/* This file is part of Repetier-Firmware. Repetier-Firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Repetier-Firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Repetier-Firmware. If not, see . This firmware is a nearly complete rewrite of the sprinter firmware by kliment (https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter) which based on Tonokip RepRap firmware rewrite based off of Hydra-mmm firmware. Functions in this file are used to communicate using ascii or repetier protocol. */ #include "Repetier.h" // ================ Sanity checks ================ #ifndef STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY #error Please add new parameter STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY to your configuration. #else #if STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY < 10000 || STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY > 20000 #if CPU_ARCH==ARCH_AVR #error STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY should be in range 10000-16000. #endif #endif #endif #ifdef EXTRUDER_SPEED #error EXTRUDER_SPEED is not used any more. Values are now taken from extruder definition. #endif #ifdef ENDSTOPPULLUPS #error ENDSTOPPULLUPS is now replaced by individual pullup configuration! #endif #ifdef EXT0_PID_PGAIN #error The PID system has changed. Please use the new float number options! #endif // #################################################################################### // # No configuration below this line - just some errorchecking # // #################################################################################### #ifdef SUPPORT_MAX6675 #if !defined SCK_PIN || !defined MOSI_PIN || !defined MISO_PIN #error For MAX6675 support, you need to define SCK_PIN, MISO_PIN and MOSI_PIN in pins.h #endif #endif #if X_STEP_PIN<0 || Y_STEP_PIN<0 || Z_STEP_PIN<0 #error One of the following pins is not assigned: X_STEP_PIN,Y_STEP_PIN,Z_STEP_PIN #endif #if EXT0_STEP_PIN<0 && NUM_EXTRUDER>0 #error EXT0_STEP_PIN not set to a pin number. #endif #if EXT0_DIR_PIN<0 && NUM_EXTRUDER>0 #error EXT0_DIR_PIN not set to a pin number. #endif #if PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE<4 #error PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE must be at least 5 #endif //Inactivity shutdown variables millis_t previousMillisCmd = 0; millis_t maxInactiveTime = MAX_INACTIVE_TIME*1000L; millis_t stepperInactiveTime = STEPPER_INACTIVE_TIME*1000L; long baudrate = BAUDRATE; ///< Communication speed rate. #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE int maxadv = 0; #endif int maxadv2 = 0; float maxadvspeed = 0; #endif uint8_t pwm_pos[NUM_EXTRUDER+3]; // 0-NUM_EXTRUDER = Heater 0-NUM_EXTRUDER of extruder, NUM_EXTRUDER = Heated bed, NUM_EXTRUDER+1 Board fan, NUM_EXTRUDER+2 = Fan volatile int waitRelax = 0; // Delay filament relax at the end of print, could be a simple timeout PrintLine PrintLine::lines[PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE]; ///< Cache for print moves. PrintLine *PrintLine::cur = 0; ///< Current printing line #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_ARM volatile bool PrintLine::nlFlag = false; #endif ufast8_t PrintLine::linesWritePos = 0; ///< Position where we write the next cached line move. volatile ufast8_t PrintLine::linesCount = 0; ///< Number of lines cached 0 = nothing to do. ufast8_t PrintLine::linesPos = 0; ///< Position for executing line movement. /** Move printer the given number of steps. Puts the move into the queue. Used by e.g. homing commands. */ void PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInSteps(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, int32_t e, float feedrate, bool waitEnd, bool checkEndstop) { #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 if(Printer::debugDryrun() || (MIN_EXTRUDER_TEMP > 30 && Extruder::current->tempControl.currentTemperatureC < MIN_EXTRUDER_TEMP && !Printer::isColdExtrusionAllowed())) e = 0; // should not be allowed for current temperature #endif float savedFeedrate = Printer::feedrate; Printer::destinationSteps[X_AXIS] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[X_AXIS] + x; Printer::destinationSteps[Y_AXIS] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[Y_AXIS] + y; Printer::destinationSteps[Z_AXIS] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[Z_AXIS] + z; Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] + e; Printer::feedrate = feedrate; #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM if (!queueDeltaMove(checkEndstop, false, false)) { Com::printWarningFLN(PSTR("moveRelativeDistanceInSteps / queueDeltaMove returns error")); } #else queueCartesianMove(checkEndstop, false); #endif Printer::feedrate = savedFeedrate; Printer::updateCurrentPosition(false); if(waitEnd) Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); previousMillisCmd = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); } void PrintLine::moveRelativeDistanceInStepsReal(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, int32_t e, float feedrate, bool waitEnd) { Printer::lastCmdPos[X_AXIS] += x * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[X_AXIS]; Printer::lastCmdPos[Y_AXIS] += y * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Y_AXIS]; Printer::lastCmdPos[Z_AXIS] += z * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; if(!Printer::isPositionAllowed( Printer::lastCmdPos[X_AXIS], Printer::lastCmdPos[Y_AXIS], Printer::lastCmdPos[Z_AXIS])) { return; // ignore move } #if NUM_EXTRUDER > 0 if(Printer::debugDryrun() || (MIN_EXTRUDER_TEMP > 30 && Extruder::current->tempControl.currentTemperatureC < MIN_EXTRUDER_TEMP && !Printer::isColdExtrusionAllowed())) e = 0; // should not be allowed for current temperature #endif Printer::moveToReal(Printer::lastCmdPos[X_AXIS], Printer::lastCmdPos[Y_AXIS], Printer::lastCmdPos[Z_AXIS], (Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] + e) * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS],feedrate); Printer::updateCurrentPosition(); if(waitEnd) Commands::waitUntilEndOfAllMoves(); previousMillisCmd = HAL::timeInMilliseconds(); } #if !NONLINEAR_SYSTEM /** Put a move to the current destination coordinates into the movement cache. If the cache is full, the method will wait, until a place gets free. During wait communication and temperature control is enabled. @param check_endstops Read endstop during move. */ void PrintLine::queueCartesianMove(uint8_t check_endstops, uint8_t pathOptimize) { Printer::unsetAllSteppersDisabled(); waitForXFreeLines(1); uint8_t newPath = insertWaitMovesIfNeeded(pathOptimize, 0); PrintLine *p = getNextWriteLine(); float axis_diff[E_AXIS_ARRAY]; // Axis movement in mm if(check_endstops) p->flags = FLAG_CHECK_ENDSTOPS; else p->flags = 0; p->joinFlags = 0; if(!pathOptimize) p->setEndSpeedFixed(true); p->dir = 0; Printer::constrainDestinationCoords(); //Find direction for(uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 4; axis++) { p->delta[axis] = Printer::destinationSteps[axis] - Printer::currentPositionSteps[axis]; if(axis == E_AXIS) { Printer::extrudeMultiplyError += (static_cast(p->delta[E_AXIS]) * Printer::extrusionFactor); p->delta[E_AXIS] = static_cast(Printer::extrudeMultiplyError); Printer::extrudeMultiplyError -= p->delta[E_AXIS]; Printer::filamentPrinted += p->delta[E_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[axis]; } if(p->delta[axis] >= 0) p->setPositiveDirectionForAxis(axis); else p->delta[axis] = -p->delta[axis]; axis_diff[axis] = p->delta[axis] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[axis]; if(p->delta[axis]) p->setMoveOfAxis(axis); Printer::currentPositionSteps[axis] = Printer::destinationSteps[axis]; } if(p->isNoMove()) { if(newPath) // need to delete dummy elements, otherwise commands can get locked. resetPathPlanner(); return; // No steps included } float xydist2; #if ENABLE_BACKLASH_COMPENSATION if((p->isXYZMove()) && ((p->dir & XYZ_DIRPOS)^(Printer::backlashDir & XYZ_DIRPOS)) & (Printer::backlashDir >> 3)) // We need to compensate backlash, add a move { waitForXFreeLines(2); uint8_t wpos2 = linesWritePos + 1; if(wpos2 >= PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE) wpos2 = 0; PrintLine *p2 = &lines[wpos2]; memcpy(p2,p,sizeof(PrintLine)); // Move current data to p2 uint8_t changed = (p->dir & XYZ_DIRPOS)^(Printer::backlashDir & XYZ_DIRPOS); float back_diff[4]; // Axis movement in mm back_diff[E_AXIS] = 0; back_diff[X_AXIS] = (changed & 1 ? (p->isXPositiveMove() ? Printer::backlashX : -Printer::backlashX) : 0); back_diff[Y_AXIS] = (changed & 2 ? (p->isYPositiveMove() ? Printer::backlashY : -Printer::backlashY) : 0); back_diff[Z_AXIS] = (changed & 4 ? (p->isZPositiveMove() ? Printer::backlashZ : -Printer::backlashZ) : 0); p->dir &= XYZ_DIRPOS; // x,y and z are already correct for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float f = back_diff[i]*Printer::axisStepsPerMM[i]; p->delta[i] = abs((long)f); if(p->delta[i]) p->dir |= XSTEP << i; } //Define variables that are needed for the Bresenham algorithm. Please note that Z is not currently included in the Bresenham algorithm. if(p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[X_AXIS] && p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = Y_AXIS; else if (p->delta[X_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS] ) p->primaryAxis = X_AXIS; else p->primaryAxis = Z_AXIS; p->stepsRemaining = p->delta[p->primaryAxis]; //Feedrate calc based on XYZ travel distance xydist2 = back_diff[X_AXIS] * back_diff[X_AXIS] + back_diff[Y_AXIS] * back_diff[Y_AXIS]; if(p->isZMove()) p->distance = sqrt(xydist2 + back_diff[Z_AXIS] * back_diff[Z_AXIS]); else p->distance = sqrt(xydist2); // 56 seems to be xstep|ystep|e_posdir which just seems odd Printer::backlashDir = (Printer::backlashDir & 56) | (p2->dir & XYZ_DIRPOS); p->calculateMove(back_diff,pathOptimize); p = p2; // use saved instance for the real move } #endif //Define variables that are needed for the Bresenham algorithm. Please note that Z is not currently included in the Bresenham algorithm. if(p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[X_AXIS] && p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS] && p->delta[Y_AXIS] > p->delta[E_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = Y_AXIS; else if (p->delta[X_AXIS] > p->delta[Z_AXIS] && p->delta[X_AXIS] > p->delta[E_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = X_AXIS; else if (p->delta[Z_AXIS] > p->delta[E_AXIS]) p->primaryAxis = Z_AXIS; else p->primaryAxis = E_AXIS; p->stepsRemaining = p->delta[p->primaryAxis]; if(p->isXYZMove()) { xydist2 = axis_diff[X_AXIS] * axis_diff[X_AXIS] + axis_diff[Y_AXIS] * axis_diff[Y_AXIS]; if(p->isZMove()) p->distance = RMath::max((float)sqrt(xydist2 + axis_diff[Z_AXIS] * axis_diff[Z_AXIS]),fabs(axis_diff[E_AXIS])); else p->distance = RMath::max((float)sqrt(xydist2),fabs(axis_diff[E_AXIS])); } else p->distance = fabs(axis_diff[E_AXIS]); p->calculateMove(axis_diff,pathOptimize); } #endif void PrintLine::calculateMove(float axis_diff[], uint8_t pathOptimize) { #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM long axisInterval[VIRTUAL_AXIS_ARRAY]; // shortest interval possible for that axis #else long