODE_FAN_RUNNING,speed != 0); if(wait) Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); // use only if neededthis to change the speed exactly at that point, but it may cause blobs if you do! if(speed != pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER + 2]) { Com::printFLN(Com::tFanspeed,speed); // send only new values to break update loops! #if FAN_KICKSTART_TIME if(fanKickstart == 0 && speed > pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER + 2] && speed < 85) { if(pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER + 2]) fanKickstart = FAN_KICKSTART_TIME/100; else fanKickstart = FAN_KICKSTART_TIME/25; } #endif } pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER + 2] = speed; #endif } void Commands::reportPrinterUsage() { #if EEPROM_MODE != 0 float dist = Printer::filamentPrinted * 0.001 + HAL::eprGetFloat(EPR_PRINTING_DISTANCE); Com::printF(Com::tPrintedFilament, dist, 2); Com::printF(Com::tSpacem); bool alloff = true; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) if(tempController[i]->targetTemperatureC > 15) alloff = false; int32_t seconds = (alloff ? 0 : (HAL::timeInMilliseconds() - Printer::msecondsPrinting) / 1000) + HAL::eprGetInt32(EPR_PRINTING_TIME); int32_t tmp = seconds / 86400; seconds -= tmp * 86400; Com::printF(Com::tPrintingTime,tmp); tmp = seconds / 3600; Com::printF(Com::tSpaceDaysSpace,tmp); seconds -= tmp * 3600; tmp = seconds / 60; Com::printF(Com::tSpaceHoursSpace,tmp); Com::printFLN(Com::tSpaceMin); #endif } #if STEPPER_CURRENT_CONTROL == CURRENT_CONTROL_DIGIPOT // Digipot methods for controling current and microstepping #if defined(DIGIPOTSS_PIN) && DIGIPOTSS_PIN > -1 int digitalPotWrite(int address, uint16_t value) // From Arduino DigitalPotControl example { if(value > 255) value = 255; WRITE(DIGIPOTSS_PIN,LOW); // take the SS pin low to select the chip HAL::spiSend(address); // send in the address and value via SPI: HAL::spiSend(value); WRITE(DIGIPOTSS_PIN,HIGH); // take the SS pin high to de-select the chip: //delay(10); } void setMotorCurrent(uint8_t driver, uint16_t current) { if(driver > 4) return; const uint8_t digipot_ch[] = DIGIPOT_CHANNELS; digitalPotWrite(digipot_ch[driver], current); } void setMotorCurrentPercent( uint8_t channel, float level) { uint16_t raw_level = ( level * 255 / 100 ); setMotorCurrent(channel,raw_level); } #endif void motorCurrentControlInit() //Initialize Digipot Motor Current { #if DIGIPOTSS_PIN && DIGIPOTSS_PIN > -1 HAL::spiInit(0); //SPI.begin(); SET_OUTPUT(DIGIPOTSS_PIN); #ifdef MOTOR_CURRENT_PERCENT const float digipot_motor_current[] = MOTOR_CURRENT_PERCENT; for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) //digitalPotWrite(digipot_ch[i], digipot_motor_current[i]); setMotorCurrentPercent(i,digipot_motor_current[i]); #else const uint8_t digipot_motor_current[] = MOTOR_CURRENT; for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) //digitalPotWrite(digipot_ch[i], digipot_motor_current[i]); setMotorCurrent(i,digipot_motor_current[i]); #endif #endif } #endif #if STEPPER_CURRENT_CONTROL == CURRENT_CONTROL_LTC2600 void setMotorCurrent( uint8_t channel, unsigned short level ) { if(channel >= LTC2600_NUM_CHANNELS) return; const uint8_t ltc_channels[] = LTC2600_CHANNELS; if(channel > LTC2600_NUM_CHANNELS) return; uint8_t address = ltc_channels[channel]; fast8_t i; // NOTE: Do not increase the current endlessly. In case the engine reaches its current saturation, the engine and the driver can heat up and loss power. // When the saturation is reached, more current causes more heating and more power loss. // In case of engines with lower quality, the saturation current may be reached before the nominal current. // configure the pins WRITE( LTC2600_CS_PIN, HIGH ); SET_OUTPUT( LTC2600_CS_PIN ); WRITE( LTC2600_SCK_PIN, LOW ); SET_OUTPUT( LTC2600_SCK_PIN ); WRITE( LTC2600_SDI_PIN, LOW ); SET_OUTPUT( LTC2600_SDI_PIN ); // enable the command interface of the LTC2600 WRITE( LTC2600_CS_PIN, LOW ); // transfer command and address for( i = 7; i >= 0; i-- ) { WRITE( LTC2600_SDI_PIN, address & (0x01 << i)); WRITE( LTC2600_SCK_PIN, 1 ); WRITE( LTC2600_SCK_PIN, 0 ); } // transfer the data word for( i = 15; i >= 0; i-- ) { WRITE( LTC2600_SDI_PIN, level & (0x01 << i)); WRITE( LTC2600_SCK_PIN, 1 ); WRITE( LTC2600_SCK_PIN, 0 ); } // disable the ommand interface of the LTC2600 - // this carries out the specified command WRITE( LTC2600_CS_PIN, HIGH ); } // setLTC2600 void setMotorCurrentPercent( uint8_t channel, float level) { if(level > 100.0f) level = 100.0f; uint16_t raw_level = static_cast( (long)level * 65535L / 100L ); setMotorCurrent(channel,raw_level); } void motorCurrentControlInit() //Initialize LTC2600 Motor Current { uint8_t i; #ifdef MOTOR_CURRENT_PERCENT const float digipot_motor_current[] = MOTOR_CURRENT_PERCENT; for(int i = 0; i < LTC2600_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) //digitalPotWrite(digipot_ch[i], digipot_motor_current[i]); setMotorCurrentPercent(i,digipot_motor_current[i]); #else const unsigned int ltc_current[] = MOTOR_CURRENT; for(i = 0; i < LTC2600_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { setMotorCurrent(i, ltc_current[i] ); } #endif } #endif #if STEPPER_CURRENT_CONTROL == CURRENT_CONTROL_ALLIGATOR void setMotorCurrent(uint8_t channel, unsigned short value) { if(channel >= 7) // max channel (X,Y,Z,E0,E1,E2,E3) return; if(value > 255) value=255; uint8_t externalDac_buf[2] = {0x10, 0x00}; if(channel > 