import sublime, sublime_plugin def advance_to_first_non_white_space_on_line(view, pt): while True: c = view.substr(sublime.Region(pt, pt + 1)) if c == " " or c == "\t": pt += 1 else: break return pt def has_non_white_space_on_line(view, pt): while True: c = view.substr(sublime.Region(pt, pt + 1)) if c == " " or c == "\t": pt += 1 else: return c != "\n" def build_comment_data(view, pt): shell_vars = view.meta_info("shellVariables", pt) if not shell_vars: return ([], []) # transform the list of dicts into a single dict all_vars = {} for v in shell_vars: if 'name' in v and 'value' in v: all_vars[v['name']] = v['value'] line_comments = [] block_comments = [] # transform the dict into a single array of valid comments suffixes = [""] + ["_" + str(i) for i in xrange(1, 10)] for suffix in suffixes: start = all_vars.setdefault("TM_COMMENT_START" + suffix) end = all_vars.setdefault("TM_COMMENT_END" + suffix) mode = all_vars.setdefault("TM_COMMENT_MODE" + suffix) disable_indent = all_vars.setdefault("TM_COMMENT_DISABLE_INDENT" + suffix) if start and end: block_comments.append((start, end, disable_indent == 'yes')) block_comments.append((start.strip(), end.strip(), disable_indent == 'yes')) elif start: line_comments.append((start, disable_indent == 'yes')) line_comments.append((start.strip(), disable_indent == 'yes')) return (line_comments, block_comments) class ToggleCommentCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def remove_block_comment(self, view, edit, comment_data, region): (line_comments, block_comments) = comment_data # Call extract_scope from the midpoint of the region, as calling it # from the start can give false results if the block comment begin/end # markers are assigned their own scope, as is done in HTML. whole_region = view.extract_scope(region.begin() + region.size() / 2) for c in block_comments: (start, end, disable_indent) = c start_region = sublime.Region(whole_region.begin(), whole_region.begin() + len(start)) end_region = sublime.Region(whole_region.end() - len(end), whole_region.end()) if view.substr(start_region) == start and view.substr(end_region) == end: # It's faster to erase the start region first view.erase(edit, start_region) end_region = sublime.Region( end_region.begin() - start_region.size(), end_region.end() - start_region.size()) view.erase(edit, end_region) return True return False def remove_line_comment(self, view, edit, comment_data, region): (line_comments, block_comments) = comment_data found_line_comment = False start_positions = [advance_to_first_non_white_space_on_line(view, r.begin()) for r in view.lines(region)] start_positions.reverse() for pos in start_positions: for c in line_comments: (start, disable_indent) = c comment_region = sublime.Region(pos, pos + len(start)) if view.substr(comment_region) == start: view.erase(edit, comment_region) found_line_comment = True break return found_line_comment def is_entirely_line_commented(self, view, comment_data, region): (line_comments, block_comments) = comment_data start_positions = [advance_to_first_non_white_space_on_line(view, r.begin()) for r in view.lines(region)] start_positions = filter(lambda p: has_non_white_space_on_line(view, p), start_positions) if len(start_positions) == 0: return False for pos in start_positions: found_line_comment = False for c in line_comments: (start, disable_indent) = c comment_region = sublime.Region(pos, pos + len(start)) if view.substr(comment_region) == start: found_line_comment = True if not found_line_comment: return False return True def block_comment_region(self, view, edit, block_comment_data, region): (start, end, disable_indent) = block_comment_data if region.empty(): # Silly buggers to ensure the cursor doesn't end up after the end # comment token view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(region.end()), 'x') view.insert(edit, region.end() + 1, end) view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(region.end(), region.end() + 1), '') view.insert(edit, region.begin(), start) else: view.insert(edit, region.end(), end) view.insert(edit, region.begin(), start) def line_comment_region(self, view, edit, line_comment_data, region): (start, disable_indent) = line_comment_data start_positions = [r.begin() for r in view.lines(region)] start_positions.reverse() # Remove any blank lines from consideration, they make getting the # comment start markers to line up challenging non_empty_start_positions = filter(lambda p: has_non_white_space_on_line(view, p), start_positions) # If all the lines are blank however, just comment away if len(non_empty_start_positions) != 0: start_positions = non_empty_start_positions if not disable_indent: min_indent = None # This won't work well with mixed spaces and tabs, but really, # don't do that! for pos in start_positions: indent = advance_to_first_non_white_space_on_line(view, pos) - pos if min_indent == None or indent < min_indent: min_indent = indent if min_indent != None and min_indent > 0: start_positions = [r + min_indent for r in start_positions] for pos in start_positions: view.insert(edit, pos, start) def add_comment(self, view, edit, comment_data, prefer_block, region): (line_comments, block_comments) = comment_data if len(line_comments) == 0 and len(block_comments) == 0: return if len(block_comments) == 0: prefer_block = False if len(line_comments) == 0: prefer_block = True if region.empty(): if prefer_block: # add the block comment self.block_comment_region(view, edit, block_comments[0], region) else: # comment out the line self.line_comment_region(view, edit, line_comments[0], region) else: if prefer_block: # add the block comment self.block_comment_region(view, edit, block_comments[0], region) else: # add a line comment to each line self.line_comment_region(view, edit, line_comments[0], region) def run(self, edit, block=False): for region in self.view.sel(): comment_data = build_comment_data(self.view, region.begin()) if (region.end() != self.view.size() and build_comment_data(self.view, region.end()) != comment_data): # region spans languages, nothing we can do continue if self.remove_block_comment(self.view, edit, comment_data, region): continue if self.is_entirely_line_commented(self.view, comment_data, region): self.remove_line_comment(self.view, edit, comment_data, region) continue has_line_comment = len(comment_data[0]) > 0 if not has_line_comment and not block and region.empty(): # Use block comments to comment out the line line = self.view.line(region.a) line = sublime.Region( advance_to_first_non_white_space_on_line(self.view, line.a), line.b) # Try and remove any existing block comment now if self.remove_block_comment(self.view, edit, comment_data, line): continue self.add_comment(self.view, edit, comment_data, block, line) continue # Add a comment instead self.add_comment(self.view, edit, comment_data, block, region)