import sublime, sublime_plugin import os, sys import thread import subprocess import functools import time class ProcessListener(object): def on_data(self, proc, data): pass def on_finished(self, proc): pass # Encapsulates subprocess.Popen, forwarding stdout to a supplied # ProcessListener (on a separate thread) class AsyncProcess(object): def __init__(self, arg_list, env, listener, # "path" is an option in build systems path="", # "shell" is an options in build systems shell=False): self.listener = listener self.killed = False self.start_time = time.time() # Hide the console window on Windows startupinfo = None if == "nt": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Set temporary PATH to locate executable in arg_list if path: old_path = os.environ["PATH"] # The user decides in the build system whether he wants to append $PATH # or tuck it at the front: "$PATH;C:\\new\\path", "C:\\new\\path;$PATH" os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.expandvars(path).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) proc_env = os.environ.copy() proc_env.update(env) for k, v in proc_env.iteritems(): proc_env[k] = os.path.expandvars(v).encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) self.proc = subprocess.Popen(arg_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, env=proc_env, shell=shell) if path: os.environ["PATH"] = old_path if self.proc.stdout: thread.start_new_thread(self.read_stdout, ()) if self.proc.stderr: thread.start_new_thread(self.read_stderr, ()) def kill(self): if not self.killed: self.killed = True self.proc.terminate() self.listener = None def poll(self): return self.proc.poll() == None def exit_code(self): return self.proc.poll() def read_stdout(self): while True: data =, 2**15) if data != "": if self.listener: self.listener.on_data(self, data) else: self.proc.stdout.close() if self.listener: self.listener.on_finished(self) break def read_stderr(self): while True: data =, 2**15) if data != "": if self.listener: self.listener.on_data(self, data) else: self.proc.stderr.close() break class ExecCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand, ProcessListener): def run(self, cmd = [], file_regex = "", line_regex = "", working_dir = "", encoding = "utf-8", env = {}, quiet = False, kill = False, # Catches "path" and "shell" **kwargs): if kill: if self.proc: self.proc.kill() self.proc = None self.append_data(None, "[Cancelled]") return if not hasattr(self, 'output_view'): # Try not to call get_output_panel until the regexes are assigned self.output_view = self.window.get_output_panel("exec") # Default the to the current files directory if no working directory was given if (working_dir == "" and self.window.active_view() and self.window.active_view().file_name()): working_dir = os.path.dirname(self.window.active_view().file_name()) self.output_view.settings().set("result_file_regex", file_regex) self.output_view.settings().set("result_line_regex", line_regex) self.output_view.settings().set("result_base_dir", working_dir) # Call get_output_panel a second time after assigning the above # settings, so that it'll be picked up as a result buffer self.window.get_output_panel("exec") self.encoding = encoding self.quiet = quiet self.proc = None if not self.quiet: print "Running " + " ".join(cmd) sublime.status_message("Building") show_panel_on_build = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings").get("show_panel_on_build", True) if show_panel_on_build: self.window.run_command("show_panel", {"panel": "output.exec"}) merged_env = env.copy() if self.window.active_view(): user_env = self.window.active_view().settings().get('build_env') if user_env: merged_env.update(user_env) # Change to the working dir, rather than spawning the process with it, # so that emitted working dir relative path names make sense if working_dir != "": os.chdir(working_dir) err_type = OSError if == "nt": err_type = WindowsError try: # Forward kwargs to AsyncProcess self.proc = AsyncProcess(cmd, merged_env, self, **kwargs) except err_type as e: self.append_data(None, str(e) + "\n") self.append_data(None, "[cmd: " + str(cmd) + "]\n") self.append_data(None, "[dir: " + str(os.getcwdu()) + "]\n") if "PATH" in merged_env: self.append_data(None, "[path: " + str(merged_env["PATH"]) + "]\n") else: self.append_data(None, "[path: " + str(os.environ["PATH"]) + "]\n") if not self.quiet: self.append_data(None, "[Finished]") def is_enabled(self, kill = False): if kill: return hasattr(self, 'proc') and self.proc and self.proc.poll() else: return True def append_data(self, proc, data): if proc != self.proc: # a second call to exec has been made before the first one # finished, ignore it instead of intermingling the output. if proc: proc.kill() return try: str = data.decode(self.encoding) except: str = "[Decode error - output not " + self.encoding + "]\n" proc = None # Normalize newlines, Sublime Text always uses a single \n separator # in memory. str = str.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') selection_was_at_end = (len(self.output_view.sel()) == 1 and self.output_view.sel()[0] == sublime.Region(self.output_view.size())) self.output_view.set_read_only(False) edit = self.output_view.begin_edit() self.output_view.insert(edit, self.output_view.size(), str) if selection_was_at_end: self.output_view.end_edit(edit) self.output_view.set_read_only(True) def finish(self, proc): if not self.quiet: elapsed = time.time() - proc.start_time exit_code = proc.exit_code() if exit_code == 0 or exit_code == None: self.append_data(proc, ("[Finished in %.1fs]") % (elapsed)) else: self.append_data(proc, ("[Finished in %.1fs with exit code %d]") % (elapsed, exit_code)) if proc != self.proc: return errs = self.output_view.find_all_results() if len(errs) == 0: sublime.status_message("Build finished") else: sublime.status_message(("Build finished with %d errors") % len(errs)) # Set the selection to the start, so that next_result will work as expected edit = self.output_view.begin_edit() self.output_view.sel().clear() self.output_view.sel().add(sublime.Region(0)) self.output_view.end_edit(edit) def on_data(self, proc, data): sublime.set_timeout(functools.partial(self.append_data, proc, data), 0) def on_finished(self, proc): sublime.set_timeout(functools.partial(self.finish, proc), 0)