/* This file is part of Repetier-Firmware. Repetier-Firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Repetier-Firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Repetier-Firmware. If not, see . This firmware is a nearly complete rewrite of the sprinter firmware by kliment (https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter) which based on Tonokip RepRap firmware rewrite based off of Hydra-mmm firmware. */ #include "Repetier.h" uint8_t manageMonitor = 0; ///< Temp. we want to monitor with our host. 1+NUM_EXTRUDER is heated bed unsigned int counterPeriodical = 0; volatile uint8_t executePeriodical = 0; uint8_t counter250ms = 25; #if FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING uint8_t Extruder::dittoMode = 0; #endif #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 int Extruder::mixingS; uint8_t Extruder::mixingDir = 10; uint8_t Extruder::activeMixingExtruder = 0; #endif // MIXING_EXTRUDER #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX6675 extern int16_t read_max6675(uint8_t ss_pin); #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX31855 extern int16_t read_max31855(uint8_t ss_pin); #endif #if ANALOG_INPUTS > 0 const uint8 osAnalogInputChannels[] PROGMEM = ANALOG_INPUT_CHANNELS; volatile uint osAnalogInputValues[ANALOG_INPUTS]; #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_1 short temptable_generic1[GENERIC_THERM_NUM_ENTRIES][2]; #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_2 short temptable_generic2[GENERIC_THERM_NUM_ENTRIES][2]; #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_3 short temptable_generic3[GENERIC_THERM_NUM_ENTRIES][2]; #endif /** Makes updates to temperatures and heater state every call. Is called every 100ms. */ static uint8_t extruderTempErrors = 0; void Extruder::manageTemperatures() { #if FEATURE_WATCHDOG HAL::pingWatchdog(); #endif // FEATURE_WATCHDOG uint8_t errorDetected = 0; bool hot = false; millis_t time = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); // compare time for decouple tests for(uint8_t controller = 0; controller < NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS; controller++) { TemperatureController *act = tempController[controller]; // Handle automatic cooling of extruders if(controller < NUM_EXTRUDER) { #if ((SHARED_COOLER && NUM_EXTRUDER >= 2 && EXT0_EXTRUDER_COOLER_PIN == EXT1_EXTRUDER_COOLER_PIN) || SHARED_COOLER_BOARD_EXT) && EXT0_EXTRUDER_COOLER_PIN > -1 if(controller == 0) { bool enable = false; for(uint8_t j = 0; j < NUM_EXTRUDER; j++) { if(tempController[j]->currentTemperatureC >= EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP || tempController[j]->targetTemperatureC >= EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP) { enable = true; break; } } #if SHARED_COOLER_BOARD_EXT if(pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER + 1]) enable = true; #endif extruder[0].coolerPWM = (enable ? extruder[0].coolerSpeed : 0); } #else if(act->currentTemperatureC < EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP && act->targetTemperatureC < EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP) extruder[controller].coolerPWM = 0; else extruder[controller].coolerPWM = extruder[controller].coolerSpeed; #endif // NUM_EXTRUDER } // do skip temperature control while auto tuning is in progress if(controller == autotuneIndex) continue; #if MIXING_EXTRUDER if(controller > 0 && controller < NUM_EXTRUDER) continue; // Mixing extruder only test for ext 0 #endif // Get Temperature act->updateCurrentTemperature(); // Check for obvious sensor errors if(act->currentTemperatureC < MIN_DEFECT_TEMPERATURE || act->currentTemperatureC > MAX_DEFECT_TEMPERATURE) // no temp sensor or short in sensor, disable heater { errorDetected = 1; if(extruderTempErrors < 10) // Ignore short temporary failures extruderTempErrors++; else { act->flags |= TEMPERATURE_CONTROLLER_FLAG_SENSDEFECT; if(!Printer::isAnyTempsensorDefect()) { Printer::setAnyTempsensorDefect(); reportTempsensorError(); } EVENT_HEATER_DEFECT(controller); } } if(act->currentTemperatureC > 50) hot = true; if(Printer::isAnyTempsensorDefect()) continue; uint8_t on = act->currentTemperatureC >= act->targetTemperatureC ? LOW : HIGH; // Make a sound if alarm was set on reaching target temperature if(!on && act->isAlarm()) { beep(50 * (controller + 1), 3); act->setAlarm(false); //reset alarm } // Run test if heater and sensor are decoupled bool decoupleTestRequired = act->decoupleTestPeriod > 0 && (time - act->lastDecoupleTest) > act->decoupleTestPeriod; // time enough for temperature change? if(decoupleTestRequired && act->isDecoupleFullOrHold() && Printer::isPowerOn()) // Only test when powered { if(act->isDecoupleFull()) // Phase 1: Heating fully until target range is reached { if(act->currentTemperatureC - act->lastDecoupleTemp < DECOUPLING_TEST_MIN_TEMP_RISE) // failed test { extruderTempErrors++; errorDetected = 1; if(extruderTempErrors > 10) // Ignore short temporary failures { act->flags |= TEMPERATURE_CONTROLLER_FLAG_SENSDECOUPLED; Printer::setAnyTempsensorDefect(); UI_ERROR_P(Com::tHeaterDecoupled); Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tHeaterDecoupledWarning); Com::printF(PSTR("Error:Temp. raised to slow. Rise = "),act->currentTemperatureC - act->lastDecoupleTemp); Com::printF(PSTR(" after "),(int32_t)(time-act->lastDecoupleTest)); Com::printFLN(PSTR(" ms")); EVENT_HEATER_DECOUPLED(controller); } } else { act->stopDecouple(); act->startFullDecouple(time); } } else // Phase 2: Holding temperature inside a target corridor { if(fabs(act->currentTemperatureC - act->targetTemperatureC) > DECOUPLING_TEST_MAX_HOLD_VARIANCE) // failed test { extruderTempErrors++; errorDetected = 1; if(extruderTempErrors > 10) // Ignore short temporary failures { act->flags |= TEMPERATURE_CONTROLLER_FLAG_SENSDECOUPLED; Printer::setAnyTempsensorDefect(); UI_ERROR_P(Com::tHeaterDecoupled); Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tHeaterDecoupledWarning); Com::printF(PSTR("Error:Could not hold temperature "),act->lastDecoupleTemp); Com::printF(PSTR(" measured "),act->currentTemperatureC); Com::printFLN(PSTR(" deg. C")); EVENT_HEATER_DECOUPLED(controller); } } else { act->lastDecoupleTest = time - act->decoupleTestPeriod + 1000; // once running test every second } } } #if TEMP_PID act->tempArray[act->tempPointer++] = act->currentTemperatureC; act->tempPointer &= 3; uint8_t output = 0; float error = act->targetTemperatureC - act->currentTemperatureC; if(act->targetTemperatureC < 20.0f) // heating is off { output = 0; // off is off, even if damping term wants a heat peak! act->stopDecouple(); } else if(error > PID_CONTROL_RANGE) // Phase 1: full heating until control range reached { output = act->pidMax; act->startFullDecouple(time); } else if(error < -PID_CONTROL_RANGE) // control range left upper side! output = 0; else // control range handle by heat manager { if(act->heatManager == HTR_PID) { act->startHoldDecouple(time); float pidTerm = act->pidPGain * error; act->tempIState = constrain(act->tempIState + error, act->tempIStateLimitMin, act->tempIStateLimitMax); pidTerm += act->pidIGain * act->tempIState * 0.1; // 0.1 = 10Hz float dgain = act->pidDGain * (act->tempArray[act->tempPointer] - act->currentTemperatureC) * 3.333f; pidTerm += dgain; #if SCALE_PID_TO_MAX == 1 pidTerm = (pidTerm * act->pidMax) * 0.0039215; #endif output = constrain((int)pidTerm, 0, act->pidMax); } else if(act->heatManager == HTR_DEADTIME) // dead-time control { act->startHoldDecouple(time); float raising = 3.333 * (act->currentTemperatureC - act->tempArray[act->tempPointer]); // raising dT/dt, 3.33 = reciproke of time interval (300 ms) act->tempIState = 0.25 * (3.0 * act->tempIState + raising); // damp raising output = (act->currentTemperatureC + act->tempIState * act->deadTime > act->targetTemperatureC ? 