axisInterval[E_AXIS_ARRAY]; #endif float timeForMove = (float)(F_CPU)*distance / (isXOrYMove() ? RMath::max(Printer::minimumSpeed, Printer::feedrate) : Printer::feedrate); // time is in ticks bool critical = Printer::isZProbingActive(); if(linesCount < MOVE_CACHE_LOW && timeForMove < LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE) // Limit speed to keep cache full. { //OUT_P_I("L:",lines_count); timeForMove += (3 * (LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE - timeForMove)) / (linesCount + 1); // Increase time if queue gets empty. Add more time if queue gets smaller. //OUT_P_F_LN("Slow ",time_for_move); critical = true; } timeInTicks = timeForMove; UI_MEDIUM; // do check encoder // Compute the solwest allowed interval (ticks/step), so maximum feedrate is not violated long limitInterval = timeForMove / stepsRemaining; // until not violated by other constraints it is your target speed if(isXMove()) { axisInterval[X_AXIS] = fabs(axis_diff[X_AXIS]) * F_CPU / (Printer::maxFeedrate[X_AXIS] * stepsRemaining); // mm*ticks/s/(mm/s*steps) = ticks/step #if !NONLINEAR_SYSTEM limitInterval = RMath::max(axisInterval[X_AXIS], limitInterval); #endif } else axisInterval[X_AXIS] = 0; if(isYMove()) { axisInterval[Y_AXIS] = fabs(axis_diff[Y_AXIS]) * F_CPU / (Printer::maxFeedrate[Y_AXIS] * stepsRemaining); #if !NONLINEAR_SYSTEM limitInterval = RMath::max(axisInterval[Y_AXIS], limitInterval); #endif } else axisInterval[Y_AXIS] = 0; if(isZMove()) // normally no move in z direction { axisInterval[Z_AXIS] = fabs(axis_diff[Z_AXIS]) * (float)F_CPU / (float)(Printer::maxFeedrate[Z_AXIS] * stepsRemaining); // must prevent overflow! #if !NONLINEAR_SYSTEM limitInterval = RMath::max(axisInterval[Z_AXIS], limitInterval); #endif } else axisInterval[Z_AXIS] = 0; if(isEMove()) { axisInterval[E_AXIS] = fabs(axis_diff[E_AXIS]) * F_CPU / (Printer::maxFeedrate[E_AXIS] * stepsRemaining); #if !NONLINEAR_SYSTEM limitInterval = RMath::max(axisInterval[E_AXIS], limitInterval); #endif } else axisInterval[E_AXIS] = 0; #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM if(axis_diff[VIRTUAL_AXIS] >= 0) axisInterval[VIRTUAL_AXIS] = fabs(axis_diff[VIRTUAL_AXIS]) * F_CPU / (Printer::maxFeedrate[Z_AXIS] * stepsRemaining); else axisInterval[VIRTUAL_AXIS] = fabs(axis_diff[VIRTUAL_AXIS]) * F_CPU / (Printer::maxFeedrate[E_AXIS] * stepsRemaining); limitInterval = RMath::max(axisInterval[VIRTUAL_AXIS], limitInterval); #endif fullInterval = limitInterval = limitInterval>LIMIT_INTERVAL ? limitInterval : LIMIT_INTERVAL; // This is our target speed // new time at full speed = limitInterval*p->stepsRemaining [ticks] timeForMove = (float)limitInterval * (float)stepsRemaining; // for large z-distance this overflows with long computation float inv_time_s = (float)F_CPU / timeForMove; if(isXMove()) { axisInterval[X_AXIS] = timeForMove / delta[X_AXIS]; speedX = axis_diff[X_AXIS] * inv_time_s; if(isXNegativeMove()) speedX = -speedX; } else speedX = 0; if(isYMove()) { axisInterval[Y_AXIS] = timeForMove / delta[Y_AXIS]; speedY = axis_diff[Y_AXIS] * inv_time_s; if(isYNegativeMove()) speedY = -speedY; } else speedY = 0; if(isZMove()) { axisInterval[Z_AXIS] = timeForMove / delta[Z_AXIS]; speedZ = axis_diff[Z_AXIS] * inv_time_s; if(isZNegativeMove()) speedZ = -speedZ; } else speedZ = 0; if(isEMove()) { axisInterval[E_AXIS] = timeForMove / delta[E_AXIS]; speedE = axis_diff[E_AXIS] * inv_time_s; if(isENegativeMove()) speedE = -speedE; } #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM axisInterval[VIRTUAL_AXIS] = limitInterval; //timeForMove/stepsRemaining; #endif fullSpeed = distance * inv_time_s; //long interval = axis_interval[primary_axis]; // time for every step in ticks with full speed //If acceleration is enabled, do some Bresenham calculations depending on which axis will lead it. #if RAMP_ACCELERATION // slowest time to accelerate from v0 to limitInterval determines used acceleration // t = (v_end-v_start)/a float slowest_axis_plateau_time_repro = 1e15; // repro to reduce division Unit: 1/s unsigned long *accel = (isEPositiveMove() ? Printer::maxPrintAccelerationStepsPerSquareSecond : Printer::maxTravelAccelerationStepsPerSquareSecond); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) { if(isMoveOfAxis(i)) // v = a * t => t = v/a = F_CPU/(c*a) => 1/t = c*a/F_CPU slowest_axis_plateau_time_repro = RMath::min(slowest_axis_plateau_time_repro, (float)axisInterval[i] * (float)accel[i]); // steps/s^2 * step/tick Ticks/s^2 } // Errors for delta move are initialized in timer (except extruder) #if !NONLINEAR_SYSTEM error[X_AXIS] = error[Y_AXIS] = error[Z_AXIS] = delta[primaryAxis] >> 1; #endif #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM error[E_AXIS] = stepsRemaining >> 1; #endif invFullSpeed = 1.0 / fullSpeed; accelerationPrim = slowest_axis_plateau_time_repro / axisInterval[primaryAxis]; // a = v/t = F_CPU/(c*t): Steps/s^2 //Now we can calculate the new primary axis acceleration, so that the slowest axis max acceleration is not violated fAcceleration = 262144.0 * (float)accelerationPrim / F_CPU; // will overflow without float! accelerationDistance2 = 2.0 * distance * slowest_axis_plateau_time_repro * fullSpeed/((float)F_CPU); // mm^2/s^2 startSpeed = endSpeed = minSpeed = safeSpeed(); // Can accelerate to full speed within the line if (startSpeed * startSpeed + accelerationDistance2 >= fullSpeed * fullSpeed) setNominalMove(); vMax = F_CPU / fullInterval; // maximum steps per second, we can reach // if(p->vMax>46000) // gets overflow in N computation // p->vMax = 46000; //p->plateauN = (p->vMax*p->vMax/p->accelerationPrim)>>1; #if USE_ADVANCE if(!isXYZMove() || !isEMove()) { #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE advanceRate = 0; // No head move or E move only or sucking filament back advanceFull = 0; #endif advanceL = 0; } else { float advlin = fabs(speedE) * Extruder::current->advanceL * 0.001 * Printer::axisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; advanceL = (uint16_t)((65536L * advlin)/vMax); //advanceLscaled = (65536*vE*k2)/vMax #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE advanceFull = 65536*Extruder::current->advanceK * speedE * speedE; // Steps*65536 at full speed long steps = (HAL::U16SquaredToU32(vMax)) / (accelerationPrim << 1); // v^2/(2*a) = steps needed to accelerate from 0-vMax advanceRate = advanceFull / steps; if((advanceFull >> 16) > maxadv) { maxadv = (advanceFull >> 16); maxadvspeed = fabs(speedE); } #endif if(advlin > maxadv2) { maxadv2 = advlin; maxadvspeed = fabs(speedE); } } #endif UI_MEDIUM; // do check encoder updateTrapezoids(); // how much steps on primary axis do we need to reach target feedrate //p->plateauSteps = (long) (((float)p->acceleration *0.5f / slowest_axis_plateau_time_repro + p->vMin) *1.01f/slowest_axis_plateau_time_repro); #else #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE advanceRate = 0; // No advance for constant speeds advanceFull = 0; #endif #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT // Set in delta move calculation #if !NONLINEAR_SYSTEM totalStepsRemaining = delta[X_AXIS] + delta[Y_AXIS] + delta[Z_AXIS]; #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE_MOVE if(Printer::debugEcho()) { logLine(); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGLimitInterval, limitInterval); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGMoveDistance, distance); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGCommandedFeedrate, Printer::feedrate); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGConstFullSpeedMoveTime, timeForMove); } #endif // Make result permanent if (pathOptimize) waitRelax = 70; pushLine(); DEBUG_MEMORY; } /** This is the path planner. It goes from the last entry and tries to increase the end speed of previous moves in a fashion that the maximum jerk is never exceeded. If a segment with reached maximum speed is met, the planner stops. Everything left from this is already optimal from previous updates. The first 2 entries in the queue are not checked. The first is the one that is already in print and the following will likely to become active. The method is called before lines_count is increased! */ void PrintLine::updateTrapezoids() { ufast8_t first = linesWritePos; PrintLine *firstLine; PrintLine *act = &lines[linesWritePos]; InterruptProtectedBlock noInts; // First we find out how far back we could go with optimization. ufast8_t maxfirst = linesPos; // first non fixed segment we might change if(maxfirst != linesWritePos) nextPlannerIndex(maxfirst); // don't touch the line printing // Now ignore enough segments to gain enough time for path planning millis_t timeleft = 0; // Skip as many stored moves as needed to gain enough time for computation #if PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE < 10 #define minTime 4500L * PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE #else #define minTime 45000L #endif while(timeleft < minTime && maxfirst != linesWritePos) { timeleft += lines[maxfirst].timeInTicks; nextPlannerIndex(maxfirst); } // Search last fixed element while(first != maxfirst && !lines[first].isEndSpeedFixed()) previousPlannerIndex(first); if(first != linesWritePos && lines[first].isEndSpeedFixed()) nextPlannerIndex(first); // now first points to last segment before the end speed is fixed // so start speed is also fixed. if(first == linesWritePos) // Nothing to plan, only new element presend { act->block(); // Prevent steppe rinterrupt from using this noInts.unprotect(); act->setStartSpeedFixed(true); act->updateStepsParameter(); act->unblock(); return; } // now we have at least one additional move for optimization // that is not a wait move // First is now the new element or the first element with non fixed end speed. // anyhow, the start speed of first is fixed firstLine = &lines[first]; firstLine->block(); // don't let printer touch this or following segments during update noInts.unprotect(); ufast8_t previousIndex = linesWritePos; previousPlannerIndex(previousIndex); PrintLine *previous = &lines[previousIndex]; // segment before the one we are inserting #if DRIVE_SYSTEM != DELTA // filters z-move<->not z-move if((previous->primaryAxis == Z_AXIS && act->primaryAxis != Z_AXIS) || (previous->primaryAxis != Z_AXIS && act->primaryAxis == Z_AXIS)) { previous->setEndSpeedFixed(true); act->setStartSpeedFixed(true); act->updateStepsParameter(); firstLine->unblock(); return; } #endif // DRIVE_SYSTEM if(previous->isEOnlyMove() != act->isEOnlyMove()) { previous->maxJunctionSpeed = previous->endSpeed; previous->setEndSpeedFixed(true); act->setStartSpeedFixed(true); act->updateStepsParameter(); firstLine->unblock(); return; } else { computeMaxJunctionSpeed(previous, act); // Set maximum junction speed if we have a real move before } // Increase speed if possible neglecting current speed backwardPlanner(linesWritePos,first); // Reduce speed to reachable speeds forwardPlanner(first); // Update precomputed data do { lines[first].updateStepsParameter(); //noInts.protect(); lines[first].unblock(); // start with first block to release next used segment as early as possible nextPlannerIndex(first); lines[first].block(); //noInts.unprotect(); } while(first != linesWritePos); act->updateStepsParameter(); act->unblock(); } /* Computes the maximum junction speed of the newly added segment under optimal conditions. There is no guarantee that the previous move will be able to reach the speed at all, but if it could exceed it will never exceed this theoretical limit. if you define ALTERNATIVE_JERK teh new jerk computations are used. These use the cosine of the angle and the maximum speed Jerk = (1-cos(alpha))*min(v1,v2) This sets jerk to 0 on zero angle change. Old New 0��: 0 0 30��: 51,8 13.4 45��: 76.53 29.3 90��: 141 100 180��: 200 200 von 100 auf 200 Old New(min) New(max) 0��: 100 0 0 30��: 123,9 13.4 26.8 45��: 147.3 29.3 58.6 90��: 223 100 200 180��: 300 200 400 */ inline void PrintLine::computeMaxJunctionSpeed(PrintLine *previous, PrintLine *current) { #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM if (previous->moveID == current->moveID) // Avoid computing junction speed for split delta lines { if(previous->fullSpeed > current->fullSpeed) previous->maxJunctionSpeed = current->fullSpeed; else previous->maxJunctionSpeed = previous->fullSpeed; return; } #endif #if USE_ADVANCE if(Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) { // if we start/stop extrusion we need to do so with lowest possible end speed // or advance would leave a drolling extruder and can not adjust fast enough. if(previous->isEMove() != current->isEMove()) { previous->setEndSpeedFixed(true); current->setStartSpeedFixed(true); previous->endSpeed = current->startSpeed = previous->maxJunctionSpeed = RMath::min(previous->endSpeed, current->startSpeed); previous->invalidateParameter(); current->invalidateParameter(); return; } } #endif // USE_ADVANCE // if we are here we have to identical move types // either pure extrusion -> pure extrusion or // move -> move (with or without extrusion) // First we compute the normalized jerk for speed 1 float factor = 1.0; float maxJoinSpeed = RMath::min(current->fullSpeed,previous->fullSpeed); #if (DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA) // No point computing Z Jerk separately for delta moves #ifdef ALTERNATIVE_JERK float jerk = maxJoinSpeed * (1.0 - (current->speedX * previous->speedX + current->speedY * previous->speedY + current->speedZ * previous->speedZ) / (current->fullSpeed * previous->fullSpeed)); #else float dx = current->speedX - previous->speedX; float dy = current->speedY - previous->speedY; float dz = current->speedZ - previous->speedZ; float jerk = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); #endif // ALTERNATIVE_JERK #else // DELTA #ifdef ALTERNATIVE_JERK float jerk = maxJoinSpeed * (1.0 - (current->speedX * previous->speedX + current->speedY * previous->speedY + current->speedZ * previous->speedZ) / (current->fullSpeed * previous->fullSpeed)); #else float dx = current->speedX - previous->speedX; float dy = current->speedY - previous->speedY; float jerk = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); #endif // ALTERNATIVE_JERK #endif // DELTA if(jerk > Printer::maxJerk) factor = Printer::maxJerk / jerk; // always < 1.0! #if DRIVE_SYSTEM != DELTA if((previous->dir | current->dir) & ZSTEP) { float dz = fabs(current->speedZ - previous->speedZ); if(dz > Printer::maxZJerk) factor = RMath::min(factor, Printer::maxZJerk / dz); } #endif float eJerk = fabs(current->speedE - previous->speedE); if(eJerk > Extruder::current->maxStartFeedrate) factor = RMath::min(factor, Extruder::current->maxStartFeedrate / eJerk); previous->maxJunctionSpeed = maxJoinSpeed * factor; // set speed limit #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE_MOVE if(Printer::debugEcho()) { Com::printF(PSTR("ID:"), (int)previous); Com::printFLN(PSTR(" MJ:"), previous->maxJunctionSpeed); } #endif // DEBUG_QUEUE_MOVE } /** Update parameter used by updateTrapezoids Computes the acceleration/decelleration steps and advanced parameter associated. */ void PrintLine::updateStepsParameter() { if(areParameterUpToDate() || isWarmUp()) return; float startFactor = startSpeed * invFullSpeed; float endFactor = endSpeed * invFullSpeed; vStart = vMax * startFactor; //starting speed vEnd = vMax * endFactor; #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_AVR uint32_t vmax2 = HAL::U16SquaredToU32(vMax); accelSteps = ((vmax2 - HAL::U16SquaredToU32(vStart)) / (accelerationPrim << 1)) + 1; // Always add 1 for missing precision decelSteps = ((vmax2 - HAL::U16SquaredToU32(vEnd)) /(accelerationPrim << 1)) + 1; #else uint64_t vmax2 = static_cast(vMax) * static_cast(vMax); accelSteps = ((vmax2 - static_cast(vStart) * static_cast(vStart)) / (accelerationPrim << 1)) + 1; // Always add 1 for missing precision decelSteps = ((vmax2 - static_cast(vEnd) * static_cast(vEnd)) / (accelerationPrim << 1)) + 1; #endif #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE advanceStart = (float)advanceFull * startFactor * startFactor; advanceEnd = (float)advanceFull * endFactor * endFactor; #endif #endif if(accelSteps + decelSteps >= stepsRemaining) // can't reach limit speed { uint16_t red = (accelSteps + decelSteps + 2 - stepsRemaining) >> 1; accelSteps = accelSteps - RMath::min(accelSteps, red); decelSteps = decelSteps - RMath::min(decelSteps, red); } setParameterUpToDate(); #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE_MOVE if(Printer::debugEcho()) { Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGId,(int)this); Com::printF(Com::tDBGVStartEnd,(long)vStart); Com::printFLN(Com::tSlash,(long)vEnd); Com::printF(Com::tDBAccelSteps,(long)accelSteps); Com::printF(Com::tSlash,(long)decelSteps); Com::printFLN(Com::tSlash,(long)stepsRemaining); Com::printF(Com::tDBGStartEndSpeed,startSpeed,1); Com::printFLN(Com::tSlash,endSpeed,1); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGFlags,(uint32_t)flags); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGJoinFlags,(uint32_t)joinFlags); } #endif } /** Compute the maximum speed from the last entered move. The backwards planner traverses the moves from last to first looking at deceleration. The RHS of the accelerate/decelerate ramp. start = last line inserted last = last element until we check */ inline void PrintLine::backwardPlanner(ufast8_t start,ufast8_t last) { PrintLine *act = &lines[start], *previous; float lastJunctionSpeed = act->endSpeed; // Start always with safe speed //PREVIOUS_PLANNER_INDEX(last); // Last element is already fixed in start speed while(start != last) { previousPlannerIndex(start); previous = &lines[start]; previous->block(); // Avoid speed calc once crusing in split delta move #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM if (previous->moveID == act->moveID && lastJunctionSpeed == previous->maxJunctionSpeed) { act->startSpeed = RMath::max(act->minSpeed, previous->endSpeed = lastJunctionSpeed); previous->invalidateParameter(); act->invalidateParameter(); } #endif /* if(prev->isEndSpeedFixed()) // Nothing to update from here on, happens when path optimize disabled { act->setStartSpeedFixed(true); return; }*/ // Avoid speed calcs if we know we can accelerate within the line lastJunctionSpeed = (act->isNominalMove() ? act->fullSpeed : sqrt(lastJunctionSpeed * lastJunctionSpeed + act->accelerationDistance2)); // acceleration is acceleration*distance*2! What can be reached if we try? // If that speed is more that the maximum junction speed allowed then ... if(lastJunctionSpeed >= previous->maxJunctionSpeed) // Limit is reached { // If the previous line's end speed has not been updated to maximum speed then do it now if(previous->endSpeed != previous->maxJunctionSpeed) { previous->invalidateParameter(); // Needs recomputation previous->endSpeed = RMath::max(previous->minSpeed, previous->maxJunctionSpeed); // possibly unneeded??? } // If actual line start speed has not been updated to maximum speed then do it now if(act->startSpeed != previous->maxJunctionSpeed) { act->startSpeed = RMath::max(act->minSpeed, previous->maxJunctionSpeed); // possibly unneeded??? act->invalidateParameter(); } lastJunctionSpeed = previous->endSpeed; } else { // Block prev end and act start as calculated speed and recalculate plateau speeds (which could move the speed higher again) act->startSpeed = RMath::max(act->minSpeed, lastJunctionSpeed); lastJunctionSpeed = previous->endSpeed = RMath::max(lastJunctionSpeed, previous->minSpeed); previous->invalidateParameter(); act->invalidateParameter(); } act = previous; } // while loop } void PrintLine::forwardPlanner(ufast8_t first) { PrintLine *act; PrintLine *next = &lines[first]; float vmaxRight; float leftSpeed = next->startSpeed; while(first != linesWritePos) // All except last segment, which has fixed end speed { act = next; nextPlannerIndex(first); next = &lines[first]; /* if(act->isEndSpeedFixed()) { leftSpeed = act->endSpeed; continue; // Nothing to do here }*/ // Avoid speed calc once crusing in split delta move #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM if (act->moveID == next->moveID && act->endSpeed == act->maxJunctionSpeed) { act->startSpeed = leftSpeed; leftSpeed = act->endSpeed; act->setEndSpeedFixed(true); next->setStartSpeedFixed(true); continue; } #endif // Avoid speed calcs if we know we can accelerate within the line. vmaxRight = (act->isNominalMove() ? act->fullSpeed : sqrt(leftSpeed * leftSpeed + act->accelerationDistance2)); if(vmaxRight > act->endSpeed) // Could be higher next run? { if(leftSpeed < act->minSpeed) { leftSpeed = act->minSpeed; act->endSpeed = sqrt(leftSpeed * leftSpeed + act->accelerationDistance2); } act->startSpeed = leftSpeed; next->startSpeed = leftSpeed = RMath::max(RMath::min(act->endSpeed, act->maxJunctionSpeed), next->minSpeed); if(act->endSpeed == act->maxJunctionSpeed) // Full speed reached, don't compute again! { act->setEndSpeedFixed(true); next->setStartSpeedFixed(true); } act->invalidateParameter(); } else // We can accelerate full speed without reaching limit, which is as fast as possible. Fix it! { act->fixStartAndEndSpeed(); act->invalidateParameter(); if(act->minSpeed > leftSpeed) { leftSpeed = act->minSpeed; vmaxRight = sqrt(leftSpeed * leftSpeed + act->accelerationDistance2); } act->startSpeed = leftSpeed; act->endSpeed = RMath::max(act->minSpeed,vmaxRight); next->startSpeed = leftSpeed = RMath::max(RMath::min(act->endSpeed, act->maxJunctionSpeed), next->minSpeed); next->setStartSpeedFixed(true); } } // While next->startSpeed = RMath::max(next->minSpeed, leftSpeed); // This is the new segment, which is updated anyway, no extra flag needed. } inline float PrintLine::safeSpeed() { float safe(Printer::maxJerk * 0.5); #if DRIVE_SYSTEM != DELTA if(isZMove()) { float mz = Printer::maxZJerk * 0.5; if(isXOrYMove()) { if(fabs(speedZ) > mz) safe = RMath::min(safe,mz * fullSpeed / fabs(speedZ)); } else { safe = mz; } } #endif if(isEMove()) { if(isXYZMove()) safe = RMath::min(safe, 0.5 * Extruder::current->maxStartFeedrate * fullSpeed / fabs(speedE)); else safe = 0.5 * Extruder::current->maxStartFeedrate; // This is a retraction move } if(DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA || primaryAxis == X_AXIS || primaryAxis == Y_AXIS) // enforce minimum speed for numerical stability of explicit speed integration safe = RMath::max(Printer::minimumSpeed, safe); else