--- title: 'My Take on DNSSEC – Part 3: How to configure it in BIND (cancelled)' author: eNBeWe type: post date: 2017-01-30T14:29:37+00:00 url: /2017/01/30/my-take-on-dnssec-part-3-how-to-configure-it-in-bind-cancelled/ categories: - Allgemein - Internes - Serveradministration tags: - bind - DNS - DNSSEC - Knot DNS - yadifa --- Just as a quick note here: I originally planned to do my third part on DNSSEC with configuration hints using the popular DNS server [BIND][1]. At the moment I also use BIND for my setup. Now I discovered the "Advanced Secuity Notifications" at ISC, which sells prior warnings about security issues in BIND. Personally, I don't want to support this model. Instead I am currently migrating to another DNS server implemenation, [YADIFA][2], which I will then write about. But first I need to check my setup using this server. **Update:** Maybe I will switch to [Knot DNS][3] instead of YADIFA. They seem to be both fairly equal in features. To the outside spectator YADIFA seems to be a dead project, even though they published a release in mid-december. The development is done by EUnic, the guys behind maintaining the .eu-domain. They seem to have some internal development/issue tracking/etc. and they only send the releases to GitHub. In contrast, Knot DNS, being maintained by cz.nic, is more open in their development. [1]: https://www.isc.org/downloads/bind/ [2]: http://www.yadifa.eu/ [3]: https://www.knot-dns.cz