0 : act->pidDriveMax); } else // bang bang and slow bang bang #endif if(act->heatManager == HTR_SLOWBANG) // Bang-bang with reduced change frequency to save relais life { if (time - act->lastTemperatureUpdate > HEATED_BED_SET_INTERVAL) { output = (on ? act->pidMax : 0); act->lastTemperatureUpdate = time; if(on) act->startFullDecouple(time); else act->stopDecouple(); } else continue; } else // Fast Bang-Bang fallback { output = (on ? act->pidMax : 0); if(on) act->startFullDecouple(time); else act->stopDecouple(); } } // Temperatur control #ifdef MAXTEMP if(act->currentTemperatureC > MAXTEMP) // Force heater off if MAXTEMP is exceeded output = 0; #endif pwm_pos[act->pwmIndex] = output; // set pwm signal #if LED_PIN > -1 if(act == &Extruder::current->tempControl) WRITE(LED_PIN,on); #endif } // for controller #ifdef RED_BLUE_STATUS_LEDS if(Printer::isAnyTempsensorDefect()) { WRITE(BLUE_STATUS_LED,HIGH); WRITE(RED_STATUS_LED,HIGH); } else { WRITE(BLUE_STATUS_LED,!hot); WRITE(RED_STATUS_LED,hot); } #endif // RED_BLUE_STATUS_LEDS if(errorDetected == 0 && extruderTempErrors > 0) extruderTempErrors--; if(Printer::isAnyTempsensorDefect() #if HAVE_HEATED_BED || Extruder::getHeatedBedTemperature() > HEATED_BED_MAX_TEMP + 5 #endif ) { for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS; i++) { pwm_pos[tempController[i]->pwmIndex] = 0; } #if defined(KILL_IF_SENSOR_DEFECT) && KILL_IF_SENSOR_DEFECT > 0 if(!Printer::debugDryrun() && PrintLine::linesCount > 0) // kill printer if actually printing { #if SDSUPPORT sd.stopPrint(); #endif Printer::kill(0); } #endif Printer::debugLevel |= 8; // Go into dry mode } } void TemperatureController::waitForTargetTemperature() { if(targetTemperatureC < 30) return; if(Printer::debugDryrun()) return; millis_t time = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); while(true) { if( (HAL::timeInMilliseconds() - time) > 1000 ) //Print Temp Reading every 1 second while heating up. { Commands::printTemperatures(); time = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); } Commands::checkForPeriodicalActions(true); if(fabs(targetTemperatureC - currentTemperatureC) <= 1) return; } } /* For pausing we negate target temperature, so negative value means paused extruder. Since temp. is negative no heating will occur. */ void Extruder::pauseExtruders() { disableAllExtruderMotors(); for(fast8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { if(extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC > 0) extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC = -extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC; } } void Extruder::unpauseExtruders() { // activate temperatures for(fast8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { if(extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC < 0) extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC = -extruder[i].tempControl.targetTemperatureC; } for(fast8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) extruder[i].tempControl.waitForTargetTemperature(); } #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL void TemperatureController::setJammed(bool on) { if(on) { flags |= TEMPERATURE_CONTROLLER_FLAG_JAM; Printer::setInterruptEvent(PRINTER_INTERRUPT_EVENT_JAM_DETECTED, true); } else flags &= ~(TEMPERATURE_CONTROLLER_FLAG_JAM); } void Extruder::markAllUnjammed() { for(fast8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { extruder[i].tempControl.setJammed(false); extruder[i].tempControl.setSlowedDown(false); extruder[i].resetJamSteps(); } if(Printer::feedrateMultiply == JAM_SLOWDOWN_TO) Commands::changeFeedrateMultiply(100); Printer::unsetAnyTempsensorDefect(); // stop alarm Com::printInfoFLN(PSTR("Marked all extruders as unjammed.")); Printer::setUIErrorMessage(false); } void Extruder::resetJamSteps() { jamStepsOnSignal = jamStepsSinceLastSignal; jamStepsSinceLastSignal = 0; Printer::setInterruptEvent(PRINTER_INTERRUPT_EVENT_JAM_SIGNAL0 + id, false); } #endif void Extruder::initHeatedBed() { #if HAVE_HEATED_BED #if TEMP_PID heatedBedController.updateTempControlVars(); #endif #endif } #if defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_1) || defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_2) || defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_3) void createGenericTable(short table[GENERIC_THERM_NUM_ENTRIES][2],short minTemp,short maxTemp,float beta,float r0,float t0,float r1,float r2) { t0 += 273.15f; float rs, vs; if(r1==0) { rs = r2; vs = GENERIC_THERM_VREF; } else { vs =static_cast((GENERIC_THERM_VREF * r1) / (r1 + r2)); rs = (r2 * r1) / (r1 + r2); } float k = r0 * exp(-beta / t0); float delta = (maxTemp-minTemp) / (GENERIC_THERM_NUM_ENTRIES - 1.0f); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < GENERIC_THERM_NUM_ENTRIES; i++) { #if FEATURE_WATCHDOG HAL::pingWatchdog(); #endif // FEATURE_WATCHDOG float t = maxTemp - i * delta; float r = exp(beta / (t + 272.65)) * k; float v = 4092 * r * vs / ((rs + r) * GENERIC_THERM_VREF); int adc = static_cast(v); t *= 8; if(adc > 4092) adc = 4092; table[i][0] = (adc >> (ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS)); table[i][1] = static_cast(t); #ifdef DEBUG_GENERIC Com::printF(Com::tGenTemp,table[i][0]); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma,table[i][1]); #endif } } #endif /** \brief Initalizes all extruder. Updates the pin configuration needed for the extruder and activates extruder 0. Starts a interrupt based analog input reader, which is used by simple thermistors for temperature reading. */ void Extruder::initExtruder() { uint8_t i; Extruder::current = &extruder[0]; #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_1 createGenericTable(temptable_generic1,GENERIC_THERM1_MIN_TEMP,GENERIC_THERM1_MAX_TEMP,GENERIC_THERM1_BETA,GENERIC_THERM1_R0,GENERIC_THERM1_T0,GENERIC_THERM1_R1,GENERIC_THERM1_R2); #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_2 createGenericTable(temptable_generic2,GENERIC_THERM2_MIN_TEMP,GENERIC_THERM2_MAX_TEMP,GENERIC_THERM2_BETA,GENERIC_THERM2_R0,GENERIC_THERM2_T0,GENERIC_THERM2_R1,GENERIC_THERM2_R2); #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_3 createGenericTable(temptable_generic3,GENERIC_THERM3_MIN_TEMP,GENERIC_THERM3_MAX_TEMP,GENERIC_THERM3_BETA,GENERIC_THERM3_R0,GENERIC_THERM3_T0,GENERIC_THERM3_R1,GENERIC_THERM3_R2); #endif #if defined(EXT0_STEP_PIN) && EXT0_STEP_PIN > -1 && NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 SET_OUTPUT(EXT0_DIR_PIN); SET_OUTPUT(EXT0_STEP_PIN); #endif #if defined(EXT1_STEP_PIN) && EXT1_STEP_PIN > -1 && NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 SET_OUTPUT(EXT1_DIR_PIN); SET_OUTPUT(EXT1_STEP_PIN); #endif #if defined(EXT2_STEP_PIN) && EXT2_STEP_PIN > -1 && NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 SET_OUTPUT(EXT2_DIR_PIN); SET_OUTPUT(EXT2_STEP_PIN); #endif #if defined(EXT3_STEP_PIN) && EXT3_STEP_PIN > -1 && NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 SET_OUTPUT(EXT3_DIR_PIN); SET_OUTPUT(EXT3_STEP_PIN); #endif #if defined(EXT4_STEP_PIN) && EXT4_STEP_PIN > -1 && NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 SET_OUTPUT(EXT4_DIR_PIN); SET_OUTPUT(EXT4_STEP_PIN); #endif #if defined(EXT5_STEP_PIN) && EXT5_STEP_PIN > -1 && NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 SET_OUTPUT(EXT5_DIR_PIN); SET_OUTPUT(EXT5_STEP_PIN); #endif for(i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; ++i) { Extruder *act = &extruder[i]; if(act->enablePin > -1) { HAL::pinMode(act->enablePin, OUTPUT); HAL::digitalWrite(act->enablePin,!act->enableOn); } act->tempControl.lastTemperatureUpdate = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); #if defined(SUPPORT_MAX6675) || defined(SUPPORT_MAX31855) if(act->tempControl.sensorType == 101 || act->tempControl.sensorType == 102) { WRITE(SCK_PIN, 0); SET_OUTPUT(SCK_PIN); WRITE(MOSI_PIN, 1); SET_OUTPUT(MOSI_PIN); WRITE(MISO_PIN, 1); SET_INPUT(MISO_PIN); SET_OUTPUT(SS); WRITE(SS, HIGH); HAL::digitalWrite(act->tempControl.sensorPin, 1); HAL::pinMode(act->tempControl.sensorPin, OUTPUT); } #endif } #if HEATED_BED_HEATER_PIN > -1 SET_OUTPUT(HEATED_BED_HEATER_PIN); WRITE(HEATED_BED_HEATER_PIN, HEATER_PINS_INVERTED); Extruder::initHeatedBed(); #endif HAL::analogStart(); } void TemperatureController::updateTempControlVars() { #if TEMP_PID if(heatManager == HTR_PID && pidIGain != 0) // prevent division by zero { tempIStateLimitMax = (float)pidDriveMax * 10.0f / pidIGain; tempIStateLimitMin = (float)pidDriveMin * 10.0f / pidIGain; } #endif } /** \brief Select extruder ext_num. This function changes and initalizes a new extruder. This is also called, after the eeprom values are changed. */ void Extruder::selectExtruderById(uint8_t extruderId) { #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 #if MIXING_EXTRUDER if(extruderId >= VIRTUAL_EXTRUDER) extruderId = 0; activeMixingExtruder = extruderId; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) Extruder::setMixingWeight(i, extruder[i].virtualWeights[extruderId]); extruderId = 0; #endif if(extruderId >= NUM_EXTRUDER) extruderId = 0; #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 && MIXING_EXTRUDER == 0 bool executeSelect = false; if(extruderId != Extruder::current->id) { GCode::executeFString(Extruder::current->deselectCommands); executeSelect = true; } Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); #endif Extruder::current->extrudePosition = Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS]; Extruder::current = &extruder[extruderId]; #ifdef SEPERATE_EXTRUDER_POSITIONS // Use seperate extruder positions only if beeing told. Slic3r e.g. creates a continuous extruder position increment Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] = Extruder::current->extrudePosition; #endif Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS]; Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS] = Extruder::current->stepsPerMM; Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS] = 1.0f / Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; Printer::maxFeedrate[E_AXIS] = Extruder::current->maxFeedrate; // max_start_speed_units_per_second[E_AXIS] = Extruder::current->maxStartFeedrate; Printer::maxAccelerationMMPerSquareSecond[E_AXIS] = Printer::maxTravelAccelerationMMPerSquareSecond[E_AXIS] = Extruder::current->maxAcceleration; Printer::maxTravelAccelerationStepsPerSquareSecond[E_AXIS] = Printer::maxPrintAccelerationStepsPerSquareSecond[E_AXIS] = Printer::maxAccelerationMMPerSquareSecond[E_AXIS] * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; #if USE_ADVANCE Printer::maxExtruderSpeed = (uint8_t)floor(HAL::maxExtruderTimerFrequency() / (Extruder::current->maxFeedrate*Extruder::current->stepsPerMM)); #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_ARM if(Printer::maxExtruderSpeed > 40) Printer::maxExtruderSpeed = 40; #else if(Printer::maxExtruderSpeed > 15) Printer::maxExtruderSpeed = 15; #endif float maxdist = Extruder::current->maxFeedrate * Extruder::current->maxFeedrate * 0.00013888 / Extruder::current->maxAcceleration; maxdist -= Extruder::current->maxStartFeedrate * Extruder::current->maxStartFeedrate * 0.5 / Extruder::current->maxAcceleration; float fmax = ((float)HAL::maxExtruderTimerFrequency() / ((float)Printer::maxExtruderSpeed * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS])); // Limit feedrate to interrupt speed if(fmax < Printer::maxFeedrate[E_AXIS]) Printer::maxFeedrate[E_AXIS] = fmax; #endif Extruder::current->tempControl.updateTempControlVars(); float cx, cy, cz; Printer::realPosition(cx, cy, cz); float oldfeedrate = Printer::feedrate; Printer::offsetX = -Extruder::current->xOffset * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS]; Printer::offsetY = -Extruder::current->yOffset * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS]; Printer::offsetZ = -Extruder::current->zOffset * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; Commands::changeFlowrateMultiply(Printer::extrudeMultiply); // needed to adjust extrusionFactor to possibly different diameter if(Printer::isHomed()) Printer::moveToReal(cx, cy, cz, IGNORE_COORDINATE, Printer::homingFeedrate[X_AXIS]); Printer::feedrate = oldfeedrate; Printer::updateCurrentPosition(); #if USE_ADVANCE HAL::resetExtruderDirection(); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 && MIXING_EXTRUDER == 0 if(executeSelect) // Run only when changing GCode::executeFString(Extruder::current->selectCommands); #endif #endif } void Extruder::setTemperatureForExtruder(float temperatureInCelsius, uint8_t extr, bool beep, bool wait) { #if MIXING_EXTRUDER extr = 0; // map any virtual extruder number to 0 #endif // MIXING_EXTRUDER bool alloffs = true; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) if(tempController[i]->targetTemperatureC > 15) alloffs = false; #ifdef MAXTEMP if(temperatureInCelsius > MAXTEMP) temperatureInCelsius = MAXTEMP; #endif if(temperatureInCelsius < 0) temperatureInCelsius = 0; TemperatureController *tc = tempController[extr]; if(tc->sensorType == 0) temperatureInCelsius = 0; //if(temperatureInCelsius==tc->targetTemperatureC) return; tc->setTargetTemperature(temperatureInCelsius); tc->updateTempControlVars(); if(beep && temperatureInCelsius > MAX_ROOM_TEMPERATURE) tc->setAlarm(true); if(temperatureInCelsius >= EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP) extruder[extr].coolerPWM = extruder[extr].coolerSpeed; Com::printF(Com::tTargetExtr,extr,0); Com::printFLN(Com::tColon,temperatureInCelsius,0); #if FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING if(Extruder::dittoMode && extr == 0) { TemperatureController *tc2 = tempController[1]; tc2->setTargetTemperature(temperatureInCelsius); if(temperatureInCelsius >= EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP) extruder[1].coolerPWM = extruder[1].coolerSpeed; #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 1 && extr == 0) { TemperatureController *tc2 = tempController[2]; tc2->setTargetTemperature(temperatureInCelsius); if(temperatureInCelsius >= EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP) extruder[2].coolerPWM = extruder[2].coolerSpeed; } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 2 && extr == 0) { TemperatureController *tc2 = tempController[3]; tc2->setTargetTemperature(temperatureInCelsius); if(temperatureInCelsius >= EXTRUDER_FAN_COOL_TEMP) extruder[3].coolerPWM = extruder[3].coolerSpeed; } #endif } #endif // FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING if(wait && temperatureInCelsius > MAX_ROOM_TEMPERATURE #if defined(SKIP_M109_IF_WITHIN) && SKIP_M109_IF_WITHIN > 0 && !(abs(tc->currentTemperatureC - tc->targetTemperatureC) < (SKIP_M109_IF_WITHIN))// Already in range #endif ) { Extruder *actExtruder = &extruder[extr]; UI_STATUS_UPD(UI_TEXT_HEATING_EXTRUDER); EVENT_WAITING_HEATER(actExtruder->id); bool dirRising = actExtruder->tempControl.targetTemperature > actExtruder->tempControl.currentTemperature; millis_t printedTime = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); millis_t waituntil = 0; #if RETRACT_DURING_HEATUP uint8_t retracted = 0; #endif millis_t currentTime; do { previousMillisCmd = currentTime = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); if( (currentTime - printedTime) > 1000 ) //Print Temp Reading every 1 second while heating up. { Commands::printTemperatures(); printedTime = currentTime; } Commands::checkForPeriodicalActions(true); //gcode_read_serial(); #if RETRACT_DURING_HEATUP if (actExtruder == Extruder::current && actExtruder->waitRetractUnits > 0 && !retracted && dirRising && actExtruder->tempControl.currentTemperatureC > actExtruder->waitRetractTemperature) { PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, 0, -actExtruder->waitRetractUnits * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS], actExtruder->maxFeedrate / 4, false, false); retracted = 1; } #endif if((waituntil == 0 && (dirRising ? actExtruder->tempControl.currentTemperatureC >= actExtruder->tempControl.targetTemperatureC - 1 : actExtruder->tempControl.currentTemperatureC <= actExtruder->tempControl.targetTemperatureC + 1)) #if defined(TEMP_HYSTERESIS) && TEMP_HYSTERESIS>=1 || (waituntil != 0 && (abs(actExtruder->tempControl.currentTemperatureC - actExtruder->tempControl.targetTemperatureC)) > TEMP_HYSTERESIS) #endif ) { waituntil = currentTime + 1000UL*(millis_t)actExtruder->watchPeriod; // now wait for temp. to stabalize } } while(waituntil == 0 || (waituntil != 0 && (millis_t)(waituntil - currentTime) < 2000000000UL)); #if RETRACT_DURING_HEATUP if (retracted && actExtruder == Extruder::current) { PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, 0, actExtruder->waitRetractUnits * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS], actExtruder->maxFeedrate / 4, false, false); } #endif EVENT_HEATING_FINISHED(actExtruder->id); } UI_CLEAR_STATUS; bool alloff = true; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) if(tempController[i]->targetTemperatureC > 15) alloff = false; #if EEPROM_MODE != 0 if(alloff && !alloffs) // All heaters are now switched off? EEPROM::updatePrinterUsage(); #endif if(alloffs && !alloff) // heaters are turned on, start measuring printing time { Printer::msecondsPrinting = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); Printer::filamentPrinted = 0; // new print, new counter Printer::flag2 &= ~PRINTER_FLAG2_RESET_FILAMENT_USAGE; } } void Extruder::setHeatedBedTemperature(float temperatureInCelsius,bool beep) { #if HAVE_HEATED_BED if(temperatureInCelsius>HEATED_BED_MAX_TEMP) temperatureInCelsius = HEATED_BED_MAX_TEMP; if(temperatureInCelsius<0) temperatureInCelsius = 0; if(heatedBedController.targetTemperatureC==temperatureInCelsius) return; // don't flood log with messages if killed heatedBedController.setTargetTemperature(temperatureInCelsius); if(beep && temperatureInCelsius>30) heatedBedController.setAlarm(true); Com::printFLN(Com::tTargetBedColon,heatedBedController.targetTemperatureC,0); if(temperatureInCelsius > 15) pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER + 1] = 255; // turn on the mainboard cooling fan else if(Printer::areAllSteppersDisabled()) pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER + 1] = 0; // turn off the mainboard cooling fan only if steppers disabled #endif } float Extruder::getHeatedBedTemperature() { #if HAVE_HEATED_BED TemperatureController *c = tempController[NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS-1]; return c->currentTemperatureC; #else return -1; #endif } #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 void Extruder::setMixingWeight(uint8_t extr,int weight) { uint8_t i; mixingS = 0; extruder[extr].mixingW = weight; for(i=0; i bestError) { bestError = extruder[i].mixingE; best = i; } extruder[i].mixingE += extruder[i].mixingW; } if(best == 255) return; // no extruder has weight! extruder[best].mixingE -= mixingS; } else { bestError = 10000; for(i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { if(extruder[i].mixingW == 0) continue; if(extruder[i].mixingE < bestError) { bestError = extruder[i].mixingE; best = i; } extruder[i].mixingE -= extruder[i].mixingW; } if(best == 255) return; // no extruder has weight! extruder[best].mixingE += mixingS; } #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 if(best == 0) { WRITE(EXT0_STEP_PIN, HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT0_JAM_PIN) && EXT0_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(0) #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 if(best == 1) { WRITE(EXT1_STEP_PIN, HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT1_JAM_PIN) && EXT1_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(1) #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(best == 2) { WRITE(EXT2_STEP_PIN, HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT2_JAM_PIN) && EXT2_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(2) #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(best == 3) { WRITE(EXT3_STEP_PIN, HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT3_JAM_PIN) && EXT3_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(3) #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 if(best == 4) { WRITE(EXT4_STEP_PIN, HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT4_JAM_PIN) && EXT4_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(4) #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 if(best == 5) { WRITE(EXT5_STEP_PIN, HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT5_JAM_PIN) && EXT5_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(5) #endif } #endif } void Extruder::unstep() { #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 WRITE(EXT0_STEP_PIN, LOW); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 WRITE(EXT1_STEP_PIN, LOW); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 WRITE(EXT2_STEP_PIN, LOW); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 WRITE(EXT3_STEP_PIN, LOW); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 WRITE(EXT4_STEP_PIN, LOW); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 WRITE(EXT5_STEP_PIN, LOW); #endif } void Extruder::setDirection(uint8_t dir) { mixingDir = dir; #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 if(dir) WRITE(EXT0_DIR_PIN,!EXT0_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT0_DIR_PIN,EXT0_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(0, dir) #endif #if defined(EXT1_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 if(dir) WRITE(EXT1_DIR_PIN,!EXT1_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT1_DIR_PIN,EXT1_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(1, dir) #endif #if defined(EXT2_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(dir) WRITE(EXT2_DIR_PIN,!EXT2_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT2_DIR_PIN,EXT2_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(2, dir) #endif #if defined(EXT3_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(dir) WRITE(EXT3_DIR_PIN,!EXT3_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT3_DIR_PIN,EXT3_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(3, dir) #endif #if defined(EXT4_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 if(dir) WRITE(EXT4_DIR_PIN,!EXT4_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT4_DIR_PIN,EXT4_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(4, dir) #endif #if defined(EXT5_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 if(dir) WRITE(EXT5_DIR_PIN,!EXT5_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT5_DIR_PIN,EXT5_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(5, dir) #endif } void Extruder::enable() { #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 && defined(EXT0_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT0_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT0_ENABLE_PIN, EXT0_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 && defined(EXT1_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT1_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT1_ENABLE_PIN, EXT1_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 && defined(EXT2_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT2_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT2_ENABLE_PIN, EXT2_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 && defined(EXT3_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT3_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT3_ENABLE_PIN, EXT3_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 && defined(EXT4_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT4_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT4_ENABLE_PIN, EXT4_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 && defined(EXT5_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT5_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT5_ENABLE_PIN, EXT5_ENABLE_ON ); #endif } #else // Normal extruder /** \brief Sends the high-signal to the stepper for next extruder step. Call this function only, if interrupts are disabled. */ void Extruder::step() { #if NUM_EXTRUDER == 1 WRITE(EXT0_STEP_PIN, HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT0_JAM_PIN) && EXT0_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(0) #endif #else switch(Extruder::current->id) { case 0: #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 WRITE(EXT0_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT0_JAM_PIN) && EXT0_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(0) #endif #if FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING if(Extruder::dittoMode) { WRITE(EXT1_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT1_JAM_PIN) && EXT1_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(1) #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 1) { WRITE(EXT2_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT2_JAM_PIN) && EXT2_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(2) #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 2) { WRITE(EXT3_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT3_JAM_PIN) && EXT3_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(3) #endif } #endif } #endif #endif break; #if defined(EXT1_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 case 1: WRITE(EXT1_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT1_JAM_PIN) && EXT1_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(1) #endif break; #endif #if defined(EXT2_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 case 2: WRITE(EXT2_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT2_JAM_PIN) && EXT2_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(2) #endif break; #endif #if defined(EXT3_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 case 3: WRITE(EXT3_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT3_JAM_PIN) && EXT3_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(3) #endif break; #endif #if defined(EXT4_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 case 4: WRITE(EXT4_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT4_JAM_PIN) && EXT4_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(4) #endif break; #endif #if defined(EXT5_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 case 5: WRITE(EXT5_STEP_PIN,HIGH); #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL && defined(EXT5_JAM_PIN) && EXT5_JAM_PIN > -1 TEST_EXTRUDER_JAM(5) #endif break; #endif } #endif } /** \brief Sets stepper signal to low for current extruder. Call this function only, if interrupts are disabled. */ void Extruder::unstep() { #if NUM_EXTRUDER == 1 WRITE(EXT0_STEP_PIN,LOW); #else switch(Extruder::current->id) { case 0: #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 WRITE(EXT0_STEP_PIN,LOW); #if FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING if(Extruder::dittoMode) { WRITE(EXT1_STEP_PIN,LOW); #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 1) { WRITE(EXT2_STEP_PIN,LOW); } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 2) { WRITE(EXT3_STEP_PIN,LOW); } #endif // NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 } #endif // FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING #endif // NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 break; #if defined(EXT1_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 case 1: WRITE(EXT1_STEP_PIN,LOW); break; #endif #if defined(EXT2_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 case 2: WRITE(EXT2_STEP_PIN,LOW); break; #endif #if defined(EXT3_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 case 3: WRITE(EXT3_STEP_PIN,LOW); break; #endif #if defined(EXT4_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 case 4: WRITE(EXT4_STEP_PIN,LOW); break; #endif #if defined(EXT5_STEP_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 case 5: WRITE(EXT5_STEP_PIN,LOW); break; #endif } #endif } /** \brief Activates