3) externalDac_buf[0] |= ( 7 - channel << 6); else externalDac_buf[0] |= ( 3 - channel << 6); externalDac_buf[0] |= (value >> 4); externalDac_buf[1] |= (value << 4); // All SPI chip-select HIGH WRITE(DAC0_SYNC, HIGH); WRITE(DAC1_SYNC, HIGH); WRITE(SPI_EEPROM1_CS, HIGH); WRITE(SPI_EEPROM2_CS, HIGH); WRITE(SPI_FLASH_CS, HIGH); WRITE(SDSS, HIGH); if(channel > 3) // DAC Piggy E1,E2,E3 { WRITE(DAC1_SYNC,LOW); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC1_SYNC,HIGH); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC1_SYNC,LOW); } else // DAC onboard X,Y,Z,E0 { WRITE(DAC0_SYNC,LOW); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC0_SYNC,HIGH); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC0_SYNC,LOW); } HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); HAL::spiSend(SPI_CHAN_DAC, externalDac_buf, 2); } void setMotorCurrentPercent( uint8_t channel, float level) { uint16_t raw_level = ( level * 255 / 100 ); setMotorCurrent(channel,raw_level); } void motorCurrentControlInit() //Initialize Motor Current { uint8_t externalDac_buf[2] = {0x20, 0x00};//all off // All SPI chip-select HIGH WRITE(DAC0_SYNC, HIGH); WRITE(DAC1_SYNC, HIGH); WRITE(SPI_EEPROM1_CS, HIGH); WRITE(SPI_EEPROM2_CS, HIGH); WRITE(SPI_FLASH_CS, HIGH); WRITE(SDSS, HIGH); // init onboard DAC WRITE(DAC0_SYNC, LOW); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC0_SYNC, HIGH); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC0_SYNC, LOW); HAL::spiSend(SPI_CHAN_DAC,externalDac_buf, 2); WRITE(DAC0_SYNC, HIGH); #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 // init Piggy DAC WRITE(DAC1_SYNC, LOW); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC1_SYNC, HIGH); HAL::delayMicroseconds(2); WRITE(DAC1_SYNC, LOW); HAL::spiSend(SPI_CHAN_DAC,externalDac_buf, 2); WRITE(DAC1_SYNC, HIGH); #endif #ifdef MOTOR_CURRENT_PERCENT const float digipot_motor_current[] = MOTOR_CURRENT_PERCENT; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER+3; i++) setMotorCurrentPercent(i,digipot_motor_current[i]); #else const uint8_t digipot_motor_current[] = MOTOR_CURRENT; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER+3; i++) setMotorCurrent(i,digipot_motor_current[i]); #endif } #endif #if STEPPER_CURRENT_CONTROL == CURRENT_CONTROL_MCP4728 uint8_t _intVref[] = {MCP4728_VREF, MCP4728_VREF, MCP4728_VREF, MCP4728_VREF}; uint8_t _gain[] = {MCP4728_GAIN, MCP4728_GAIN, MCP4728_GAIN, MCP4728_GAIN}; uint8_t _powerDown[] = {0,0,0,0}; int16_t dac_motor_current[] = {0,0,0,0}; uint8_t _intVrefEp[] = {MCP4728_VREF, MCP4728_VREF, MCP4728_VREF, MCP4728_VREF}; uint8_t _gainEp[] = {MCP4728_GAIN, MCP4728_GAIN, MCP4728_GAIN, MCP4728_GAIN}; uint8_t _powerDownEp[] = {0,0,0,0}; int16_t _valuesEp[] = {0,0,0,0}; uint8_t dac_stepper_channel[] = MCP4728_STEPPER_ORDER; int dacSimpleCommand(uint8_t simple_command) { HAL::i2cStartWait(MCP4728_GENERALCALL_ADDRESS + I2C_WRITE); HAL::i2cWrite(simple_command); HAL::i2cStop(); } void dacReadStatus() { HAL::delayMilliseconds(500); HAL::i2cStartWait(MCP4728_I2C_ADDRESS | I2C_READ); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // 2 sets of 4 Channels (1 EEPROM, 1 Runtime) { uint8_t deviceID = HAL::i2cReadAck(); uint8_t hiByte = HAL::i2cReadAck(); uint8_t loByte = ((i < 7) ? HAL::i2cReadAck() : HAL::i2cReadNak()); uint8_t isEEPROM = (deviceID & 0B00001000) >> 3; uint8_t channel = (deviceID & 0B00110000) >> 4; if (isEEPROM == 1) { _intVrefEp[channel] = (hiByte & 0B10000000) >> 7; _gainEp[channel] = (hiByte & 0B00010000) >> 4; _powerDownEp[channel] = (hiByte & 0B01100000) >> 5; _valuesEp[channel] = word((hiByte & 0B00001111), loByte); } else { _intVref[channel] = (hiByte & 0B10000000) >> 7; _gain[channel] = (hiByte & 0B00010000) >> 4; _powerDown[channel] = (hiByte & 0B01100000) >> 5; dac_motor_current[channel] = word((hiByte & 0B00001111), loByte); } } HAL::i2cStop(); } void dacAnalogUpdate(bool saveEEPROM = false) { uint8_t dac_write_cmd = MCP4728_CMD_SEQ_WRITE; HAL::i2cStartWait(MCP4728_I2C_ADDRESS + I2C_WRITE); if (saveEEPROM) HAL::i2cWrite(dac_write_cmd); for (int i = 0; i < MCP4728_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { uint16_t level = dac_motor_current[i]; uint8_t highbyte = ( _intVref[i] << 7 | _gain[i] << 4 | (uint8_t)((level) >> 8) ); uint8_t lowbyte = ( (uint8_t) ((level) & 0xff) ); dac_write_cmd = MCP4728_CMD_MULTI_WRITE | (i << 1); if (!saveEEPROM) HAL::i2cWrite(dac_write_cmd); HAL::i2cWrite(highbyte); HAL::i2cWrite(lowbyte); } HAL::i2cStop(); // Instruct the MCP4728 to reflect our updated value(s) on its DAC Outputs dacSimpleCommand((uint8_t)MCP4728_CMD_GC_UPDATE); // MCP4728 General Command Software Update (Update all DAC Outputs to reflect settings) // if (saveEEPROM) dacReadStatus(); // Not necessary, just a read-back sanity check. } void dacCommitEeprom() { dacAnalogUpdate(true); dacReadStatus(); // Refresh EEPROM Values with values actually stored in EEPROM. . } void dacPrintSet(int dacChannelSettings[], const char* dacChannelPrefixes[]) { for (int i = 0; i < MCP4728_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { uint8_t dac_channel = dac_stepper_channel[i]; // DAC Channel is a mapped lookup. Com::printF(dacChannelPrefixes[i], ((float)dacChannelSettings[dac_channel] * 100 / MCP4728_VOUT_MAX)); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceRaw); Com::printFLN(Com::tColon,dacChannelSettings[dac_channel]); } } void dacPrintValues() { const