2016-07-02 18:11:43 +02:00

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Event system in a nutshell:
All printers are different and my need additions in th eone or other place.
It is not very convenient to add these code parts across the firmware. For this
reason repetier-firmware uses a simple event system that comes at no cost if
a event is not used.
- simple: Only one subscriber is possible
- cost effective: Macros work as event caller. By default all macros are empty
How to use the system:
1. In Configuration.h add
2. Add a file "CustomEvents.h" which overrides all event macros you need.
It shoudl also include the function declarations used.
3. Add a file "CustomEventsImpl.h" which includes all function definitions.
Also it is named .h it will be included inside a cpp file only once.
This is to compile only when selected and still keep ArduinoIDE happy.
Each of the following events describe the parameter and when it is called.
// Catch heating events. id is extruder id or -1 for heated bed.
// This gets called every 0.1 second
#define EVENT_TIMER_100MS {}
// This gets called every 0.5 second
#define EVENT_TIMER_500MS {}
// Gets called on a regular basis as time allows
// Gets called when kill gets called. only_steppes = true -> we only want to disable steppers, not everything.
#define EVENT_KILL(only_steppers) {}
// Gets called when a jam was detected.
// Gets called every time the jam detection signal switches. Steps are the extruder steps since last change.
#define EVENT_JAM_SIGNAL_CHANGED(extruderId,steps) {}
// Gets called if a heater decoupling is detected.
// Gets called if a missing/shorted thermistor is detected.
#define EVENT_HEATER_DEFECT(id) {}
// Gets called if a action in ui.cpp okAction gets executed.
#define EVENT_START_UI_ACTION(shortAction) {}
// Gets called if a nextPrevius actions gets executed.
#define EVENT_START_NEXTPREVIOUS(action,increment) {}
// Gets called before a move is queued. Gives the ability to limit moves.
// Gets called when a fatal error occurs and all actions should be stopped
// Gets called after a M999 to continue from fatal errors
// Called to initialize laser pins. Return false to prevent default initialization.
// Set laser to intensity level 0 = off, 255 = full. Return false if you have overridden the setting routine.
// with true the default solution will set it as digital value.
#define EVENT_SET_LASER(intensity) true
// Called to initialize CNC pins. Return false to prevent default initialization.
// Turn off spindle
#define EVENT_SPINDLE_OFF true
// Turn spindle clockwise
#define EVENT_SPINDLE_CW(rpm) true
// Turn spindle counter clockwise
#define EVENT_SPINDLE_CCW(rpm) true
// Allow adding new G and M codes. To implement it create a function
// bool eventUnhandledGCode(GCode *com)
// that returns true if it handled the code, otherwise false.
// Event define would then be
// #define EVENT_UNHANDLED_G_CODE(c) eventUnhandledGCode(c)
#define EVENT_UNHANDLED_G_CODE(c) false
#define EVENT_UNHANDLED_M_CODE(c) false
// This gets called every time the user has saved a value to eeprom
// or any other reason why dependent values may need recomputation.
// This gets called after the basic firmware functions have initialized.
// Use this to initalize your hardware etc.