if(primaryAxis == Z_AXIS) { safe = RMath::max(Printer::minimumZSpeed, safe); } return RMath::min(safe, fullSpeed); } /** Check if move is new. If it is insert some dummy moves to allow the path optimizer to work since it does not act on the first two moves in the queue. The stepper timer will spot these moves and leave some time for processing. */ uint8_t PrintLine::insertWaitMovesIfNeeded(uint8_t pathOptimize, uint8_t waitExtraLines) { if(linesCount == 0 && waitRelax == 0 && pathOptimize) // First line after some time - warmup needed { #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM uint8_t w = 3; #else uint8_t w = 4; #endif while(w--) { PrintLine *p = getNextWriteLine(); p->flags = FLAG_WARMUP; p->joinFlags = FLAG_JOIN_STEPPARAMS_COMPUTED | FLAG_JOIN_END_FIXED | FLAG_JOIN_START_FIXED; p->dir = 0; p->setWaitForXLinesFilled(w + waitExtraLines); #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM p->setWaitTicks(50000); #else p->setWaitTicks(25000); #endif // NONLINEAR_SYSTEM pushLine(); } return 1; } return 0; } void PrintLine::logLine() { #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE_MOVE Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGId,(int)this); Com::printArrayFLN(Com::tDBGDelta,delta); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDir,(uint32_t)dir); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGFlags,(uint32_t)flags); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGFullSpeed,fullSpeed); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGVMax,(int32_t)vMax); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGAcceleration,accelerationDistance2); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGAccelerationPrim,(int32_t)accelerationPrim); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGRemainingSteps,stepsRemaining); #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGAdvanceFull,advanceFull >> 16); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGAdvanceRate,advanceRate); #endif #endif #endif // DEBUG_QUEUE_MOVE } void PrintLine::waitForXFreeLines(uint8_t b, bool allowMoves) { while(getLinesCount() + b > PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE) // wait for a free entry in movement cache { GCode::readFromSerial(); Commands::checkForPeriodicalActions(allowMoves); } } #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA // pick one for verbose the other silent #define RETURN_0(s) { Com::printErrorFLN(PSTR(s)); return 0; } /*#define RETURN_0(s) { Com::print(s " "); SHOWS(temp); SHOWS(opt);\ SHOWS(cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]);\ SHOWS(towerAMinSteps); ;\ SHOWS(deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER]); \ SHOWS(Printer::deltaAPosYSteps);\ SHOWS(cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]); \ SHOW(Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredA.l); return 0; } */ /** Calculate the delta tower position from a cartesian position @param cartesianPosSteps Array containing cartesian coordinates. @param deltaPosSteps Result array with tower coordinates. @returns 1 if cartesian coordinates have a valid delta tower position 0 if not. */ uint8_t transformCartesianStepsToDeltaSteps(int32_t cartesianPosSteps[], int32_t deltaPosSteps[]) { int32_t zSteps = cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]; #if DISTORTION_CORRECTION static int cnt = 0; static int32_t lastZSteps = 9999999; static int32_t lastZCorrection = 0; cnt++; if(cnt >= DISTORTION_UPDATE_FREQUENCY || lastZSteps != zSteps) { cnt = 0; lastZSteps = zSteps; lastZCorrection = Printer::distortion.correct(cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS], cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS], cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]); } zSteps += lastZCorrection; #endif //SHOWA("motion.c transformCart... cartesian ",cartesianPosSteps, 3); if(Printer::isLargeMachine()) { #ifdef SUPPORT_64_BIT_MATH // 64 bit is better for precision, so we use that if available. // A TOWER height uint64_t temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaAPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]); uint64_t opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredA.L; temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Apos y square "); opt -= temp; temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaAPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]); temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Apos x square "); deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER] = HAL::integer64Sqrt(opt - temp) + zSteps; if (deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER] < Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps && !Printer::isZProbingActive()) RETURN_0("A hit floor"); // B TOWER height temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaBPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]); opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredB.L; temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Bpos y square "); opt -= temp; temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaBPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]); temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Bpos x square "); deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER] = HAL::integer64Sqrt(opt - temp) + zSteps ; if (deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER] < Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps && !Printer::isZProbingActive()) RETURN_0("B hit floor"); // C TOWER height temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaCPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]); opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredC.L ; temp = temp * temp; if ( opt < temp ) RETURN_0("Cpos y square "); opt -= temp; temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaCPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]); temp = temp * temp; if ( opt < temp ) RETURN_0("Cpos x square "); deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER] = HAL::integer64Sqrt(opt - temp) + zSteps; if (deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER] < Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps && !Printer::isZProbingActive()) RETURN_0("C hit floor"); #else float temp = Printer::deltaAPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]; float opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredA.f - temp * temp; float temp2 = Printer::deltaAPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]; if ((temp = opt - temp2 * temp2) >= 0) deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER] = floor(0.5 + sqrt(temp) + zSteps); else return 0; if (deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER]< Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps) return 0; temp = Printer::deltaBPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]; opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredB.f - temp * temp; temp2 = Printer::deltaBPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]; if ((temp = opt - temp2 * temp2) >= 0) deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER] = floor(0.5 + sqrt(temp) + zSteps); else return 0; if (deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER]< Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps) return 0; temp = Printer::deltaCPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]; opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredC.f - temp * temp; temp2 = Printer::deltaCPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]; if ((temp = opt - temp2*temp2) >= 0) deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER] = floor(0.5 + sqrt(temp) + zSteps); else return 0; if (deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER]< Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps) return 0; return 1; #endif } else { // As we are right on the edge of many printers arm lengths, this is rewrittent to use unsigned long // This allows 52% longer arms to be used without performance penalty // the code is a bit longer, because we cannot use negative to test for invalid conditions // Also, previous code did not check for overflow of squared result // Overflow is also detected as a fault condition const uint32_t LIMIT = 65534; // Largest squarable int without overflow; // A TOWER height uint32_t temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaAPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]); uint32_t opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredA.l; if (temp > LIMIT) RETURN_0("Apos y steps "); temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Apos y square "); opt -= temp; temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaAPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]); if (temp > LIMIT) RETURN_0("Apos x steps "); temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Apos x square "); deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER] = SQRT(opt-temp) + zSteps; if (deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER] < Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps && !Printer::isZProbingActive()) RETURN_0("A hit floor"); // B TOWER height temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaBPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]); opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredB.l; if (temp > LIMIT) RETURN_0("Bpos y steps "); temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Bpos y square "); opt -= temp; temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaBPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]); if (temp > LIMIT ) RETURN_0("Bpos x steps "); temp *= temp; if (opt < temp) RETURN_0("Bpos x square "); deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER] = SQRT(opt-temp) + zSteps ; if (deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER] < Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps && !Printer::isZProbingActive()) RETURN_0("B hit floor"); // C TOWER height temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaCPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]); opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredC.l ; if (temp > LIMIT) RETURN_0("Cpos y steps "); temp = temp * temp; if ( opt < temp ) RETURN_0("Cpos y square "); opt -= temp; temp = RMath::absLong(Printer::deltaCPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]); if (temp > LIMIT) RETURN_0("Cpos x steps "); temp = temp * temp; if ( opt < temp ) RETURN_0("Cpos x square "); deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER] = SQRT(opt - temp) + zSteps; if (deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER] < Printer::deltaFloorSafetyMarginSteps && !Printer::isZProbingActive()) RETURN_0("C hit floor"); /* long temp = Printer::deltaAPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]; long opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredA.l - temp * temp; long temp2 = Printer::deltaAPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]; if ((temp = opt - temp2 * temp2) >= 0) #ifdef FAST_INTEGER_SQRT deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER] = HAL::integerSqrt(temp) + cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]; #else