char* dacChannelPrefixes[] = {Com::tSpaceXColon, Com::tSpaceYColon, Com::tSpaceZColon, Com::tSpaceEColon}; Com::printFLN(Com::tMCPEpromSettings); dacPrintSet(_valuesEp, dacChannelPrefixes); // Once for the EEPROM set Com::printFLN(Com::tMCPCurrentSettings); dacPrintSet(dac_motor_current, dacChannelPrefixes); // And another for the RUNTIME set } void setMotorCurrent( uint8_t xyz_channel, uint16_t level ) { if (xyz_channel >= MCP4728_NUM_CHANNELS) return; uint8_t stepper_channel = dac_stepper_channel[xyz_channel]; dac_motor_current[stepper_channel] = level < MCP4728_VOUT_MAX ? level : MCP4728_VOUT_MAX; dacAnalogUpdate(); } void setMotorCurrentPercent( uint8_t channel, float level) { uint16_t raw_level = ( level * MCP4728_VOUT_MAX / 100 ); setMotorCurrent(channel,raw_level); } void motorCurrentControlInit() //Initialize MCP4728 Motor Current { HAL::i2cInit(400000); // Initialize the i2c bus. dacSimpleCommand((uint8_t)MCP4728_CMD_GC_RESET); // MCP4728 General Command Reset dacReadStatus(); // Load Values from EEPROM. for(int i = 0; i < MCP4728_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { setMotorCurrent(dac_stepper_channel[i], _valuesEp[i] ); // This is not strictly necessary, but serves as a good sanity check to ensure we're all on the same page. } } #endif #if defined(X_MS1_PIN) && X_MS1_PIN > -1 void microstepMS(uint8_t driver, int8_t ms1, int8_t ms2) { if(ms1 > -1) switch(driver) { case 0: #if X_MS1_PIN > -1 WRITE( X_MS1_PIN,ms1); #endif break; case 1: #if Y_MS1_PIN > -1 WRITE( Y_MS1_PIN,ms1); #endif break; case 2: #if Z_MS1_PIN > -1 WRITE( Z_MS1_PIN,ms1); #endif break; case 3: #if E0_MS1_PIN > -1 WRITE(E0_MS1_PIN,ms1); #endif break; case 4: #if E1_MS1_PIN > -1 WRITE(E1_MS1_PIN,ms1); #endif break; } if(ms2 > -1) switch(driver) { case 0: #if X_MS2_PIN > -1 WRITE( X_MS2_PIN,ms2); #endif break; case 1: #if Y_MS2_PIN > -1 WRITE( Y_MS2_PIN,ms2); #endif break; case 2: #if Z_MS2_PIN > -1 WRITE( Z_MS2_PIN,ms2); #endif break; case 3: #if E0_MS2_PIN > -1 WRITE(E0_MS2_PIN,ms2); #endif break; case 4: #if E1_MS2_PIN > -1 WRITE(E1_MS2_PIN,ms2); #endif break; } } void microstepMode(uint8_t driver, uint8_t stepping_mode) { switch(stepping_mode) { case 1: microstepMS(driver,MICROSTEP1); break; case 2: microstepMS(driver,MICROSTEP2); break; case 4: microstepMS(driver,MICROSTEP4); break; case 8: microstepMS(driver,MICROSTEP8); break; case 16: microstepMS(driver,MICROSTEP16); break; case 32: microstepMS(driver,MICROSTEP32); break; } } void microstepReadings() { Com::printFLN(Com::tMS1MS2Pins); #if X_MS1_PIN > -1 && X_MS2_PIN > -1 Com::printF(Com::tXColon,READ(X_MS1_PIN)); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,READ(X_MS2_PIN)); #elif X_MS1_PIN > -1 Com::printFLN(Com::tXColon,READ(X_MS1_PIN)); #endif #if Y_MS1_PIN > -1 && Y_MS2_PIN > -1 Com::printF(Com::tYColon,READ(Y_MS1_PIN)); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,READ(Y_MS2_PIN)); #elif Y_MS1_PIN > -1 Com::printFLN(Com::tYColon,READ(Y_MS1_PIN)); #endif #if Z_MS1_PIN > -1 && Z_MS2_PIN > -1 Com::printF(Com::tZColon,READ(Z_MS1_PIN)); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,READ(Z_MS2_PIN)); #elif Z_MS1_PIN > -1 Com::printFLN(Com::tZColon,READ(Z_MS1_PIN)); #endif #if E0_MS1_PIN > -1 && E0_MS2_PIN > -1 Com::printF(Com::tE0Colon,READ(E0_MS1_PIN)); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,READ(E0_MS2_PIN)); #elif E0_MS1_PIN > -1 Com::printFLN(Com::tE0Colon,READ(E0_MS1_PIN)); #endif #if E1_MS1_PIN > -1 && E1_MS2_PIN > -1 Com::printF(Com::tE1Colon,READ(E1_MS1_PIN)); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,READ(E1_MS2_PIN)); #elif E1_MS1_PIN > -1 Com::printFLN(Com::tE1Colon,READ(E1_MS1_PIN)); #endif } #endif void microstepInit() { #if defined(X_MS1_PIN) && X_MS1_PIN > -1 const uint8_t microstep_modes[] = MICROSTEP_MODES; #if X_MS1_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(X_MS1_PIN); #endif #if Y_MS1_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(Y_MS1_PIN); #endif #if Z_MS1_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(Z_MS1_PIN); #endif #if E0_MS1_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(E0_MS1_PIN); #endif #if E1_MS1_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(E1_MS1_PIN); #endif #if X_MS2_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(X_MS2_PIN); #endif #if Y_MS2_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(Y_MS2_PIN); #endif #if Z_MS2_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(Z_MS2_PIN); #endif #if E0_MS2_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(E0_MS2_PIN); #endif #if E1_MS2_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(E1_MS2_PIN); #endif for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) microstepMode(i, microstep_modes[i]); #endif } /** \brief Execute the Arc command stored in com. */ #if ARC_SUPPORT void Commands::processArc(GCode *com) { float position[Z_AXIS_ARRAY]; Printer::realPosition(position[X_AXIS],position[Y_AXIS],position[Z_AXIS]); if(!Printer::setDestinationStepsFromGCode(com)) return; // For X Y Z E F float offset[2] = {Printer::convertToMM(com->hasI() ? com->I : 0),Printer::convertToMM(com->hasJ() ? com->J : 0)}; float target[E_AXIS_ARRAY] = {Printer::realXPosition(),Printer::realYPosition(),Printer::realZPosition(),Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS]*Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]}; float r; if (com->hasR()) { /* We need to calculate the center of the circle that has the designated radius and passes through both the current position and the target position. This