the extruder stepper and sets the direction. */ void Extruder::setDirection(uint8_t dir) { #if NUM_EXTRUDER == 1 if(dir) WRITE(EXT0_DIR_PIN, !EXT0_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT0_DIR_PIN, EXT0_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(0, dir) #else switch(Extruder::current->id) { #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 case 0: if(dir) WRITE(EXT0_DIR_PIN,!EXT0_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT0_DIR_PIN,EXT0_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(0, dir) #if FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING if(Extruder::dittoMode) { if(dir) WRITE(EXT1_DIR_PIN,!EXT1_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT1_DIR_PIN,EXT1_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(1, dir) #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 1) { if(dir) WRITE(EXT2_DIR_PIN,!EXT2_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT2_DIR_PIN,EXT2_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(2, dir) } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 2) { if(dir) WRITE(EXT3_DIR_PIN,!EXT3_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT3_DIR_PIN,EXT3_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(3, dir) } #endif } #endif break; #endif #if defined(EXT1_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 case 1: if(dir) WRITE(EXT1_DIR_PIN,!EXT1_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT1_DIR_PIN,EXT1_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(1, dir) break; #endif #if defined(EXT2_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 case 2: if(dir) WRITE(EXT2_DIR_PIN,!EXT2_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT2_DIR_PIN,EXT2_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(2, dir) break; #endif #if defined(EXT3_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 case 3: if(dir) WRITE(EXT3_DIR_PIN,!EXT3_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT3_DIR_PIN,EXT3_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(3, dir) break; #endif #if defined(EXT4_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 case 4: if(dir) WRITE(EXT4_DIR_PIN,!EXT4_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT4_DIR_PIN,EXT4_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(4, dir) break; #endif #if defined(EXT5_DIR_PIN) && NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 case 5: if(dir) WRITE(EXT5_DIR_PIN,!EXT5_INVERSE); else WRITE(EXT5_DIR_PIN,EXT5_INVERSE); RESET_EXTRUDER_JAM(5, dir) break; #endif } #endif } void Extruder::enable() { #if NUM_EXTRUDER == 1 #if EXT0_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT0_ENABLE_PIN,EXT0_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #else if(Extruder::current->enablePin > -1) digitalWrite(Extruder::current->enablePin,Extruder::current->enableOn); #if FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING if(Extruder::dittoMode) { if(extruder[1].enablePin > -1) digitalWrite(extruder[1].enablePin,extruder[1].enableOn); #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 1 && extruder[2].enablePin > -1) digitalWrite(extruder[2].enablePin,extruder[2].enableOn); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 2 && extruder[3].enablePin > -1) digitalWrite(extruder[3].enablePin,extruder[3].enableOn); #endif } #endif #endif } #endif // MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 void Extruder::disableCurrentExtruderMotor() { #if MIXING_EXTRUDER #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 && defined(EXT0_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT0_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT0_ENABLE_PIN, !EXT0_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 && defined(EXT1_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT1_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT1_ENABLE_PIN, !EXT1_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 && defined(EXT2_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT2_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT2_ENABLE_PIN, !EXT2_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 && defined(EXT3_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT3_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT3_ENABLE_PIN, !EXT3_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 && defined(EXT4_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT4_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT4_ENABLE_PIN, !EXT4_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 && defined(EXT5_ENABLE_PIN) && EXT5_ENABLE_PIN > -1 WRITE(EXT5_ENABLE_PIN, !EXT5_ENABLE_ON ); #endif #else // MIXING_EXTRUDER if(Extruder::current->enablePin > -1) HAL::digitalWrite(Extruder::current->enablePin,!Extruder::current->enableOn); #if FEATURE_DITTO_PRINTING if(Extruder::dittoMode) { if(extruder[1].enablePin > -1) HAL::digitalWrite(extruder[1].enablePin,!extruder[1].enableOn); #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 1 && extruder[2].enablePin > -1) HAL::digitalWrite(extruder[2].enablePin,!extruder[2].enableOn); #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 if(Extruder::dittoMode > 2 && extruder[3].enablePin > -1) HAL::digitalWrite(extruder[3].enablePin,!extruder[3].enableOn); #endif } #endif #endif // MIXING_EXTRUDER } void Extruder::disableAllExtruderMotors() { for(fast8_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTRUDER; i++) { if(extruder[i].enablePin > -1) HAL::digitalWrite(extruder[i].enablePin, !extruder[i].enableOn); } } #define NUMTEMPS_1 28 // Epcos B57560G0107F000 const short temptable_1[NUMTEMPS_1][2] PROGMEM = { {0,4000},{92,2400},{105,2320},{121,2240},{140,2160},{162,2080},{189,2000},{222,1920},{261,1840},{308,1760}, {365,1680},{434,1600},{519,1520},{621,1440},{744,1360},{891,1280},{1067,1200},{1272,1120}, {1771,960},{2357,800},{2943,640},{3429,480},{3760,320},{3869,240},{3912,200},{3948,160},{4077,-160},{4094,-440} }; #define NUMTEMPS_2 21 const short temptable_2[NUMTEMPS_2][2] PROGMEM = { {1*4, 848*8},{54*4, 275*8}, {107*4, 228*8}, {160*4, 202*8},{213*4, 185*8}, {266*4, 171*8}, {319*4, 160*8}, {372*4, 150*8}, {425*4, 141*8}, {478*4, 133*8},{531*4, 125*8},{584*4, 118*8},{637*4, 110*8},{690*4, 103*8},{743*4, 95*8},{796*4, 86*8}, {849*4, 77*8},{902*4, 65*8},{955*4, 49*8},{1008*4, 17*8},{1020*4, 0*8} //safety }; #define NUMTEMPS_3 28 const short temptable_3[NUMTEMPS_3][2] PROGMEM = { {1*4,864*8},{21*4,300*8},{25*4,290*8},{29*4,280*8},{33*4,270*8},{39*4,260*8},{46*4,250*8},{54*4,240*8},{64*4,230*8},{75*4,220*8}, {90*4,210*8},{107*4,200*8},{128*4,190*8},{154*4,180*8},{184*4,170*8},{221*4,160*8},{265*4,150*8},{316*4,140*8},{375*4,130*8}, {441*4,120*8},{513*4,110*8},{588*4,100*8},{734*4,80*8},{856*4,60*8},{938*4,40*8},{986*4,20*8},{1008*4,0*8},{1018*4,-20*8} }; #define NUMTEMPS_4 20 const short temptable_4[NUMTEMPS_4][2] PROGMEM = { {1*4, 430*8},{54*4, 137*8},{107*4, 107*8},{160*4, 91*8},{213*4, 80*8},{266*4, 71*8},{319*4, 64*8},{372*4, 57*8},{425*4, 51*8}, {478*4, 46*8},{531*4, 41*8},{584*4, 35*8},{637*4, 30*8},{690*4, 25*8},{743*4, 20*8},{796*4, 14*8},{849*4, 7*8},{902*4, 0*8}, {955*4, -11*8},{1008*4, -35*8} }; #define NUMTEMPS_8 34 const short temptable_8[NUMTEMPS_8][2] PROGMEM = { {0,8000},{69,2400},{79,2320},{92,2240},{107,2160},{125,2080},{146,2000},{172,1920},{204,1840},{222,1760},{291,1680},{350,1600}, {422,1520},{511,1440},{621,1360},{755,1280},{918,1200},{1114,1120},{1344,1040},{1608,960},{1902,880},{2216,800},{2539,720}, {2851,640},{3137,560},{3385,480},{3588,400},{3746,320},{3863,240},{3945,160},{4002,80},{4038,0},{4061,-80},{4075,-160} }; #define NUMTEMPS_9 67 // 100k Honeywell 135-104LAG-J01 const short temptable_9[NUMTEMPS_9][2] PROGMEM = { {1*4, 941*8},{19*4, 362*8},{37*4, 299*8}, //top rating 300C {55*4, 266*8},{73*4, 245*8},{91*4, 229*8},{109*4, 216*8},{127*4, 206*8},{145*4, 197*8},{163*4, 190*8},{181*4, 183*8},{199*4, 177*8}, {217*4, 171*8},{235*4, 166*8},{253*4, 162*8},{271*4, 157*8},{289*4, 153*8},{307*4, 149*8},{325*4, 146*8},{343*4, 142*8},{361*4, 139*8}, {379*4, 135*8},{397*4, 132*8},{415*4, 129*8},{433*4, 126*8},{451*4, 123*8},{469*4, 121*8},{487*4, 118*8},{505*4, 115*8},{523*4, 112*8}, {541*4, 110*8},{559*4, 107*8},{577*4, 105*8},{595*4, 102*8},{613*4, 99*8},{631*4, 97*8},{649*4, 94*8},{667*4, 92*8},{685*4, 89*8}, {703*4, 86*8},{721*4, 84*8},{739*4, 81*8},{757*4, 78*8},{775*4, 75*8},{793*4, 72*8},{811*4, 69*8},{829*4, 66*8},{847*4, 62*8}, {865*4, 59*8},{883*4, 55*8},{901*4, 51*8},{919*4, 46*8},{937*4, 41*8}, {955*4, 35*8},{973*4, 27*8},{991*4, 17*8},{1009*4, 1*8},{1023*4, 0} //to allow internal 0 degrees C }; #define NUMTEMPS_10 20 // 100k 0603 SMD Vishay NTCS0603E3104FXT (4.7k pullup) const short temptable_10[NUMTEMPS_10][2] PROGMEM = { {1*4, 704*8},{54*4, 216*8},{107*4, 175*8},{160*4, 152*8},{213*4, 137*8},{266*4, 125*8},{319*4, 115*8},{372*4, 106*8},{425*4, 99*8}, {478*4, 91*8},{531*4, 85*8},{584*4, 78*8},{637*4, 