deltaPosSteps[A_TOWER] = sqrt(temp) + cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]; #endif else return 0; temp = Printer::deltaBPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]; opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredB.l - temp * temp; temp2 = Printer::deltaBPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]; if ((temp = opt - temp2*temp2) >= 0) #ifdef FAST_INTEGER_SQRT deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER] = HAL::integerSqrt(temp) + cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]; #else deltaPosSteps[B_TOWER] = sqrt(temp) + cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]; #endif else return 0; temp = Printer::deltaCPosYSteps - cartesianPosSteps[Y_AXIS]; opt = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredC.l - temp * temp; temp2 = Printer::deltaCPosXSteps - cartesianPosSteps[X_AXIS]; if ((temp = opt - temp2*temp2) >= 0) #ifdef FAST_INTEGER_SQRT deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER] = HAL::integerSqrt(temp) + cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]; #else deltaPosSteps[C_TOWER] = sqrt(temp) + cartesianPosSteps[Z_AXIS]; #endif else return 0;*/ } return 1; } #endif #if DRIVE_SYSTEM==TUGA /** Calculate the delta tower position from a cartesian position @param cartesianPosSteps Array containing cartesian coordinates. @param deltaPosSteps Result array with tower coordinates. @returns 1 if cartesian coordinates have a valid delta tower position 0 if not. X Y * * \ / \ / \ / \/ / / / / * Extruder */ uint8_t transformCartesianStepsToDeltaSteps(int32_t cartesianPosSteps[], int32_t tugaPosSteps[]) { tugaPosSteps[0] = cartesianPosSteps[0]; tugaPosSteps[2] = cartesianPosSteps[2]; int32_t y2 = Printer::deltaBPosXSteps-cartesianPosSteps[1]; if(Printer::isLargeMachine()) { float y2f = (float)y2 * (float)y2; float temp = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquaredF - y2f; if(temp < 0) return 0; tugaPosSteps[1] = tugaPosSteps[0] + sqrt(temp); } else { y2 = y2*y2; int32_t temp = Printer::deltaDiagonalStepsSquared - y2; if(temp < 0) return 0; tugaPosSteps[1] = tugaPosSteps[0] + HAL::integerSqrt(temp); } return 1; } #endif #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM void DeltaSegment::checkEndstops(PrintLine *cur,bool checkall) { if(Printer::isZProbingActive()) { #if FEATURE_Z_PROBE if(isZNegativeMove() && Endstops::zProbe()) { cur->setXMoveFinished(); cur->setYMoveFinished(); cur->setZMoveFinished(); dir = 0; Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit = cur->stepsRemaining; cur->stepsRemaining = 0; return; } #endif #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA if(isZPositiveMove() && isXPositiveMove() && isYPositiveMove() && Endstops::anyXYZMax()) #else if(isZPositiveMove() && Endstops::zMax()) #endif { cur->setXMoveFinished(); cur->setYMoveFinished(); cur->setZMoveFinished(); dir = 0; Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit = cur->stepsRemaining; return; } } if(checkall) { if(isXPositiveMove() && Endstops::xMax()) { #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA if(Printer::stepsRemainingAtXHit < 0) Printer::stepsRemainingAtXHit = cur->stepsRemaining; #endif setXMoveFinished(); cur->setXMoveFinished(); } if(isYPositiveMove() && Endstops::yMax()) { #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == DELTA if(Printer::stepsRemainingAtYHit < 0) Printer::stepsRemainingAtYHit = cur->stepsRemaining; #endif setYMoveFinished(); cur->setYMoveFinished(); } #if DRIVE_SYSTEM != DELTA if(isXNegativeMove() && Endstops::xMin()) { setXMoveFinished(); cur->setXMoveFinished(); } if(isYNegativeMove() && Endstops::yMin()) { setYMoveFinished(); cur->setYMoveFinished(); } #endif if(isZPositiveMove() && Endstops::zMax()) { #if MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z if(Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit) Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit = cur->stepsRemaining; #endif setZMoveFinished(); cur->setZMoveFinished(); } } if(isZNegativeMove() && Endstops::zMin()) { setZMoveFinished(); cur->setZMoveFinished(); } } void PrintLine::calculateDirectionAndDelta(int32_t difference[], ufast8_t *dir, int32_t delta[]) { *dir = 0; //Find direction for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(difference[i] >= 0) { delta[i] = difference[i]; *dir |= X_DIRPOS << i; } else { delta[i] = -difference[i]; } if(delta[i]) *dir |= XSTEP << i; } } /** Calculate and cache the delta robot positions of the cartesian move in a line. @return The largest delta axis move in a single segment @param p The line to examine. */ inline uint16_t PrintLine::calculateDeltaSubSegments(uint8_t softEndstop) { uint8_t i; int32_t delta,diff; int32_t destinationSteps[Z_AXIS_ARRAY], destinationDeltaSteps[TOWER_ARRAY]; // Save current position #if (CPU_ARCH == ARCH_AVR) && !EXACT_DELTA_MOVES for(uint8_t i = 0; i < Z_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) destinationSteps[i] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[i]; #else float dx[Z_AXIS_ARRAY]; for(int i = 0; i < Z_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) dx[i] = static_cast(Printer::destinationSteps[i] - Printer::currentPositionSteps[i]) / static_cast(numDeltaSegments); #endif // out.println_byte_P(PSTR("Calculate delta segments:"), p->numDeltaSegments); #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT totalStepsRemaining = 0; #endif uint16_t maxAxisMove = 0; for (int s = numDeltaSegments; s > 0; s--) { DeltaSegment *d = &segments[s - 1]; #if (CPU_ARCH == ARCH_AVR) && !EXACT_DELTA_MOVES for(i = 0; i < Z_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) { // End of segment in cartesian steps // This method generates small waves which get larger with increasing number of delta segments. smaller?? diff = Printer::destinationSteps[i] - destinationSteps[i]; if(s == 1) destinationSteps[i] += diff; else if(s == 2) destinationSteps[i] += (diff >> 1); else if(s == 4) destinationSteps[i] += (diff >> 2); else if(diff<0) destinationSteps[i] -= HAL::Div4U2U(-diff, s); else destinationSteps[i] += HAL::Div4U2U(diff, s); } #else float segment = static_cast(numDeltaSegments - s + 1); for(i = 0; i < Z_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) // End of segment in cartesian steps // Perfect approximation, but slower, so we limit it to faster processors like arm destinationSteps[i] = static_cast(floor(0.5 + dx[i] * segment)) + Printer::currentPositionSteps[i]; #endif // Verify that delta calc has a solution if (transformCartesianStepsToDeltaSteps(destinationSteps, destinationDeltaSteps)) { d->dir = 0; if (softEndstop) { destinationDeltaSteps[A_TOWER] = RMath::min(destinationDeltaSteps[A_TOWER], Printer::maxDeltaPositionSteps); destinationDeltaSteps[B_TOWER] = RMath::min(destinationDeltaSteps[B_TOWER], Printer::maxDeltaPositionSteps); destinationDeltaSteps[C_TOWER] = RMath::min(destinationDeltaSteps[C_TOWER], Printer::maxDeltaPositionSteps); } for(i = 0; i < TOWER_ARRAY; i++) { delta = destinationDeltaSteps[i] - Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[i]; if (delta > 0) { d->setPositiveMoveOfAxis(i); #ifdef DEBUG_DELTA_OVERFLOW if (delta > 65535) Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaOverflow, delta); #endif d->deltaSteps[i] = static_cast(delta); } else { d->setMoveOfAxis(i); #ifdef DEBUG_DELTA_OVERFLOW if (-delta > 65535) Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaOverflow, delta); #endif d->deltaSteps[i] = static_cast(-delta); } #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT totalStepsRemaining += d->deltaSteps[i]; #endif maxAxisMove = RMath::max(maxAxisMove,d->deltaSteps[i]); Printer::currentDeltaPositionSteps[i] = destinationDeltaSteps[i]; } } else { // Illegal position - ignore move Com::printWarningF(Com::tInvalidDeltaCoordinate); Com::printF(PSTR(" x:"), destinationSteps[X_AXIS]); Com::printF(PSTR(" y:"), destinationSteps[Y_AXIS]); Com::printFLN(PSTR(" z:"), destinationSteps[Z_AXIS]); d->dir = 0; d->deltaSteps[A_TOWER] = d->deltaSteps[B_TOWER] = d->deltaSteps[C_TOWER] = 0; return 65535; // flag error } } #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT // out.println_long_P(PSTR("initial StepsRemaining:"), p->totalStepsRemaining); #endif return maxAxisMove; } uint8_t PrintLine::calculateDistance(float axisDiff[], uint8_t dir, float *distance) { // Calculate distance depending on direction if(dir & XYZ_STEP) { if(dir & XSTEP) *distance = axisDiff[X_AXIS] * axisDiff[X_AXIS]; else *distance = 0; if(dir & YSTEP) *distance += axisDiff[Y_AXIS] * axisDiff[Y_AXIS]; if(dir & ZSTEP) *distance += axisDiff[Z_AXIS] * axisDiff[Z_AXIS]; *distance = RMath::max((float)sqrt(*distance),fabs(axisDiff[E_AXIS])); return 1; } else { if(dir & ESTEP) { *distance = fabs(axisDiff[E_AXIS]); return 1; } *distance = 0; return 0; } } #if SOFTWARE_LEVELING void PrintLine::calculatePlane(int32_t factors[], int32_t p1[], int32_t p2[], int32_t p3[]) { factors[0] = p1[1] * (p2[2] - p3[2]) + p2[1] * (p3[2] - p1[2]) + p3[1] * (p1[2] - p2[2]); factors[1] = p1[2] * (p2[0] - p3[0]) + p2[2] * (p3[0] - p1[0]) + p3[2] * (p1[0] - p2[0]); factors[2] = p1[0] * (p2[1] - p3[1]) + p2[0] * (p3[1] - p1[1]) + p3[0] * (p1[1] - p2[1]); factors[3] = p1[0] * ((p2[1] * p3[2]) - (p3[1] * p2[2])) + p2[0] * ((p3[1] * p1[2]) - (p1[1] * p3[2])) + p3[0] * ((p1[1] * p2[2]) - (p2[1] * p1[2])); } float PrintLine::calcZOffset(int32_t factors[], int32_t pointX, int32_t pointY) { return (factors[3] - factors[X_AXIS] * pointX - factors[Y_AXIS] * pointY) / (float) factors[2]; } #endif inline void PrintLine::queueEMove(int32_t extrudeDiff,uint8_t check_endstops,uint8_t pathOptimize) { Printer::unsetAllSteppersDisabled(); waitForXFreeLines(1); uint8_t newPath = insertWaitMovesIfNeeded(pathOptimize, 1); PrintLine *p = getNextWriteLine(); float axisDiff[5]; // Axis movement in mm if(check_endstops) p->flags = FLAG_CHECK_ENDSTOPS; else p->flags = 0; p->joinFlags = 0; if(!pathOptimize) p->setEndSpeedFixed(true); //Find direction for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { p->delta[i] = 0; axisDiff[i] = 0; } if (extrudeDiff >= 0) { p->delta[E_AXIS] = extrudeDiff; p->dir = E_STEP_DIRPOS; } else { p->delta[E_AXIS] = -extrudeDiff; p->dir = ESTEP; } Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] = Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS]; p->numDeltaSegments = 0; //Define variables that are needed for the Bresenham algorithm. Please note that Z is not currently included in the Bresenham algorithm. p->primaryAxis = E_AXIS; p->stepsRemaining = p->delta[E_AXIS]; axisDiff[E_AXIS] = p->distance = p->delta[E_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; axisDiff[VIRTUAL_AXIS] = -p->distance; p->moveID = lastMoveID++; p->calculateMove(axisDiff,pathOptimize); } /** Split a line up into a series of lines with at most DELTASEGMENTS_PER_PRINTLINE delta segments. @param check_endstops Check endstops during the move. @param pathOptimize Run the path optimizer. @param delta_step_rate delta step rate in segments per second for the move. */ uint8_t PrintLine::queueDeltaMove(uint8_t check_endstops,uint8_t pathOptimize, uint8_t softEndstop) { //if (softEndstop && Printer::destinationSteps[Z_AXIS] < 0) Printer::destinationSteps[Z_AXIS] = 0; // now constrained at entry level including cylinder test int32_t difference[E_AXIS_ARRAY]; float axis_diff[VIRTUAL_AXIS_ARRAY]; // Axis movement in mm. Virtual axis in 4; for(fast8_t axis = 0; axis < E_AXIS_ARRAY; axis++) { difference[axis] = Printer::destinationSteps[axis] - Printer::currentPositionSteps[axis]; if(axis == E_AXIS) { Printer::extrudeMultiplyError += (static_cast(difference[E_AXIS]) * Printer::extrusionFactor); difference[E_AXIS] = static_cast(Printer::extrudeMultiplyError); Printer::extrudeMultiplyError -= difference[E_AXIS]; axis_diff[E_AXIS] = difference[E_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; Printer::filamentPrinted += axis_diff[E_AXIS]; axis_diff[E_AXIS] = fabs(axis_diff[E_AXIS]); } else axis_diff[axis] = fabs(difference[axis] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[axis]); } float cartesianDistance; ufast8_t cartesianDir; int32_t cartesianDeltaSteps[E_AXIS_ARRAY]; calculateDirectionAndDelta(difference, &cartesianDir, cartesianDeltaSteps); if (!calculateDistance(axis_diff, cartesianDir, &cartesianDistance)) { // Appears the intent is to do nothing if no distance is detected. // This apparently is not an error condition, just early exit. return true; } if (!