method calculates the following set of equations where [x,y] is the vector from current to target position, d == magnitude of that vector, h == hypotenuse of the triangle formed by the radius of the circle, the distance to the center of the travel vector. A vector perpendicular to the travel vector [-y,x] is scaled to the length of h [-y/d*h, x/d*h] and added to the center of the travel vector [x/2,y/2] to form the new point [i,j] at [x/2-y/d*h, y/2+x/d*h] which will be the center of our arc. d^2 == x^2 + y^2 h^2 == r^2 - (d/2)^2 i == x/2 - y/d*h j == y/2 + x/d*h O <- [i,j] - | r - | - | - | h - | [0,0] -> C -----------------+--------------- T <- [x,y] | <------ d/2 ---->| C - Current position T - Target position O - center of circle that pass through both C and T d - distance from C to T r - designated radius h - distance from center of CT to O Expanding the equations: d -> sqrt(x^2 + y^2) h -> sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)/2 i -> (x - (y * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)) / sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) / 2 j -> (y + (x * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)) / sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) / 2 Which can be written: i -> (x - (y * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2))/sqrt(x^2 + y^2))/2 j -> (y + (x * sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2))/sqrt(x^2 + y^2))/2 Which we for size and speed reasons optimize to: h_x2_div_d = sqrt(4 * r^2 - x^2 - y^2)/sqrt(x^2 + y^2) i = (x - (y * h_x2_div_d))/2 j = (y + (x * h_x2_div_d))/2 */ r = Printer::convertToMM(com->R); // Calculate the change in position along each selected axis double x = target[X_AXIS]-position[X_AXIS]; double y = target[Y_AXIS]-position[Y_AXIS]; double h_x2_div_d = -sqrt(4 * r*r - x*x - y*y)/hypot(x,y); // == -(h * 2 / d) // If r is smaller than d, the arc is now traversing the complex plane beyond the reach of any // real CNC, and thus - for practical reasons - we will terminate promptly: if(isnan(h_x2_div_d)) { Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tInvalidArc); return; } // Invert the sign of h_x2_div_d if the circle is counter clockwise (see sketch below) if (com->G==3) { h_x2_div_d = -h_x2_div_d; } /* The counter clockwise circle lies to the left of the target direction. When offset is positive, the left hand circle will be generated - when it is negative the right hand circle is generated. T <-- Target position ^ Clockwise circles with this center | Clockwise circles with this center will have will have > 180 deg of angular travel | < 180 deg of angular travel, which is a good thing! \ | / center of arc when h_x2_div_d is positive -> x <----- | -----> x <- center of arc when h_x2_div_d is negative | | C <-- Current position */ // Negative R is g-code-alese for "I want a circle with more than 180 degrees of travel" (go figure!), // even though it is advised against ever generating such circles in a single line of g-code. By // inverting the sign of h_x2_div_d the center of the circles is placed on the opposite side of the line of // travel and thus we get the unadvisably long arcs as prescribed. if (r < 0) { h_x2_div_d = -h_x2_div_d; r = -r; // Finished with r. Set to positive for mc_arc } // Complete the operation by calculating the actual center of the arc offset[0] = 0.5*(x-(y*h_x2_div_d)); offset[1] = 0.5*(y+(x*h_x2_div_d)); } else // Offset mode specific computations { r = hypot(offset[0], offset[1]); // Compute arc radius for arc } // Set clockwise/counter-clockwise sign for arc computations uint8_t isclockwise = com->G == 2; // Trace the arc PrintLine::arc(position, target, offset, r, isclockwise); } #endif /** \brief Execute the G command stored in com. */ void Commands::processGCode(GCode *com) { uint32_t codenum; //throw away variable switch(com->G) { case 0: // G0 -> G1 case 1: // G1 if(com->hasS()) Printer::setNoDestinationCheck(com->S != 0); if(Printer::setDestinationStepsFromGCode(com)) // For X Y Z E F #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM if (!PrintLine::queueDeltaMove(ALWAYS_CHECK_ENDSTOPS, true, true)) { Com::printWarningFLN(PSTR("executeGCode / queueDeltaMove returns error")); } #else PrintLine::queueCartesianMove(ALWAYS_CHECK_ENDSTOPS, true); #endif #if UI_HAS_KEYS // ui can only execute motion commands if we are not waiting inside a move for an // old move to finish. For normal response times, we always leave one free after // sending a line. Drawback: 1 buffer line less for limited time. Since input cache // gets filled while waiting, the lost is neglectible. PrintLine::waitForXFreeLines(1, true); #endif // UI_HAS_KEYS #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE_MOVE { InterruptProtectedBlock noInts; int lc = (int)PrintLine::linesCount; int lp = (int)PrintLine::linesPos; int wp = (int)PrintLine::linesWritePos; int n = (wp-lp); if(n < 0) n += PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE; noInts.unprotect(); if(n != lc) Com::printFLN(PSTR("Buffer corrupted")); } #endif break; #if ARC_SUPPORT case 2: // CW Arc case 3: // CCW Arc MOTION_MODE_CW_ARC: case MOTION_MODE_CCW_ARC: processArc(com); break; #endif case 4: // G4 dwell Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); codenum = 0; if(com->hasP()) codenum = com->P; // milliseconds to wait if(com->hasS()) codenum = com->S * 1000; // seconds to wait codenum += HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); // keep