71*8},{690*4, 65*8},{743*4, 58*8},{796*4, 50*8},{849*4, 42*8},{902*4, 31*8}, {955*4, 17*8},{1008*4, 0} }; #define NUMTEMPS_11 31 // 100k GE Sensing AL03006-58.2K-97-G1 (4.7k pullup) const short temptable_11[NUMTEMPS_11][2] PROGMEM = { {1*4, 936*8},{36*4, 300*8},{71*4, 246*8},{106*4, 218*8},{141*4, 199*8},{176*4, 185*8},{211*4, 173*8},{246*4, 163*8},{281*4, 155*8}, {316*4, 147*8},{351*4, 140*8},{386*4, 134*8},{421*4, 128*8},{456*4, 122*8},{491*4, 117*8},{526*4, 112*8},{561*4, 107*8},{596*4, 102*8}, {631*4, 97*8},{666*4, 92*8},{701*4, 87*8},{736*4, 81*8},{771*4, 76*8},{806*4, 70*8},{841*4, 63*8},{876*4, 56*8},{911*4, 48*8}, {946*4, 38*8},{981*4, 23*8},{1005*4, 5*8},{1016*4, 0} }; #define NUMTEMPS_12 31 // 100k RS thermistor 198-961 (4.7k pullup) const short temptable_12[NUMTEMPS_12][2] PROGMEM = { {1*4, 929*8},{36*4, 299*8},{71*4, 246*8},{106*4, 217*8},{141*4, 198*8},{176*4, 184*8},{211*4, 173*8},{246*4, 163*8},{281*4, 154*8},{316*4, 147*8}, {351*4, 140*8},{386*4, 134*8},{421*4, 128*8},{456*4, 122*8},{491*4, 117*8},{526*4, 112*8},{561*4, 107*8},{596*4, 102*8},{631*4, 97*8},{666*4, 91*8}, {701*4, 86*8},{736*4, 81*8},{771*4, 76*8},{806*4, 70*8},{841*4, 63*8},{876*4, 56*8},{911*4, 48*8},{946*4, 38*8},{981*4, 23*8},{1005*4, 5*8},{1016*4, 0*8} }; #if NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR0 > 0 const short temptable_5[NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR0][2] PROGMEM = USER_THERMISTORTABLE0 ; #endif #if NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR1 > 0 const short temptable_6[NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR1][2] PROGMEM = USER_THERMISTORTABLE1 ; #endif #if NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR2 > 0 const short temptable_7[NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR2][2] PROGMEM = USER_THERMISTORTABLE2 ; #endif const short * const temptables[12] PROGMEM = {(short int *)&temptable_1[0][0],(short int *)&temptable_2[0][0],(short int *)&temptable_3[0][0],(short int *)&temptable_4[0][0] #if NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR0 > 0 ,(short int *)&temptable_5[0][0] #else ,0 #endif #if NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR1 > 0 ,(short int *)&temptable_6[0][0] #else ,0 #endif #if NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR2 > 0 ,(short int *)&temptable_7[0][0] #else ,0 #endif ,(short int *)&temptable_8[0][0] ,(short int *)&temptable_9[0][0] ,(short int *)&temptable_10[0][0] ,(short int *)&temptable_11[0][0] ,(short int *)&temptable_12[0][0] }; const uint8_t temptables_num[12] PROGMEM = {NUMTEMPS_1,NUMTEMPS_2,NUMTEMPS_3,NUMTEMPS_4,NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR0,NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR1,NUM_TEMPS_USERTHERMISTOR2,NUMTEMPS_8, NUMTEMPS_9,NUMTEMPS_10,NUMTEMPS_11,NUMTEMPS_12 }; void TemperatureController::updateCurrentTemperature() { uint8_t type = sensorType; // get raw temperature switch(type) { case 0: currentTemperature = 25; break; #if ANALOG_INPUTS>0 case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 97: case 98: case 99: currentTemperature = (1023 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS)) - (osAnalogInputValues[sensorPin] >> (ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS)); // Convert to 10 bit result break; case 50: // User defined PTC table case 51: case 52: case 60: // HEATER_USES_AD8495 (Delivers 5mV/degC) case 61: // HEATER_USES_AD8495 (Delivers 5mV/degC) 1.25v offset case 100: // AD595 currentTemperature = (osAnalogInputValues[sensorPin] >> (ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS)); break; #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX6675 case 101: // MAX6675 currentTemperature = read_max6675(sensorPin); break; #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX31855 case 102: // MAX31855 currentTemperature = read_max31855(sensorPin); break; #endif default: currentTemperature = 4095; // unknown method, return high value to switch heater off for safety } int currentTemperature = this->currentTemperature; //OUT_P_I_LN("OC for raw ",raw_temp); switch(type) { case 0: currentTemperatureC = 25; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: { type--; uint8_t num = pgm_read_byte(&temptables_num[type])<<1; uint8_t i=2; const short *temptable = (const short *)pgm_read_word(&temptables[type]); //pgm_read_word_near(&temptables[type]); short oldraw = pgm_read_word(&temptable[0]); short oldtemp = pgm_read_word(&temptable[1]); short newraw,newtemp; currentTemperature = (1023<<(2-ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))-currentTemperature; while(i currentTemperature) { //OUT_P_I("RC O:",oldtemp);OUT_P_I_LN(" OR:",oldraw); //OUT_P_I("RC N:",newtemp);OUT_P_I_LN(" NR:",newraw); currentTemperatureC = TEMP_INT_TO_FLOAT(oldtemp + (float)(currentTemperature-oldraw)*(float)(newtemp-oldtemp)/(newraw-oldraw)); return; } oldtemp = newtemp; oldraw = newraw; } // Overflow: Set to last value in the table currentTemperatureC = TEMP_INT_TO_FLOAT(newtemp); } break; case 50: // User defined PTC thermistor case 51: case 52: { type-=46; uint8_t num = pgm_read_byte(&temptables_num[type])<<1; uint8_t i=2; const short *temptable = (const short *)pgm_read_word(&temptables[type]); //pgm_read_word_near(&temptables[type]); short oldraw = pgm_read_word(&temptable[0]); short oldtemp = pgm_read_word(&temptable[1]); short newraw,newtemp; while(i currentTemperature) { currentTemperatureC = TEMP_INT_TO_FLOAT(oldtemp + (float)(currentTemperature-oldraw)*(float)(newtemp-oldtemp)/(newraw-oldraw)); return; } oldtemp = newtemp; oldraw = newraw; } // Overflow: Set to last value in the table currentTemperatureC = TEMP_INT_TO_FLOAT(newtemp); break; } case 60: // AD8495 (Delivers 5mV/degC vs the AD595's 10mV) #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_AVR currentTemperatureC = ((float)currentTemperature * 1000.0f / (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))); #else currentTemperatureC = ((float)currentTemperature * 660.0f / (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))); #endif break; case 61: // AD8495 1.25V Vref offset (like Adafruit 8495 breakout board) #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_AVR currentTemperatureC = ((float)currentTemperature * 1000.0f / (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))) - 250.0f; #else currentTemperatureC = ((float)currentTemperature * 660.0f / (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))) - 250.0f; #endif break; case 100: // AD595 //return (int)((long)raw_temp * 500/(1024<<(2-ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))); #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_AVR currentTemperatureC = ((float)currentTemperature * 500.0f / (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))); #else currentTemperatureC = ((float)currentTemperature * 330.0f / (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))); #endif break; #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX6675 case 101: // MAX6675 currentTemperatureC = (float)currentTemperature / 4.0; break; #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX31855 case 102: // MAX31855 currentTemperatureC = (float)currentTemperature / 4.0; break; #endif #if defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_1) || defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_2) || defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_3) case 97: case 98: case 99: { uint8_t i=2; const short *temptable; #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_1 if(type == 97) temptable = (const short *)temptable_generic1; #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_2 if(type == 98) temptable = (const short *)temptable_generic2; #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_3 if(type == 99) temptable = (const short *)temptable_generic3; #endif short oldraw = temptable[0]; short oldtemp = temptable[1]; short newraw,newtemp; currentTemperature = (1023 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS)) - currentTemperature; while(i currentTemperature) { //OUT_P_I("RC O:",oldtemp);OUT_P_I_LN(" OR:",oldraw); //OUT_P_I("RC N:",newtemp);OUT_P_I_LN(" NR:",newraw); currentTemperatureC = TEMP_INT_TO_FLOAT(oldtemp + (float)(currentTemperature-oldraw)*(float)(newtemp-oldtemp)/(newraw-oldraw)); return; } oldtemp = newtemp; oldraw = newraw; } // Overflow: Set to last value in the table currentTemperatureC = TEMP_INT_TO_FLOAT(newtemp); break; } #endif } } void TemperatureController::setTargetTemperature(float target) { targetTemperatureC = target; stopDecouple(); int temp = TEMP_FLOAT_TO_INT(target); uint8_t type = sensorType; switch(sensorType) { case 0: targetTemperature = 0; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: { type--; uint8_t num = pgm_read_byte(&temptables_num[type]) << 1; uint8_t i = 2; const short *temptable = (const short *)pgm_read_word(&temptables[type]); //pgm_read_word(&temptables[type]); short oldraw = pgm_read_word(&temptable[0]); short oldtemp = pgm_read_word(&temptable[1]); short newraw = 0,newtemp; while(i temp) { targetTemperature = oldraw + (int32_t)(oldtemp-temp) * (int32_t)(oldraw-newraw) / (oldtemp-newtemp); return; } oldtemp = newtemp; oldraw = newraw; } // Overflow: Set to last value in the table targetTemperature = newraw; break; } case 60: // HEATER_USES_AD8495 (Delivers 5mV/degC) targetTemperature = (int)((int32_t)temp * (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))/ 1000); break; case 100: // HEATER_USES_AD595 targetTemperature = (int)((int32_t)temp * (1024 << (2 - ANALOG_REDUCE_BITS))/ 500); break; #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX6675 case 101: // defined HEATER_USES_MAX6675 targetTemperature = temp * 4; break; #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX31855 case 102: // defined HEATER_USES_MAX31855 targetTemperature = temp * 4; break; #endif #if defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_1) || defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_2) || defined(USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_3) case 97: case 98: case 99: { uint8_t i = 2; const short *temptable; #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_1 if(type == 97) temptable = (const short *)temptable_generic1; #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_2 if(type == 98) temptable = (const short *)temptable_generic2; #endif #ifdef USE_GENERIC_THERMISTORTABLE_3 if(type == 99) temptable = (const short *)temptable_generic3; #endif short oldraw = temptable[0]; short oldtemp = temptable[1]; short newraw,newtemp; while(itargetTemperature = 0; c->targetTemperatureC = 0; pwm_pos[c->pwmIndex] = 0; } autotuneIndex = 255; } #if TEMP_PID void TemperatureController::autotunePID(float temp,uint8_t controllerId,int maxCycles,bool storeValues) { float currentTemp; int cycles = 0; bool heating = true; uint32_t temp_millis = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); uint32_t t1 = temp_millis; uint32_t t2 = temp_millis; int32_t t_high = 0; int32_t t_low; int32_t bias = pidMax >> 1; int32_t d = pidMax >> 1; float Ku, Tu; float Kp = 0, Ki = 0, Kd = 0; float maxTemp = 20, minTemp = 20; if(maxCycles < 5) maxCycles = 5; if(maxCycles > 20) maxCycles = 20; Com::printInfoFLN(Com::tPIDAutotuneStart); Extruder::disableAllHeater(); // switch off all heaters. autotuneIndex = controllerId; pwm_pos[pwmIndex] = pidMax; if(controllerId temp) // switch heating -> off { if(time - t2 > (controllerId < NUM_EXTRUDER ? 2500 : 1500)) { heating=false; pwm_pos[pwmIndex] = (bias - d); t1 = time; t_high = t1 - t2; maxTemp=temp; } } if(heating == false && currentTemp < temp) { if(time - t1 > (controllerId < NUM_EXTRUDER ? 5000 : 3000)) { heating = true; t2 = time; t_low=t2 - t1; // half wave length if(cycles > 0) { bias += (d*(t_high - t_low))/(t_low + t_high); bias = constrain(bias, 20 ,pidMax - 20); if(bias > pidMax/2) d = pidMax - 1 - bias; else d = bias; Com::printF(Com::tAPIDBias,bias); Com::printF(Com::tAPIDD,d); Com::printF(Com::tAPIDMin,minTemp); Com::printFLN(Com::tAPIDMax,maxTemp); if(cycles > 2) { // Parameter according Ziegler¡§CNichols method: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziegler%E2%80%93Nichols_method Ku = (4.0 * d) / (3.14159*(maxTemp-minTemp)); Tu = ((float)(t_low + t_high)/1000.0); Com::printF(Com::tAPIDKu,Ku); Com::printFLN(Com::tAPIDTu,Tu); Kp = 0.6*Ku; Ki = 2*Kp/Tu; Kd = Kp*Tu*0.125; Com::printFLN(Com::tAPIDClassic); Com::printFLN(Com::tAPIDKp,Kp); Com::printFLN(Com::tAPIDKi,Ki); Com::printFLN(Com::tAPIDKd,Kd); /* Kp = 0.33*Ku; Ki = Kp/Tu; Kd = Kp*Tu/3; OUT_P_LN(" Some overshoot"); OUT_P_F_LN(" Kp: ",Kp); OUT_P_F_LN(" Ki: ",Ki); OUT_P_F_LN(" Kd: ",Kd); Kp = 0.2*Ku; Ki = 2*Kp/Tu; Kd = Kp*Tu/3; OUT_P_LN(" No overshoot"); OUT_P_F_LN(" Kp: ",Kp); OUT_P_F_LN(" Ki: ",Ki); OUT_P_F_LN(" Kd: ",Kd); */ } } pwm_pos[pwmIndex] = (bias + d); cycles++; minTemp=temp; } } if(currentTemp > (temp + 40)) { Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tAPIDFailedHigh); Extruder::disableAllHeater(); return; } if(time - temp_millis > 1000) { temp_millis = time; Commands::printTemperatures(); } if(((time - t1) + (time - t2)) > (10L*60L*1000L*2L)) // 20 Minutes { Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tAPIDFailedTimeout); Extruder::disableAllHeater(); return; } if(cycles > maxCycles) { Com::printInfoFLN(Com::tAPIDFinished); Extruder::disableAllHeater(); if(storeValues) { pidPGain = Kp; pidIGain = Ki; pidDGain = Kd; heatManager = HTR_PID; EEPROM::storeDataIntoEEPROM(); } return; } UI_MEDIUM; UI_SLOW(true); } } #endif /** \brief Writes monitored temperatures. This function is called every 250ms to write the monitored temperature. If monitoring is disabled, the function is not called. */ void writeMonitor() { Commands::printTemperatures(false); } bool reportTempsensorError() { if(!Printer::isAnyTempsensorDefect()) return false; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS; i++) { if(i == NUM_EXTRUDER) Com::printF(Com::tHeatedBed); else Com::printF(Com::tExtruderSpace,i); int temp = tempController[i]->currentTemperatureC; if(temp < MIN_DEFECT_TEMPERATURE || temp > MAX_DEFECT_TEMPERATURE) Com::printFLN(Com::tTempSensorDefect); else Com::printFLN(Com::tTempSensorWorking); } Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tDryModeUntilRestart); return true; } #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX6675 int16_t read_max6675(uint8_t ss_pin) { int16_t max6675_temp = 0; HAL::spiInit(2); HAL::digitalWrite(ss_pin, 0); // enable TT_MAX6675 HAL::delayMicroseconds(1); // ensure 100ns delay - a bit extra is fine max6675_temp = HAL::spiReceive(0); max6675_temp <<= 8; max6675_temp |= HAL::spiReceive(0); HAL::digitalWrite(ss_pin, 1); // disable TT_MAX6675 return max6675_temp & 4 ? 2000 : max6675_temp >> 3; // thermocouple open? } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX31855 int16_t read_max31855(uint8_t ss_pin) { uint32_t data = 0; int16_t temperature; HAL::spiInit(2); HAL::digitalWrite(ss_pin, 0); // enable TT_MAX31855 HAL::delayMicroseconds(1); // ensure 100ns delay - a bit extra is fine for (unsigned short byte = 0; byte < 4; byte++) { data <<= 8; data |= HAL::spiReceive(); } HAL::digitalWrite(ss_pin, 1); // disable TT_MAX31855 //Process temp if (data & 0x00010000) return 20000; //Some form of error. else { data = data >> 18; temperature = data & 0x00001FFF; if (data & 0x00002000) { data = ~data; temperature = -1 * ((data & 0x00001FFF) + 1); } } return temperature; } #endif #if FEATURE_RETRACTION void Extruder::retractDistance(float dist) { float oldFeedrate = Printer::feedrate; int32_t distance = static_cast(dist * stepsPerMM / Printer::extrusionFactor); int32_t oldEPos = Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS]; float speed = distance > 0 ? EEPROM_FLOAT(RETRACTION_SPEED) : EEPROM_FLOAT(RETRACTION_UNDO_SPEED); PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(0, 0, 0, -distance, RMath::max(speed, 1.f), false, false); Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] = oldEPos; // restore previous extruder position Printer::feedrate = oldFeedrate; } void Extruder::retract(bool isRetract,bool isLong) { float oldFeedrate = Printer::feedrate; float distance = (isLong ? EEPROM_FLOAT( RETRACTION_LONG_LENGTH) : EEPROM_FLOAT(RETRACTION_LENGTH)); int32_t zlift = static_cast(EEPROM_FLOAT(RETRACTION_Z_LIFT) * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]); int32_t oldZPos = Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS]; float oldZPosF = Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS]; if(isRetract && !isRetracted()) { retractDistance(distance); setRetracted(true); if(zlift > 0) PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInStepsReal(0,0,zlift,0,Printer::maxFeedrate[Z_AXIS], false); } else if(!isRetract && isRetracted()) { distance += (isLong ? EEPROM_FLOAT(RETRACTION_UNDO_EXTRA_LONG_LENGTH) : EEPROM_FLOAT(RETRACTION_UNDO_EXTRA_LENGTH) ); if(zlift > 0) PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInStepsReal(0,0,-zlift,0,Printer::maxFeedrate[Z_AXIS], false); retractDistance(-distance); setRetracted(false); } Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] = oldZPos; // z lift should have no visible impact Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS] = oldZPosF; Printer::feedrate = oldFeedrate; } #endif Extruder *Extruder::current; #if NUM_EXTRUDER>0 const char ext0_select_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT0_SELECT_COMMANDS; const char ext0_deselect_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT0_DESELECT_COMMANDS; #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>1 const char ext1_select_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT1_SELECT_COMMANDS; const char ext1_deselect_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT1_DESELECT_COMMANDS; #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>2 