(cartesianDir & XYZ_STEP)) { queueEMove(difference[E_AXIS], check_endstops,pathOptimize); return true; } int16_t segmentCount; float feedrate = RMath::min(Printer::feedrate, Printer::maxFeedrate[Z_AXIS]); if (cartesianDir & XY_STEP) { // Compute number of seconds for move and hence number of segments needed //float seconds = 100 * cartesianDistance / (Printer::feedrate * Printer::feedrateMultiply); multiply in feedrate included float seconds = cartesianDistance / feedrate; #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaSeconds, seconds); #endif float sps = static_cast((cartesianDir & E_STEP_DIRPOS) == E_STEP_DIRPOS ? Printer::printMovesPerSecond : Printer::travelMovesPerSecond); segmentCount = RMath::max(1, static_cast(sps * seconds)); #ifdef DEBUG_SEGMENT_LENGTH float segDist = cartesianDistance/(float)segmentCount; if(segDist > Printer::maxRealSegmentLength) { Printer::maxRealSegmentLength = segDist; Com::printFLN("StepsPerSecond:",sps); Com::printFLN(PSTR("New max. segment length:"),segDist); } #endif //Com::printFLN(PSTR("Segments:"),segmentCount); } else { // Optimize pure Z axis move. Since a pure Z axis move is linear all we have to watch out for is unsigned integer overuns in // the queued moves; #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaZDelta, cartesianDeltaSteps[Z_AXIS]); #endif segmentCount = (cartesianDeltaSteps[Z_AXIS] + (uint32_t)65534) / (uint32_t)65535; } // Now compute the number of lines needed int numLines = (segmentCount + DELTASEGMENTS_PER_PRINTLINE - 1) / DELTASEGMENTS_PER_PRINTLINE; // There could be some error here but it doesn't matter since the number of segments will just be reduced slightly int segmentsPerLine = segmentCount / numLines; int32_t startPosition[E_AXIS_ARRAY], fractionalSteps[E_AXIS_ARRAY]; if(numLines > 1) { for (fast8_t i = 0; i < Z_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) startPosition[i] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[i]; startPosition[E_AXIS] = 0; cartesianDistance /= numLines; } #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaSegments, segmentCount); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaNumLines, numLines); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaSegmentsPerLine, segmentsPerLine); #endif Printer::unsetAllSteppersDisabled(); // Motor is enabled now waitForXFreeLines(1); // Insert dummy moves if necessary // Nead to leave at least one slot open for the first split move insertWaitMovesIfNeeded(pathOptimize, RMath::min(PRINTLINE_CACHE_SIZE - 4, numLines)); uint32_t oldEDestination = Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS]; // flow and volumetric extrusion changed virtual target Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] = 0; for (int lineNumber = 1; lineNumber < numLines + 1; lineNumber++) { waitForXFreeLines(1); PrintLine *p = getNextWriteLine(); // Downside a comparison per loop. Upside one less distance calculation and simpler code. if (numLines == 1) { // p->numDeltaSegments = segmentCount; // not neede, gets overwritten further down p->dir = cartesianDir; for (fast8_t i = 0; i < E_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) { p->delta[i] = cartesianDeltaSteps[i]; fractionalSteps[i] = difference[i]; } p->distance = cartesianDistance; } else { for (fast8_t i = 0; i < E_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) { Printer::destinationSteps[i] = startPosition[i] + (difference[i] * lineNumber) / numLines; fractionalSteps[i] = Printer::destinationSteps[i] - Printer::currentPositionSteps[i]; axis_diff[i] = fabs(fractionalSteps[i] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[i]); } calculateDirectionAndDelta(fractionalSteps, &p->dir, p->delta); p->distance = cartesianDistance; } p->joinFlags = 0; p->moveID = lastMoveID; // Only set fixed on last segment if (lineNumber == numLines && !pathOptimize) p->setEndSpeedFixed(true); p->flags = (check_endstops ? FLAG_CHECK_ENDSTOPS : 0); p->numDeltaSegments = segmentsPerLine; uint16_t maxDeltaStep = p->calculateDeltaSubSegments(softEndstop); if (maxDeltaStep == 65535) { Com::printWarningFLN(PSTR("in queueDeltaMove to calculateDeltaSubSegments returns error.")); return false; } #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaMaxDS, (int32_t)maxDeltaStep); #endif int32_t virtual_axis_move = (int32_t)maxDeltaStep * segmentsPerLine; if (virtual_axis_move == 0 && p->delta[E_AXIS] == 0) { if (numLines != 1) { Com::printErrorFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaNoMoveinDSegment); return false; // Line too short in low precision area } } p->primaryAxis = VIRTUAL_AXIS; // Virtual axis will lead bresenham step either way if (virtual_axis_move > p->delta[E_AXIS]) // Is delta move or E axis leading { p->stepsRemaining = virtual_axis_move; axis_diff[VIRTUAL_AXIS] = p->distance; //virtual_axis_move * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; // Steps/unit same as all the towers // Virtual axis steps per segment p->numPrimaryStepPerSegment = maxDeltaStep; } else { // Round up the E move to get something divisible by segment count which is greater than E move p->numPrimaryStepPerSegment = (p->delta[E_AXIS] + segmentsPerLine - 1) / segmentsPerLine; p->stepsRemaining = p->numPrimaryStepPerSegment * segmentsPerLine; axis_diff[VIRTUAL_AXIS] = -p->distance; //p->stepsRemaining * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[Z_AXIS]; } #ifdef DEBUG_SPLIT Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaStepsPerSegment, p->numPrimaryStepPerSegment); Com::printFLN(Com::tDBGDeltaVirtualAxisSteps, p->stepsRemaining); #endif p->calculateMove(axis_diff, pathOptimize); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < E_AXIS_ARRAY; i++) { Printer::currentPositionSteps[i] += fractionalSteps[i]; } } Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] = Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS] = oldEDestination; lastMoveID++; // Will wrap at 255 return true; // flag success } #endif #if ARC_SUPPORT // Arc function taken from grbl // The arc is approximated by generating a huge number of tiny, linear segments. The length of each // segment is configured in settings.mm_per_arc_segment. void PrintLine::arc(float *position, float *target, float *offset, float radius, uint8_t isclockwise) { // int acceleration_manager_was_enabled = plan_is_acceleration_manager_enabled(); // plan_set_acceleration_manager_enabled(false); // disable acceleration management for the duration of the arc float center_axis0 = position[X_AXIS] + offset[X_AXIS]; float center_axis1 = position[Y_AXIS] + offset[Y_AXIS]; float linear_travel = 0; //target[axis_linear] - position[axis_linear]; float extruder_travel = (Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS] - Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS]) * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; float r_axis0 = -offset[0]; // Radius vector from center to current location float r_axis1 = -offset[1]; float rt_axis0 = target[0] - center_axis0; float rt_axis1 = target[1] - center_axis1; /*long xtarget = Printer::destinationSteps[X_AXIS]; long ytarget = Printer::destinationSteps[Y_AXIS]; long ztarget = Printer::destinationSteps[Z_AXIS]; long etarget = Printer::destinationSteps[E_AXIS]; */ // CCW angle between position and target from circle center. Only one atan2() trig computation required. float angular_travel = atan2(r_axis0 * rt_axis1 - r_axis1 * rt_axis0, r_axis0 * rt_axis0 + r_axis1 * rt_axis1); if (angular_travel < 0) { angular_travel += 2.0f * M_PI; } if (isclockwise) { angular_travel -= 2.0f * M_PI; } float millimeters_of_travel = fabs(angular_travel)*radius; //hypot(angular_travel*radius, fabs(linear_travel)); if (millimeters_of_travel < 0.001f) { return;// treat as succes because there is nothing to do; } //uint16_t segments = (radius>=BIG_ARC_RADIUS ? floor(millimeters_of_travel/MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT_BIG) : floor(millimeters_of_travel/MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT)); // Increase segment size if printing faster then computation speed allows uint16_t segments = (Printer::feedrate > 60.0f ? floor(millimeters_of_travel / RMath::min(static_cast(MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT_BIG), Printer::feedrate * 0.01666f * static_cast(MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT))) : floor(millimeters_of_travel / static_cast(MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT))); if(segments == 0) segments = 1; /* // Multiply inverse feed_rate to compensate for the fact that this movement is approximated // by a number of discrete segments. The inverse feed_rate should be correct for the sum of // all segments. if (invert_feed_rate) { feed_rate *= segments; } */ float theta_per_segment = angular_travel / segments; //float linear_per_segment = linear_travel/segments; float extruder_per_segment = extruder_travel / segments; /* Vector rotation by transformation matrix: r is the original vector, r_T is the rotated vector, and phi is the angle of rotation. Based on the solution approach by Jens Geisler. r_T = [cos(phi) -sin(phi); sin(phi) cos(phi] * r ; For arc generation, the center of the circle is the axis of rotation and the radius vector is defined from the circle center to the initial position. Each line segment is formed by successive vector rotations. This requires only two cos() and sin() computations to form the rotation matrix for the duration of the entire arc. Error may accumulate from numerical round-off, since all double numbers are single precision on the Arduino. (True double precision will not have round off issues for CNC applications.) Single precision error can accumulate to be greater than tool precision in some cases. Therefore, arc path correction is implemented. Small angle approximation may be used to reduce computation overhead further. This approximation holds for everything, but very small circles and large mm_per_arc_segment values. In