# Ansible Collection - enbewe.uffd Collecion to deploy uffd as oauth authentication service. ## Playbooks ### enbewe.uffd.deployment Deploys the role `enbewe.uffd.uffd` to all hosts of the `uffd` group. ## Roles ### enbewe.uffd.uffd Deploys [uffd (**U**ser**F**erwaltungs**F**ronten**d**)](https://git.cccv.de/uffd/uffd) through a podman container. Additionally deploys an nginx container as a HTTP server for static files as well as uWSGI proxy. #### Required variables **uffd_secret_key** The secret key to use for uffd data. **uffd_initial_admin_user** Name of the initial admin user. **uffd_initial_admin_pw** Password of the initial admin user. **uffd_initial_admin_mail** E-Mail address of the initial admin user. #### Optional Variables **uffd_build_tempdir** *(Default: '/tmp/podman-uffd-build')* Path to use for building the uffd OCI container in. This path will be created as needed and removed again afterwards. **uffd_build_debian_version** *(Default: 'bullseye')* The debian version name to use for the uffd container. **uffd_build_force_rebuild** *(Default: false)* Flag to force the reduilding of the uffd container even if it already exists. **uffd_podman_network** *(Default: 'uffd-net')* Name of the podman network to use for uffd container and the nginx server. **uffd_data_dir** *(Default: '/srv/www/uffd')* The directory to use for config files. **uffd_static_files_volume** *(Default: 'uffd-static-files')* The name of the podman volume to use for the static files of the uffd. **uffd_data_volume** *(Default: 'uffd-data')* The name of the podman volume to use for the runtime data of uffd. **uffd_nginx_listen_port** *(Default: '')* The port to expose the uffd service on. Can either be a local port only (as the default) or a global port if desired.