const char ext2_select_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT2_SELECT_COMMANDS; const char ext2_deselect_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT2_DESELECT_COMMANDS; #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>3 const char ext3_select_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT3_SELECT_COMMANDS; const char ext3_deselect_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT3_DESELECT_COMMANDS; #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>4 const char ext4_select_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT4_SELECT_COMMANDS; const char ext4_deselect_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT4_DESELECT_COMMANDS; #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>5 const char ext5_select_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT5_SELECT_COMMANDS; const char ext5_deselect_cmd[] PROGMEM = EXT5_DESELECT_COMMANDS; #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER == 0 Extruder extruder[1]; #else Extruder extruder[NUM_EXTRUDER] = { #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 { 0,EXT0_X_OFFSET,EXT0_Y_OFFSET,EXT0_Z_OFFSET,EXT0_STEPS_PER_MM,EXT0_ENABLE_PIN,EXT0_ENABLE_ON, EXT0_MAX_FEEDRATE,EXT0_MAX_ACCELERATION,EXT0_MAX_START_FEEDRATE,0,EXT0_WATCHPERIOD ,EXT0_WAIT_RETRACT_TEMP,EXT0_WAIT_RETRACT_UNITS #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE ,EXT0_ADVANCE_K #endif ,EXT0_ADVANCE_L,EXT0_ADVANCE_BACKLASH_STEPS #endif #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 ,10,10,{10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} #endif ,{ 0,EXT0_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE,EXT0_SENSOR_INDEX,0,0,0,0,0,EXT0_HEAT_MANAGER #if TEMP_PID ,0,EXT0_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX,EXT0_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MIN,EXT0_PID_PGAIN_OR_DEAD_TIME,EXT0_PID_I,EXT0_PID_D,EXT0_PID_MAX,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0} #endif ,0,0,0,EXT0_DECOUPLE_TEST_PERIOD } ,ext0_select_cmd,ext0_deselect_cmd,EXT0_EXTRUDER_COOLER_SPEED,0,0,0 #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL ,0,0,10,0,0 #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 1 ,{ 1,EXT1_X_OFFSET,EXT1_Y_OFFSET,EXT1_Z_OFFSET,EXT1_STEPS_PER_MM,EXT1_ENABLE_PIN,EXT1_ENABLE_ON, EXT1_MAX_FEEDRATE,EXT1_MAX_ACCELERATION,EXT1_MAX_START_FEEDRATE,0,EXT1_WATCHPERIOD ,EXT1_WAIT_RETRACT_TEMP,EXT1_WAIT_RETRACT_UNITS #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE ,EXT1_ADVANCE_K #endif ,EXT1_ADVANCE_L,EXT1_ADVANCE_BACKLASH_STEPS #endif #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 ,10,10,{10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} #endif ,{ 1,EXT1_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE,EXT1_SENSOR_INDEX,0,0,0,0,0,EXT1_HEAT_MANAGER #if TEMP_PID ,0,EXT1_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX,EXT1_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MIN,EXT1_PID_PGAIN_OR_DEAD_TIME,EXT1_PID_I,EXT1_PID_D,EXT1_PID_MAX,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0} #endif ,0,0,0,EXT1_DECOUPLE_TEST_PERIOD } ,ext1_select_cmd,ext1_deselect_cmd,EXT1_EXTRUDER_COOLER_SPEED,0,0,0 #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL ,0,0,10,0,0 #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 2 ,{ 2,EXT2_X_OFFSET,EXT2_Y_OFFSET,EXT2_Z_OFFSET,EXT2_STEPS_PER_MM,EXT2_ENABLE_PIN,EXT2_ENABLE_ON, EXT2_MAX_FEEDRATE,EXT2_MAX_ACCELERATION,EXT2_MAX_START_FEEDRATE,0,EXT2_WATCHPERIOD ,EXT2_WAIT_RETRACT_TEMP,EXT2_WAIT_RETRACT_UNITS #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE ,EXT2_ADVANCE_K #endif ,EXT2_ADVANCE_L,EXT2_ADVANCE_BACKLASH_STEPS #endif #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 ,10,10,{10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} #endif ,{ 2,EXT2_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE,EXT2_SENSOR_INDEX,0,0,0,0,0,EXT2_HEAT_MANAGER #if TEMP_PID ,0,EXT2_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX,EXT2_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MIN,EXT2_PID_PGAIN_OR_DEAD_TIME,EXT2_PID_I,EXT2_PID_D,EXT2_PID_MAX,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0} #endif ,0,0,0,EXT2_DECOUPLE_TEST_PERIOD } ,ext2_select_cmd,ext2_deselect_cmd,EXT2_EXTRUDER_COOLER_SPEED,0,0,0 #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL ,0,0,10,0,0 #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 3 ,{ 3,EXT3_X_OFFSET,EXT3_Y_OFFSET,EXT3_Z_OFFSET,EXT3_STEPS_PER_MM,EXT3_ENABLE_PIN,EXT3_ENABLE_ON, EXT3_MAX_FEEDRATE,EXT3_MAX_ACCELERATION,EXT3_MAX_START_FEEDRATE,0,EXT3_WATCHPERIOD ,EXT3_WAIT_RETRACT_TEMP,EXT3_WAIT_RETRACT_UNITS #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE ,EXT3_ADVANCE_K #endif ,EXT3_ADVANCE_L,EXT3_ADVANCE_BACKLASH_STEPS #endif #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 ,10,10,{10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} #endif ,{ 3,EXT3_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE,EXT3_SENSOR_INDEX,0,0,0,0,0,EXT3_HEAT_MANAGER #if TEMP_PID ,0,EXT3_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX,EXT3_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MIN,EXT3_PID_PGAIN_OR_DEAD_TIME,EXT3_PID_I,EXT3_PID_D,EXT3_PID_MAX,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0} #endif ,0,0,0,EXT3_DECOUPLE_TEST_PERIOD } ,ext3_select_cmd,ext3_deselect_cmd,EXT3_EXTRUDER_COOLER_SPEED,0,0,0 #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL ,0,0,10,0,0 #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 4 ,{ 4,EXT4_X_OFFSET,EXT4_Y_OFFSET,EXT4_Z_OFFSET,EXT4_STEPS_PER_MM,EXT4_ENABLE_PIN,EXT4_ENABLE_ON, EXT4_MAX_FEEDRATE,EXT4_MAX_ACCELERATION,EXT4_MAX_START_FEEDRATE,0,EXT4_WATCHPERIOD ,EXT4_WAIT_RETRACT_TEMP,EXT4_WAIT_RETRACT_UNITS #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE ,EXT4_ADVANCE_K #endif ,EXT4_ADVANCE_L,EXT4_ADVANCE_BACKLASH_STEPS #endif #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 ,10,10,{10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} #endif ,{ 4,EXT4_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE,EXT4_SENSOR_INDEX,0,0,0,0,0,EXT4_HEAT_MANAGER #if TEMP_PID ,0,EXT4_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX,EXT4_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MIN,EXT4_PID_PGAIN_OR_DEAD_TIME,EXT4_PID_I,EXT4_PID_D,EXT4_PID_MAX,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0} #endif ,0,0,0,EXT4_DECOUPLE_TEST_PERIOD } ,ext4_select_cmd,ext4_deselect_cmd,EXT4_EXTRUDER_COOLER_SPEED,0,0,0 #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL ,0,0,10,0,0 #endif } #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 5 ,{ 5,EXT5_X_OFFSET,EXT5_Y_OFFSET,EXT5_Z_OFFSET,EXT5_STEPS_PER_MM,EXT5_ENABLE_PIN,EXT5_ENABLE_ON, EXT5_MAX_FEEDRATE,EXT5_MAX_ACCELERATION,EXT5_MAX_START_FEEDRATE,0,EXT5_WATCHPERIOD ,EXT5_WAIT_RETRACT_TEMP,EXT5_WAIT_RETRACT_UNITS #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE ,EXT5_ADVANCE_K #endif ,EXT5_ADVANCE_L,EXT5_ADVANCE_BACKLASH_STEPS #endif #if MIXING_EXTRUDER > 0 ,10,10,{10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} #endif ,{ 5,EXT5_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE,EXT5_SENSOR_INDEX,0,0,0,0,0,EXT5_HEAT_MANAGER #if TEMP_PID ,0,EXT5_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX,EXT5_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MIN,EXT5_PID_PGAIN_OR_DEAD_TIME,EXT5_PID_I,EXT5_PID_D,EXT5_PID_MAX,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0} #endif ,0,0,0,EXT5_DECOUPLE_TEST_PERIOD } ,ext5_select_cmd,ext5_deselect_cmd,EXT5_EXTRUDER_COOLER_SPEED,0,0,0 #if EXTRUDER_JAM_CONTROL ,0,0,10,0,0 #endif } #endif }; #endif // NUM_EXTRUDER #if HAVE_HEATED_BED #define NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS NUM_EXTRUDER+1 TemperatureController heatedBedController = {NUM_EXTRUDER,HEATED_BED_SENSOR_TYPE,BED_SENSOR_INDEX,0,0,0,0,0,HEATED_BED_HEAT_MANAGER #if TEMP_PID ,0,HEATED_BED_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MAX,HEATED_BED_PID_INTEGRAL_DRIVE_MIN,HEATED_BED_PID_PGAIN_OR_DEAD_TIME,HEATED_BED_PID_IGAIN,HEATED_BED_PID_DGAIN,HEATED_BED_PID_MAX,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0} #endif ,0,0,0,HEATED_BED_DECOUPLE_TEST_PERIOD }; #else #define NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS NUM_EXTRUDER #endif TemperatureController *tempController[NUM_TEMPERATURE_LOOPS] = { #if NUM_EXTRUDER>0 &extruder[0].tempControl #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>1 ,&extruder[1].tempControl #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>2 ,&extruder[2].tempControl #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>3 ,&extruder[3].tempControl #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>4 ,&extruder[4].tempControl #endif #if NUM_EXTRUDER>5 ,&extruder[5].tempControl #endif #if HAVE_HEATED_BED #if NUM_EXTRUDER==0 &heatedBedController #else ,&heatedBedController #endif #endif };