track of when we started waiting while((uint32_t)(codenum-HAL::timeInMilliseconds()) < 2000000000 ) { GCode::readFromSerial(); Commands::checkForPeriodicalActions(true); } break; #if FEATURE_RETRACTION && NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 case 10: // G10 S<1 = long retract, 0 = short retract = default> retracts filament accoridng to stored setting #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 Extruder::current->retract(true, com->hasS() && com->S > 0); #else Extruder::current->retract(true, false); #endif break; case 11: // G11 S<1 = long retract, 0 = short retract = default> = Undo retraction according to stored setting #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 Extruder::current->retract(false, com->hasS() && com->S > 0); #else Extruder::current->retract(false, false); #endif break; #endif // FEATURE_RETRACTION case 20: // G20 Units to inches Printer::unitIsInches = 1; break; case 21: // G21 Units to mm Printer::unitIsInches = 0; break; case 28: //G28 Home all Axis one at a time { uint8_t homeAllAxis = (com->hasNoXYZ() && !com->hasE()); if(com->hasE()) Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] = 0; if(homeAllAxis || !com->hasNoXYZ()) Printer::homeAxis(homeAllAxis || com->hasX(),homeAllAxis || com->hasY(),homeAllAxis || com->hasZ()); Printer::updateCurrentPosition(); } break; #if FEATURE_Z_PROBE case 29: // G29 3 points, build average or distortion compensation { #if DISTORTION_CORRECTION float oldFeedrate = Printer::feedrate; Printer::measureDistortion(); Printer::feedrate = oldFeedrate; #else GCode::executeFString(Com::tZProbeStartScript); bool oldAutolevel = Printer::isAutolevelActive(); Printer::setAutolevelActive(false); float sum = 0, last,oldFeedrate = Printer::feedrate; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX1(), EEPROM::zProbeY1(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); sum = Printer::runZProbe(true,false,Z_PROBE_REPETITIONS,false); if(sum < -1) break; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX2(), EEPROM::zProbeY2(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); last = Printer::runZProbe(false,false); if(last < -2) break; sum+= last; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX3(), EEPROM::zProbeY3(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); last = Printer::runZProbe(false,true); if(last < -3) break; sum += last; sum *= 0.33333333333333; Com::printFLN(Com::tZProbeAverage, sum); if(com->hasS() && com->S) { #if MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA Printer::updateCurrentPosition(); Printer::zLength += sum - Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS]; Printer::updateDerivedParameter(); Printer::homeAxis(true,true,true); #else Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = sum * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; Printer::zLength = Printer::runZMaxProbe() + sum-ENDSTOP_Z_BACK_ON_HOME; #endif Com::printInfoFLN(Com::tZProbeZReset); Com::printFLN(Com::tZProbePrinterHeight,Printer::zLength); #else Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = sum * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; Com::printFLN(PSTR("Adjusted z origin")); #endif } Printer::feedrate = oldFeedrate; Printer::setAutolevelActive(oldAutolevel); if(com->hasS() && com->S == 2) EEPROM::storeDataIntoEEPROM(); Printer::updateCurrentPosition(true); printCurrentPosition(PSTR("G29 ")); GCode::executeFString(Com::tZProbeEndScript); Printer::feedrate = oldFeedrate; #endif // DISTORTION_CORRECTION } break; case 30: // G30 single probe set Z0 { uint8_t p = (com->hasP() ? (uint8_t)com->P : 3); //bool oldAutolevel = Printer::isAutolevelActive(); //Printer::setAutolevelActive(false); Printer::runZProbe(p & 1,p & 2); //Printer::setAutolevelActive(oldAutolevel); Printer::updateCurrentPosition(p & 1); //printCurrentPosition(PSTR("G30 ")); } break; case 31: // G31 display hall sensor output Endstops::update(); Endstops::update(); Com::printF(Com::tZProbeState); Com::printF(Endstops::zProbe() ? Com::tHSpace : Com::tLSpace); Com::println(); break; #if FEATURE_AUTOLEVEL case 32: // G32 Auto-Bed leveling { #if DISTORTION_CORRECTION Printer::distortion.disable(true); // if level has changed, distortion is also invalid #endif Printer::setAutolevelActive(false); // iterate #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA // It is not possible to go to the edges at the top, also users try // it often and wonder why the coordinate system is then wrong. // For that reason we ensure a correct behaviour by code. Printer::homeAxis(true, true, true); Printer::moveTo(IGNORE_COORDINATE, IGNORE_COORDINATE, EEPROM::zProbeBedDistance() + EEPROM::zProbeHeight(), IGNORE_COORDINATE, Printer::homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); #endif GCode::executeFString(Com::tZProbeStartScript); //bool iterate = com->hasP() && com->P>0; Printer::coordinateOffset[X_AXIS] = Printer::coordinateOffset[Y_AXIS] = Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS] = 0; float h1,h2,h3,hc,oldFeedrate = Printer::feedrate; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX1(),EEPROM::zProbeY1(),IGNORE_COORDINATE,IGNORE_COORDINATE,EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h1 = Printer::runZProbe(true,false,Z_PROBE_REPETITIONS,false); if(h1 < -1) break; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX2(),EEPROM::zProbeY2(),IGNORE_COORDINATE,IGNORE_COORDINATE,EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h2 = Printer::runZProbe(false,false); if(h2 < -1) break; Printer::moveTo(EEPROM::zProbeX3(),EEPROM::zProbeY3(),IGNORE_COORDINATE,IGNORE_COORDINATE,EEPROM::zProbeXYSpeed()); h3 = Printer::runZProbe(false,true); if(h3 < -1) break; // Zprobe with force feedback may bed bed differently for different points. // these settings allow correction of the bending distance so leveling is correct afterwards. // Values are normally negative with bending amount on trigger. #ifdef ZPROBE_1_BENDING_CORRECTION h1 += ZPROBE_1_BENDING_CORRECTION; #endif #ifdef ZPROBE_2_BENDING_CORRECTION h2 += ZPROBE_2_BENDING_CORRECTION; #endif #ifdef ZPROBE_3_BENDING_CORRECTION h3 += ZPROBE_3_BENDING_CORRECTION; #endif #if defined(MOTORIZED_BED_LEVELING) && defined(NUM_MOTOR_DRIVERS) && NUM_MOTOR_DRIVERS >= 2 // h1 is reference heights, h2 => motor 0, h3 => motor 1 h2 -= h1; h3 -= h1; MotorDriverInterface *motor2 = getMotorDriver(0); MotorDriverInterface *motor3 = getMotorDriver(1); motor2->setCurrentAs(0); motor3->setCurrentAs(0); motor2->gotoPosition(h2); motor3->gotoPosition(h3); motor2->disable(); motor3->disable(); // now bed is even Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = h1 * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; #else // defined(MOTORIZED_BED_LEVELING) Printer::buildTransformationMatrix(h1,h2,h3); //-(Rxx*Ryz*y-Rxz*Ryx*y+(Rxz*Ryy-Rxy*Ryz)*x)/(Rxy*Ryx-Rxx*Ryy) // z = z-deviation from origin due to bed transformation float z = -((Printer::autolevelTransformation[0] * Printer::autolevelTransformation[5] - Printer::autolevelTransformation[2] * Printer::autolevelTransformation[3]) * (float)Printer::currentPositionSteps[Y_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS] + (Printer::autolevelTransformation[2] * Printer::autolevelTransformation[4] - Printer::autolevelTransformation[1] * Printer::autolevelTransformation[5]) * (float)Printer::currentPositionSteps[X_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS]) / (Printer::autolevelTransformation[1] * Printer::autolevelTransformation[3] - Printer::autolevelTransformation[0] * Printer::autolevelTransformation[4]); Printer::zMin = 0; if(com->hasS() && com->S < 3 && com->S > 0) { #if MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA /* Printer::offsetX = 0; Printer::offsetY = 0; Printer::moveToReal(0,0,cz,IGNORE_COORDINATE,Printer::homingFeedrate[X_AXIS]); PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(Printer::offsetX-Printer::currentPositionSteps[X_AXIS],Printer::offsetY-Printer::currentPositionSteps[Y_AXIS],0,0,Printer::homingFeedrate[X_AXIS],true,ALWAYS_CHECK_ENDSTOPS); Printer::offsetX = 0; Printer::offsetY = 0;*/ Printer::zLength += (h3 + z) - Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS]; #else int32_t zBottom = Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = (h3 + z) * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; Printer::zLength = Printer::runZMaxProbe() + zBottom * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS] - ENDSTOP_Z_BACK_ON_HOME; #endif Com::printFLN(Com::tZProbePrinterHeight,Printer::zLength); #else // max hardware endstop #if DRIVE_SYSTEM != DELTA Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = (h3 + z) * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; #endif #endif Printer::setAutolevelActive(true); if(com->S == 2) EEPROM::storeDataIntoEEPROM(); } else { #if DRIVE_SYSTEM != DELTA Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = (h3 + z) * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; #endif if(com->hasS() && com->S == 3) EEPROM::storeDataIntoEEPROM(); } Printer::setAutolevelActive(true); #endif // defined(MOTORIZED_BED_LEVELING) Printer::updateDerivedParameter(); Printer::updateCurrentPosition(true); printCurrentPosition(PSTR("G32 ")); #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA Printer::homeAxis(true, true, true); #endif Printer::feedrate = oldFeedrate; } break; #endif #endif case 90: // G90 Printer::relativeCoordinateMode = false; if(com->internalCommand) Com::printInfoFLN(PSTR("Absolute positioning")); break; case 91: // G91 Printer::relativeCoordinateMode = true; if(com->internalCommand) Com::printInfoFLN(PSTR("Relative positioning")); break; case 92: // G92 { float xOff = Printer::coordinateOffset[X_AXIS]; float yOff = Printer::coordinateOffset[Y_AXIS]; float zOff = Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS]; if(com->hasX()) xOff = Printer::convertToMM(com->X) - Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS]; if(com->hasY()) yOff = Printer::convertToMM(com->Y) - Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS]; if(com->hasZ()) zOff = Printer::convertToMM(com->Z) - Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS]; Printer::setOrigin(xOff, yOff, zOff); if(com->hasE()) { Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] = Printer::convertToMM(com->E) * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; } } break; #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA case 100: // G100 Calibrate floor or rod radius { // Using manual control, adjust hot end to contact floor. // G100 No action. Avoid accidental floor reset. // G100 [X] [Y] [Z] set floor for argument passed in. Number ignored and may be absent. // G100 R with X Y or Z flag error, sets only floor or radius, not both. // G100 R[n] Add n to radius. Adjust to be above floor if necessary // G100 R[0] set radius based on current z measurement. Moves to (0,0,0) float currentZmm = Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS]; if (currentZmm/Printer::zLength > 0.1) { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("Calibration code is limited to bottom 10% of Z height")); break; } if (com->hasR()) { if (com->hasX() || com->hasY() || com->hasZ()) Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("Cannot set radius and floor at same time.")); else if (com->R != 0) { //add r to radius if (abs(com->R) <= 10) EEPROM::incrementRodRadius(com->R); else Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("Calibration movement is limited to 10mm.")); } else { // auto set radius. Head must be at 0,0 and touching // Z offset will be corrected for. if (Printer::currentPosition[X_AXIS] == 0 && Printer::currentPosition[Y_AXIS] == 0) { if(Printer::isLargeMachine()) { // calculate radius assuming we are at surface // If Z is greater than 0 it will get calculated out for correct radius // Use either A or B tower as they acnhor x cartesian axis and always have // Radius distance to center in simplest set up. float h = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredB.f; unsigned long bSteps = Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[B_TOWER]; // The correct Rod Radius would put us here at z==0 and B height is // square root (rod length squared minus rod radius squared) // Reverse that to get calculated Rod Radius given B height h -= RMath::sqr((float)bSteps); h = sqrt(h); EEPROM::setRodRadius(h*Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]); } else { // calculate radius assuming we are at surface // If Z is greater than 0 it will get calculated out for correct radius // Use either A or B tower as they acnhor x cartesian axis and always have // Radius distance to center in simplest set up. unsigned long h = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredB.l; unsigned long bSteps = Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[B_TOWER]; // The correct Rod Radius would put us here at z==0 and B height is // square root (rod length squared minus rod radius squared) // Reverse that to get calculated Rod Radius given B height h -= RMath::sqr(bSteps); h = SQRT(h); EEPROM::setRodRadius(h*Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]); } } else Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("First move to touch at x,y=0,0 to auto-set radius.")); } } else { bool tooBig = false; if (com->hasX()) { if (abs(com->X) <= 10) EEPROM::setTowerXFloor(com->X + currentZmm + Printer::xMin); else tooBig = true; } if (com->hasY()) { if (abs(com->Y) <= 10) EEPROM::setTowerYFloor(com->Y + currentZmm + Printer::yMin); else tooBig = true; } if (com->hasZ()) { if (abs(com->Z) <= 10) EEPROM::setTowerZFloor(com->Z + currentZmm + Printer::zMin); else tooBig = true; } if (tooBig) Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("Calibration movement is limited to 10mm.")); } // after adjusting zero, physical position is out of sync with memory position // this could cause jerky movement or push head into print surface. // moving gets back into safe zero'ed position with respect to newle set floor or Radius. Printer::moveTo(IGNORE_COORDINATE,IGNORE_COORDINATE,12.0,IGNORE_COORDINATE,IGNORE_COORDINATE); break; } case 131: // G131 Remove offset { float cx,cy,cz; Printer::realPosition(cx,cy,cz); float oldfeedrate = Printer::feedrate; Printer::offsetX = 0; Printer::offsetY = 0; Printer::moveToReal(cx,cy,cz,IGNORE_COORDINATE,Printer::homingFeedrate[X_AXIS]); Printer::feedrate = oldfeedrate; Printer::updateCurrentPosition(); } break; case 132: // G132 Calibrate endstop offsets { // This has the probably unintended side effect of turning off leveling. Printer::setAutolevelActive(false); // don't let transformations change result! Printer::coordinateOffset[X_AXIS] = 0; Printer::coordinateOffset[Y_AXIS] = 0; Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS] = 0; // I think this is coded incorrectly, as it depends on the biginning position of the // of the hot end, and so should first move to x,y,z= 0,0,0, but as that may not // be possible if the printer is not in the homes/zeroed state, the printer // cannot safely move to 0 z coordinate without crashong into the print surface. // so other than commenting, I'm not meddling. // but you will always get different counts from different positions. Printer::deltaMoveToTopEndstops(Printer::homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); int32_t m = RMath::max(Printer::stepsRemainingAtXHit,RMath::max(Printer::stepsRemainingAtYHit,Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit)); int32_t offx = m - Printer::stepsRemainingAtXHit; int32_t offy = m - Printer::stepsRemainingAtYHit; int32_t offz = m - Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit; Com::printFLN(Com::tTower1, offx); Com::printFLN(Com::tTower2, offy); Com::printFLN(Com::tTower3, offz); #if EEPROM_MODE != 0 if(com->hasS() && com->S > 0) { EEPROM::setDeltaTowerXOffsetSteps(offx); EEPROM::setDeltaTowerYOffsetSteps(offy); EEPROM::setDeltaTowerZOffsetSteps(offz); } #endif Printer::homeAxis(true,true,true); } break; case 133: // G133 Measure steps to top { bool oldAuto = Printer::isAutolevelActive(); Printer::setAutolevelActive(false); // don't let transformations change result! Printer::currentPositionSteps[X_AXIS] = 0; Printer::currentPositionSteps[Y_AXIS] = 0; Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = 0; Printer::coordinateOffset[X_AXIS] = 0; Printer::coordinateOffset[Y_AXIS] = 0; Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS] = 0; Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[A_TOWER] = 0; Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[B_TOWER] = 0; Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[C_TOWER] = 0; // similar to comment above, this will get a different answer from any different starting point // so it is unclear how this is helpful. It must start at a well defined point. Printer::deltaMoveToTopEndstops(Printer::homingFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); int32_t offx = HOME_DISTANCE_STEPS-Printer::stepsRemainingAtXHit; int32_t offy = HOME_DISTANCE_STEPS-Printer::stepsRemainingAtYHit; int32_t offz = HOME_DISTANCE_STEPS-Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit; Com::printFLN(Com::tTower1,offx); Com::printFLN(Com::tTower2,offy); Com::printFLN(Com::tTower3,offz); Printer::setAutolevelActive(oldAuto); Printer::homeAxis(true,true,true); } break; case 134: // G134 Com::printF(PSTR("CompDelta:"),Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[A_TOWER]); Com::printF(Com::tComma,Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[B_TOWER]); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[C_TOWER]); #ifdef DEBUG_REAL_POSITION Com::printF(PSTR("RealDelta:"),Printer::realDeltaPositionSteps[A_TOWER]); Com::printF(Com::tComma,Printer::realDeltaPositionSteps[B_TOWER]); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,Printer::realDeltaPositionSteps[C_TOWER]); #endif Printer::updateCurrentPosition(); Com::printF(PSTR("PosFromSteps:")); printCurrentPosition(PSTR("G134 ")); break; #endif // DRIVE_SYSTEM #if defined(NUM_MOTOR_DRIVERS) && NUM_MOTOR_DRIVERS > 0 case 201: commandG201(*com); break; case 202: commandG202(*com); break; case 203: commandG203(*com); break; case 204: commandG204(*com); break; #endif // defined default: if(!EVENT_UNHANDLED_G_CODE(com) && Printer::debugErrors()) { Com::printF(Com::tUnknownCommand); com->printCommand(); } } previousMillisCmd = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); } /** \brief Execute the G command stored in com. */ void Commands::processMCode(GCode *com) { uint32_t codenum; //throw away variable switch( com->M ) { #if SDSUPPORT case 20: // M20 - list SD card sd.ls(); break; case 21: // M21 - init SD card sd.mount(); break; case 22: //M22 - release SD card sd.unmount(); break; case 23: //M23 - Select file if(com->hasString()) { sd.fat.chdir(); sd.selectFile(com->text); } break; case 24: //M24 - Start SD print sd.startPrint(); break; case 25: //M25 - Pause SD print sd.pausePrint(); break; case 26: //M26 - Set SD index if(com->hasS()) sd.setIndex(com->S); break; case 27: //M27 - Get SD status sd.printStatus(); break; case 28: //M28 - Start SD write if(com->hasString()) sd.startWrite(com->text); break; case 29: //M29 - Stop SD write //processed in write to file routine above //savetosd = false; break; case 30: // M30 filename - Delete file if(com->hasString()) { sd.fat.chdir(); sd.deleteFile(com->text); } break; case 32: // M32 directoryname if(com->hasString()) { sd.fat.chdir(); sd.makeDirectory(com->text); } break; #endif case 42: //M42 -Change pin status via gcode if (com->hasP()) { int pin_number = com->P; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < (uint8_t)sizeof(sensitive_pins); i++) { if (pgm_read_byte(&sensitive_pins[i]) == pin_number) { pin_number = -1; break; } } if (pin_number > -1) { if(com->hasS()) { if(com->S >= 0 && com->S <= 255) { pinMode(pin_number, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pin_number, com->S); analogWrite(pin_number, com->S); Com::printF(Com::tSetOutputSpace, pin_number); Com::printFLN(Com::tSpaceToSpace,(int)com->S); } else Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("Illegal S value for M42")); } else { pinMode(pin_number, INPUT_PULLUP); Com::printF(Com::tSpaceToSpace, pin_number); Com::printFLN(Com::tSpaceIsSpace, digitalRead(pin_number)); } } else { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR("Pin can not be set by M42, is in sensitive pins! ")); } } break; case 80: // M80 - ATX Power On #if PS_ON_PIN>-1 Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); previousMillisCmd = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); SET_OUTPUT(PS_ON_PIN); //GND Printer::setPowerOn(true); WRITE(PS_ON_PIN, (POWER_INVERTING ? HIGH : LOW)); #endif break; case 81: // M81 - ATX Power Off #if PS_ON_PIN>-1 Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); SET_OUTPUT(PS_ON_PIN); //GND Printer::setPowerOn(false); WRITE(PS_ON_PIN,(POWER_INVERTING ? LOW : HIGH)); #endif break; case 82: // M82 Printer::relativeExtruderCoordinateMode = false; break; case 83: // M83 Printer::relativeExtruderCoordinateMode = true; break; case 84: // M84 if(com->hasS()) { stepperInactiveTime = com->S * 1000; } else { Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); Printer::kill(true); } break; case 85: // M85 if(com->hasS()) maxInactiveTime = (int32_t)com->S * 1000; else maxInactiveTime = 0; break; case 92: // M92 if(com->hasX()) Printer::axisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS] = com->X; if(com->hasY()) Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS] = com->Y; if(com->hasZ()) Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS] = com->Z; Printer::updateDerivedParameter(); if(com->hasE()) { Extruder::current->stepsPerMM = com->E; Extruder::selectExtruderById(Extruder::current->id); } break; case 99: // M99 S