other words, theta_per_segment would need to be greater than 0.1 rad and N_ARC_CORRECTION would need to be large to cause an appreciable drift error. N_ARC_CORRECTION~=25 is more than small enough to correct for numerical drift error. N_ARC_CORRECTION may be on the order a hundred(s) before error becomes an issue for CNC machines with the single precision Arduino calculations. This approximation also allows mc_arc to immediately insert a line segment into the planner without the initial overhead of computing cos() or sin(). By the time the arc needs to be applied a correction, the planner should have caught up to the lag caused by the initial mc_arc overhead. This is important when there are successive arc motions. */ // Vector rotation matrix values float cos_T = 1 - 0.5 * theta_per_segment * theta_per_segment; // Small angle approximation float sin_T = theta_per_segment; float arc_target[4]; float sin_Ti; float cos_Ti; float r_axisi; uint16_t i; int8_t count = 0; // Initialize the linear axis //arc_target[axis_linear] = position[axis_linear]; // Initialize the extruder axis arc_target[E_AXIS] = Printer::currentPositionSteps[E_AXIS] * Printer::invAxisStepsPerMM[E_AXIS]; for (i = 1; i < segments; i++) { // Increment (segments-1) if((count & 3) == 0) { GCode::readFromSerial(); Commands::checkForPeriodicalActions(false); UI_MEDIUM; // do check encoder } if (count < N_ARC_CORRECTION) //25 pieces { // Apply vector rotation matrix r_axisi = r_axis0 * sin_T + r_axis1 * cos_T; r_axis0 = r_axis0 * cos_T - r_axis1 * sin_T; r_axis1 = r_axisi; count++; } else { // Arc correction to radius vector. Computed only every N_ARC_CORRECTION increments. // Compute exact location by applying transformation matrix from initial radius vector(=-offset). cos_Ti = cos(i * theta_per_segment); sin_Ti = sin(i * theta_per_segment); r_axis0 = -offset[0] * cos_Ti + offset[1] * sin_Ti; r_axis1 = -offset[0] * sin_Ti - offset[1] * cos_Ti; count = 0; } // Update arc_target location arc_target[X_AXIS] = center_axis0 + r_axis0; arc_target[Y_AXIS] = center_axis1 + r_axis1; //arc_target[axis_linear] += linear_per_segment; arc_target[E_AXIS] += extruder_per_segment; Printer::moveToReal(arc_target[X_AXIS],arc_target[Y_AXIS],IGNORE_COORDINATE,arc_target[E_AXIS],IGNORE_COORDINATE); } // Ensure last segment arrives at target location. Printer::moveToReal(target[X_AXIS],target[Y_AXIS],IGNORE_COORDINATE,target[E_AXIS],IGNORE_COORDINATE); } #endif /** Moves the stepper motors one step. If the last step is reached, the next movement is started. The function must be called from a timer loop. It returns the time for the next call. This is a modified version that implements a bresenham 'multi-step' algorithm where the dominant cartesian axis steps may be less than the changing dominant delta axis. */ #if NONLINEAR_SYSTEM int lastblk =- 1; int32_t cur_errupd; //#define DEBUG_DELTA_TIMER // Current delta segment DeltaSegment *curd; // Current delta segment primary error increment int32_t curd_errupd, stepsPerSegRemaining; int32_t PrintLine::bresenhamStep() // Version for delta printer { #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_ARM if(!PrintLine::nlFlag) #else if(cur == NULL) #endif { setCurrentLine(); if(cur->isBlocked()) // This step is in computation - shouldn't happen { if(lastblk != (int)cur) { HAL::allowInterrupts(); lastblk = (int)cur; Com::printFLN(Com::tBLK, (int32_t)linesCount); } cur = NULL; #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_ARM PrintLine::nlFlag = false; #endif return 2000; } HAL::allowInterrupts(); lastblk = -1; #if INCLUDE_DEBUG_NO_MOVE if(Printer::debugNoMoves()) // simulate a move, but do nothing in reality { //HAL::forbidInterrupts(); //deltaSegmentCount -= cur->numDeltaSegments; // should always be zero removeCurrentLineForbidInterrupt(); if(linesCount == 0) UI_STATUS(UI_TEXT_IDLE); return 1000; } #endif if(cur->isWarmUp()) { // This is a warmup move to initalize the path planner correctly. Just waste // a bit of time to get the planning up to date. if(linesCount <= cur->getWaitForXLinesFilled()) { cur = NULL; #if CPU_ARCH==ARCH_ARM PrintLine::nlFlag = false; #endif return 2000; } long wait = cur->getWaitTicks(); removeCurrentLineForbidInterrupt(); return(wait); // waste some time for path optimization to fill up } // End if WARMUP #if FEATURE_Z_PROBE // z move may consist of mroe then 1 z line segment, so we better ignore them // if the probe was already hit. if(Printer::isZProbingActive() && Printer::stepsRemainingAtZHit >= 0) { removeCurrentLineForbidInterrupt(); if(linesCount == 0) UI_STATUS(UI_TEXT_IDLE); return 1000; } #endif if(cur->isEMove()) Extruder::enable(); cur->fixStartAndEndSpeed(); // Set up delta segments if (cur->numDeltaSegments) { // If there are delta segments point to them here curd = &cur->segments[--cur->numDeltaSegments]; // Enable axis - All axis are enabled since they will most probably all be involved in a move // Since segments could involve different axis this reduces load when switching segments and // makes disabling easier. Printer::enableXStepper(); Printer::enableYStepper(); Printer::enableZStepper(); // Copy across movement into main direction flags so that endstops function correctly cur->dir |= curd->dir; // Initialize bresenham for the first segment cur->error[X_AXIS] = cur->error[Y_AXIS] = cur->error[Z_AXIS] = cur->numPrimaryStepPerSegment >> 1; curd_errupd = cur->numPrimaryStepPerSegment; stepsPerSegRemaining = cur->numPrimaryStepPerSegment; } else curd = NULL; cur_errupd = cur->stepsRemaining; if(!cur->areParameterUpToDate()) // should never happen, but with bad timings??? { cur->updateStepsParameter(); } Printer::vMaxReached = cur->vStart; Printer::stepNumber = 0; Printer::timer = 0; HAL::forbidInterrupts(); //Determine direction of movement if (curd) { Printer::setXDirection(curd->isXPositiveMove()); Printer::setYDirection(curd->isYPositiveMove()); Printer::setZDirection(curd->isZPositiveMove()); } #if USE_ADVANCE if(!Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) // Set direction if no advance enabled #endif Extruder::setDirection(cur->isEPositiveMove()); #if defined(DIRECTION_DELAY) && DIRECTION_DELAY > 0 HAL::delayMicroseconds(DIRECTION_DELAY); #endif #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE Printer::advanceExecuted = cur->advanceStart; #endif cur->updateAdvanceSteps(cur->vStart, 0, false); #endif return Printer::interval; // Wait an other 50% from last step to make the 100% full } // End cur=0 HAL::allowInterrupts(); if(curd != NULL) { Endstops::update(); curd->checkEndstops(cur,(cur->isCheckEndstops())); } int maxLoops = (Printer::stepsPerTimerCall <= cur->stepsRemaining ? Printer::stepsPerTimerCall : cur->stepsRemaining); HAL::forbidInterrupts(); for(int loop = 0; loop < maxLoops; loop++) { #if STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY + DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY if(loop > 0) HAL::delayMicroseconds(STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY + DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY); #endif if((cur->error[E_AXIS] -= cur->delta[E_AXIS]) < 0) { #if USE_ADVANCE if(Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) // Use interrupt for movement { if(cur->isEPositiveMove()) Printer::extruderStepsNeeded++; else Printer::extruderStepsNeeded--; } else #endif Extruder::step(); cur->error[E_AXIS] += cur_errupd; } if (curd) { // Take delta steps if(curd->isXMove()) if((cur->error[X_AXIS] -= curd->deltaSteps[A_TOWER]) < 0) { cur->startXStep(); cur->error[X_AXIS] += curd_errupd; #ifdef DEBUG_REAL_POSITION Printer::realDeltaPositionSteps[A_TOWER] += curd->isXPositiveMove() ? 1 : -1; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT cur->totalStepsRemaining--; #endif } if(curd->isYMove()) if((cur->error[Y_AXIS] -= curd->deltaSteps[B_TOWER]) < 0) { cur->startYStep(); cur->error[Y_AXIS] += curd_errupd; #ifdef DEBUG_REAL_POSITION Printer::realDeltaPositionSteps[B_TOWER] += curd->isYPositiveMove() ? 1 : -1; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT cur->totalStepsRemaining--; #endif } if(curd->isZMove()) if((cur->error[Z_AXIS] -= curd->deltaSteps[C_TOWER]) < 0) { cur->startZStep(); cur->error[Z_AXIS] += curd_errupd; Printer::realDeltaPositionSteps[C_TOWER] += curd->isZPositiveMove() ? 1 : -1; #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT cur->totalStepsRemaining--; #endif } stepsPerSegRemaining--; if (!stepsPerSegRemaining) { if (cur->numDeltaSegments) { // Get the next delta segment curd = &cur->segments[--cur->numDeltaSegments]; // Initialize bresenham for this segment (numPrimaryStepPerSegment is already correct for the half step setting) cur->error[X_AXIS] = cur->error[Y_AXIS] = cur->error[Z_AXIS] = cur->numPrimaryStepPerSegment >> 1; // Reset the counter of the primary steps. This is initialized in the line // generation so don't have to do this the first time. stepsPerSegRemaining = cur->numPrimaryStepPerSegment; // Change direction if necessary Printer::setXDirection(curd->dir & X_DIRPOS); Printer::setYDirection(curd->dir & Y_DIRPOS); Printer::setZDirection(curd->dir & Z_DIRPOS); #if defined(DIRECTION_DELAY) && DIRECTION_DELAY > 0 HAL::delayMicroseconds(DIRECTION_DELAY); #endif if(FEATURE_BABYSTEPPING && Printer::zBabystepsMissing && curd && (curd->dir & XYZ_STEP) == XYZ_STEP) { // execute a extra babystep Printer::insertStepperHighDelay(); Printer::endXYZSteps(); HAL::delayMicroseconds(STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY + DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY + 1); if(Printer::zBabystepsMissing > 0) { if(curd->dir & X_DIRPOS) cur->startXStep(); else cur->error[X_AXIS] += curd_errupd; if(curd->dir & Y_DIRPOS) cur->startYStep(); else cur->error[Y_AXIS] += curd_errupd; if(curd->dir & Z_DIRPOS) cur->startZStep(); else cur->error[Z_AXIS] += curd_errupd; Printer::zBabystepsMissing--; } else { if(curd->dir & X_DIRPOS) cur->error[X_AXIS] += curd_errupd; else cur->startXStep(); if(curd->dir & Y_DIRPOS) cur->error[Y_AXIS] += curd_errupd; else cur->startYStep(); if(curd->dir & Z_DIRPOS) cur->error[Z_AXIS] += curd_errupd; else cur->startZStep(); Printer::zBabystepsMissing++; } HAL::delayMicroseconds(1); } } else curd = 0;// Release the last segment //deltaSegmentCount--; } } #if CPU_ARCH != ARCH_AVR if(loop < maxLoops - 1) { #endif Printer::insertStepperHighDelay(); Printer::endXYZSteps(); #if USE_ADVANCE if(!Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) // Use interrupt for movement #endif Extruder::unstep(); #if CPU_ARCH != ARCH_AVR } #endif } // for loop HAL::allowInterrupts(); // Allow interrupts for other types, timer1 is still disabled #if RAMP_ACCELERATION //If acceleration is enabled on this move and we are in the acceleration segment, calculate the current interval if (cur->moveAccelerating()) { Printer::vMaxReached = HAL::ComputeV(Printer::timer, cur->fAcceleration) + cur->vStart; if(Printer::vMaxReached > cur->vMax) Printer::vMaxReached = cur->vMax; speed_t v = Printer::updateStepsPerTimerCall(Printer::vMaxReached); Printer::interval = HAL::CPUDivU2(v); Printer::timer += Printer::interval; cur->updateAdvanceSteps(Printer::vMaxReached, maxLoops, true); Printer::stepNumber += maxLoops; // is only used by moveAccelerating } else if (cur->moveDecelerating()) // time to slow down { speed_t v = HAL::ComputeV(Printer::timer, cur->fAcceleration); if (v > Printer::vMaxReached) // if deceleration goes too far it can become too large v = cur->vEnd; else { v = Printer::vMaxReached - v; if (v < cur->vEnd) v = cur->vEnd; // extra steps at the end of desceleration due to rounding erros } cur->updateAdvanceSteps(v, maxLoops, false); v = Printer::updateStepsPerTimerCall(v); Printer::interval = HAL::CPUDivU2(v); Printer::timer += Printer::interval; } else { // If we had acceleration, we need to use the latest vMaxReached and interval // If we started full speed, we need to use cur->fullInterval and vMax cur->updateAdvanceSteps((!cur->accelSteps ? cur->vMax : Printer::vMaxReached), 0, true); if(!cur->accelSteps) { if(cur->vMax > STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY) { #if ALLOW_QUADSTEPPING if(cur->vMax > STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY * 2) { Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 4; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval << 2; } else { Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 2; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval << 1; } #else Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 2; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval << 1; #endif } else { Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 1; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval; } } } #else Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval; // without RAMPS always use full speed #endif PrintLine::cur->stepsRemaining -= maxLoops; if(cur->stepsRemaining <= 0 || cur->isNoMove()) // line finished { // Release remaining delta segments #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT if(cur->totalStepsRemaining || cur->numDeltaSegments) { Com::printFLN(PSTR("Missed steps:"), cur->totalStepsRemaining); Com::printFLN(PSTR("Step/seg r:"), stepsPerSegRemaining); Com::printFLN(PSTR("NDS:"), (int) cur->numDeltaSegments); } #endif //HAL::forbidInterrupts(); //deltaSegmentCount -= cur->numDeltaSegments; // should always be zero removeCurrentLineForbidInterrupt(); Printer::disableAllowedStepper(); if(linesCount == 0) UI_STATUS(UI_TEXT_IDLE); Printer::interval >>= 1; // 50% of time to next call to do cur=0 DEBUG_MEMORY; } // Do even #if CPU_ARCH != ARCH_AVR Printer::insertStepperHighDelay(); Printer::endXYZSteps(); #if USE_ADVANCE if(!Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) // Use interrupt for movement #endif Extruder::unstep(); #endif return Printer::interval; } #else /** Moves the stepper motors one step. If the last step is reached, the next movement is started. The function must be called from a timer loop. It returns the time for the next call. Normal non delta algorithm */ int lastblk = -1; int32_t cur_errupd; int32_t PrintLine::bresenhamStep() // version for cartesian printer { #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_ARM if(!PrintLine::nlFlag) #else if(cur == NULL) #endif { ANALYZER_ON(ANALYZER_CH0); setCurrentLine(); if(cur->isBlocked()) // This step is in computation - shouldn't happen { /*if(lastblk!=(int)cur) // can cause output errors! { HAL::allowInterrupts(); lastblk = (int)cur; Com::printFLN(Com::tBLK,lines_count); }*/ cur = NULL; #if CPU_ARCH==ARCH_ARM PrintLine::nlFlag = false; #endif return 2000; } HAL::allowInterrupts(); lastblk = -1; #if INCLUDE_DEBUG_NO_MOVE if(Printer::debugNoMoves()) // simulate a move, but do nothing in reality { removeCurrentLineForbidInterrupt(); return 1000; } #endif ANALYZER_OFF(ANALYZER_CH0); if(cur->isWarmUp()) { // This is a warmup move to initalize the path planner correctly. Just waste // a bit of time to get the planning up to date. if(linesCount<=cur->getWaitForXLinesFilled()) { cur = NULL; #if CPU_ARCH == ARCH_ARM PrintLine::nlFlag = false; #endif return 2000; } long wait = cur->getWaitTicks(); removeCurrentLineForbidInterrupt(); return(wait); // waste some time for path optimization to fill up } // End if WARMUP //Only enable axis that are moving. If the axis doesn't need to move then it can stay disabled depending on configuration. #if GANTRY #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == XY_GANTRY || DRIVE_SYSTEM == YX_GANTRY if(cur->isXOrYMove()) { Printer::enableXStepper(); Printer::enableYStepper(); } if(cur->isZMove()) Printer::enableZStepper(); #else // XZ / ZX Gantry if(cur->isXOrZMove()) { Printer::enableXStepper(); Printer::enableZStepper(); } if(cur->isYMove()) Printer::enableYStepper(); #endif #else if(cur->isXMove()) Printer::enableXStepper(); if(cur->isYMove()) Printer::enableYStepper(); if(cur->isZMove()) Printer::enableZStepper(); #endif if(cur->isEMove()) Extruder::enable(); cur->fixStartAndEndSpeed(); HAL::allowInterrupts(); cur_errupd = cur->delta[cur->primaryAxis]; if(!cur->areParameterUpToDate()) // should never happen, but with bad timings??? { cur->updateStepsParameter(); } Printer::vMaxReached = cur->vStart; Printer::stepNumber=0; Printer::timer = 0; HAL::forbidInterrupts(); //Determine direction of movement,check if endstop was hit #if !(GANTRY) Printer::setXDirection(cur->isXPositiveMove()); Printer::setYDirection(cur->isYPositiveMove()); Printer::setZDirection(cur->isZPositiveMove()); #else // Any gantry type long gdx = (cur->dir & X_DIRPOS ? cur->delta[X_AXIS] : -cur->delta[X_AXIS]); // Compute signed difference in steps #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == XY_GANTRY || DRIVE_SYSTEM == YX_GANTRY Printer::setZDirection(cur->isZPositiveMove()); long gdy = (cur->dir & Y_DIRPOS ? cur->delta[Y_AXIS] : -cur->delta[Y_AXIS]); Printer::setXDirection(gdx + gdy >= 0); #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == XY_GANTRY Printer::setYDirection(gdx > gdy); #else Printer::setYDirection(gdx <= gdy); #endif #else // XZ or ZX core Printer::setYDirection(cur->isYPositiveMove()); long gdz = (cur->dir & Z_DIRPOS ? cur->delta[Z_AXIS] : -cur->delta[Z_AXIS]); Printer::setXDirection(gdx + gdz >= 0); #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == XZ_GANTRY Printer::setZDirection(gdx > gdz); #else Printer::setZDirection(gdx <= gdz); #endif #endif // YZ or ZY Gantry #endif // GANTRY #if USE_ADVANCE if(!Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) // Set direction if no advance/OPS enabled #endif Extruder::setDirection(cur->isEPositiveMove()); #if defined(DIRECTION_DELAY) && DIRECTION_DELAY > 0 HAL::delayMicroseconds(DIRECTION_DELAY); #endif #if USE_ADVANCE #if ENABLE_QUADRATIC_ADVANCE Printer::advanceExecuted = cur->advanceStart; #endif cur->updateAdvanceSteps(cur->vStart, 0, false); #endif return Printer::interval; // Wait an other 50% from last step to make the 100% full } // End cur=0 Endstops::update(); cur->checkEndstops(); fast8_t max_loops = RMath::min((int32_t)Printer::stepsPerTimerCall,cur->stepsRemaining); for(fast8_t loop = 0; loop < max_loops; loop++) { #if STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY + DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY > 0 if(loop > 0) HAL::delayMicroseconds(STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY + DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY); #endif if((cur->error[E_AXIS] -= cur->delta[E_AXIS]) < 0) { #if USE_ADVANCE if(Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) // Use interrupt for movement { if(cur->isEPositiveMove()) Printer::extruderStepsNeeded++; else Printer::extruderStepsNeeded--; } else #endif Extruder::step(); cur->error[E_AXIS] += cur_errupd; } if(cur->isXMove()) if((cur->error[X_AXIS] -= cur->delta[X_AXIS]) < 0) { cur->startXStep(); cur->error[X_AXIS] += cur_errupd; } if(cur->isYMove()) if((cur->error[Y_AXIS] -= cur->delta[Y_AXIS]) < 0) { cur->startYStep(); cur->error[Y_AXIS] += cur_errupd; } if(cur->isZMove()) if((cur->error[Z_AXIS] -= cur->delta[Z_AXIS]) < 0) { cur->startZStep(); cur->error[Z_AXIS] += cur_errupd; #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT cur->totalStepsRemaining--; #endif } #if (GANTRY) #if DRIVE_SYSTEM == XY_GANTRY || DRIVE_SYSTEM == YX_GANTRY Printer::executeXYGantrySteps(); #else Printer::executeXZGantrySteps(); #endif #endif Printer::insertStepperHighDelay(); #if USE_ADVANCE if(!Printer::isAdvanceActivated()) // Use interrupt for movement #endif Extruder::unstep(); Printer::endXYZSteps(); } // for loop HAL::allowInterrupts(); // Allow interrupts for other types, timer1 is still disabled #if RAMP_ACCELERATION //If acceleration is enabled on this move and we are in the acceleration segment, calculate the current interval if (cur->moveAccelerating()) // we are accelerating { Printer::vMaxReached = HAL::ComputeV(Printer::timer,cur->fAcceleration) + cur->vStart; if(Printer::vMaxReached > cur->vMax) Printer::vMaxReached = cur->vMax; unsigned int v = Printer::updateStepsPerTimerCall(Printer::vMaxReached); Printer::interval = HAL::CPUDivU2(v); Printer::timer += Printer::interval; cur->updateAdvanceSteps(Printer::vMaxReached, max_loops, true); Printer::stepNumber += max_loops; // only used for moveAccelerating } else if (cur->moveDecelerating()) // time to slow down { unsigned int v = HAL::ComputeV(Printer::timer,cur->fAcceleration); if (v > Printer::vMaxReached) // if deceleration goes too far it can become too large v = cur->vEnd; else { v = Printer::vMaxReached - v; if (vvEnd) v = cur->vEnd; // extra steps at the end of desceleration due to rounding erros } cur->updateAdvanceSteps(v,max_loops,false); // needs original v v = Printer::updateStepsPerTimerCall(v); Printer::interval = HAL::CPUDivU2(v); Printer::timer += Printer::interval; } else // full speed reached { cur->updateAdvanceSteps((!cur->accelSteps ? cur->vMax : Printer::vMaxReached), 0, true); // constant speed reached if(cur->vMax > STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY) { #if ALLOW_QUADSTEPPING if(cur->vMax > STEP_DOUBLER_FREQUENCY * 2) { Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 4; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval << 2; } else { Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 2; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval << 1; } #else Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 2; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval << 1; #endif } else { Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 1; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval; } } #else Printer::stepsPerTimerCall = 1; Printer::interval = cur->fullInterval; // without RAMPS always use full speed #endif // RAMP_ACCELERATION cur->stepsRemaining -= max_loops; long interval = Printer::interval; if(cur->stepsRemaining <= 0 || cur->isNoMove()) // line finished { #ifdef DEBUG_STEPCOUNT if(cur->totalStepsRemaining) { Com::printF(Com::tDBGMissedSteps, cur->totalStepsRemaining); Com::printFLN(Com::tComma, cur->stepsRemaining); } #endif removeCurrentLineForbidInterrupt(); Printer::disableAllowedStepper(); if(linesCount == 0) UI_STATUS(UI_TEXT_IDLE); interval = Printer::interval = interval >> 1; // 50% of time to next call to do cur=0 DEBUG_MEMORY; } // Do even if(FEATURE_BABYSTEPPING && Printer::zBabystepsMissing) { Printer::zBabystep(); } return interval; } #endif