Added second version of LED strip driver board
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 11641 additions and 97 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
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<text x="0.635" y="31.4325" size="0.8128" layer="25" rot="R270">V2.0</text>
<library name="LED5050-Control-v2">
<package name="SOT23">
<description><b>SMALL OUTLINE TRANSISTOR</b><p>
reflow soldering</description>
<smd name="3" x="0" y="1.1" dx="1" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
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<package name="TO220V">
<description><b>TO-220 Standing Through-hole Package</b></description>
<pad name="1" x="-2.54" y="-2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<package name="ESP12">
<description>ESP8266 Module 12</description>
<pad name="GND" x="6.9" y="-8.2" drill="0.7" shape="offset"/>
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<package name="R0402">
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<package name="1X04">
<description><b>PIN HEADER</b></description>
<pad name="1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<package name="737992-5">
<description><b>FEMALE PRINT CONNECTOR</b><p>
DIN 45323 (34V/3A), ROKA, distributor Conrad</description>
<pad name="-2" x="-5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="2.1844" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="+" x="0" y="10" drill="1.3" diameter="2.1844" shape="long"/>
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<package name="C0603">
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<package name="1X05">
<description><b>PIN HEADER</b></description>
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<class number="0" name="default" width="0" drill="0">
<designrules name="OSHParkDesignRules">
<description language="de"><b>EAGLE Design Rules</b>
Die Standard-Design-Rules sind so gewählt, dass sie für
die meisten Anwendungen passen. Sollte ihre Platine
besondere Anforderungen haben, treffen Sie die erforderlichen
Einstellungen hier und speichern die Design Rules unter
einem neuen Namen ab.</description>
<description language="en"><b>Laen's PCB Order Design Rules</b>
Please make sure your boards conform to these design rules.</description>
<param name="layerSetup" value="(1*16)"/>
<param name="mtCopper" value="0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm"/>
<param name="mtIsolate" value="1.5011mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm"/>
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<param name="mdWireVia" value="6mil"/>
<param name="mdPadPad" value="6mil"/>
<param name="mdPadVia" value="6mil"/>
<param name="mdViaVia" value="6mil"/>
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<param name="mdSmdVia" value="6mil"/>
<param name="mdSmdSmd" value="6mil"/>
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<param name="mdDrill" value="6mil"/>
<param name="mdSmdStop" value="0mil"/>
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<param name="rvViaInner" value="0.25"/>
<param name="rvMicroViaOuter" value="0.25"/>
<param name="rvMicroViaInner" value="0.25"/>
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<param name="rlMaxPadInner" value="20mil"/>
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<param name="rlMaxPadBottom" value="20mil"/>
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<param name="rlMaxViaOuter" value="20mil"/>
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<param name="rlMaxViaInner" value="20mil"/>
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<param name="rlMaxMicroViaOuter" value="20mil"/>
<param name="rlMinMicroViaInner" value="4mil"/>
<param name="rlMaxMicroViaInner" value="20mil"/>
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<param name="psBottom" value="-1"/>
<param name="psFirst" value="-1"/>
<param name="psElongationLong" value="100"/>
<param name="psElongationOffset" value="100"/>
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<param name="mvCreamFrame" value="0"/>
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<param name="mlMaxStopFrame" value="3mil"/>
<param name="mlMinCreamFrame" value="0mil"/>
<param name="mlMaxCreamFrame" value="0mil"/>
<param name="mlViaStopLimit" value="0mil"/>
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<param name="srMinRoundness" value="0mil"/>
<param name="srMaxRoundness" value="0mil"/>
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<param name="slThermalsForVias" value="0"/>
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<param name="AutoGrid" value="1"/>
<param name="Efforts" value="2"/>
<param name="TopRouterVariant" value="1"/>
<param name="tpViaShape" value="round"/>
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<param name="cfBase.14" value="1"/>
<param name="cfBase.15" value="1"/>
<param name="cfBase.16" value="0"/>
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<param name="mnExtdSteps" value="9999"/>
<param name="mnRipupLevel" value="10"/>
<param name="mnRipupSteps" value="100"/>
<param name="mnRipupTotal" value="100"/>
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<param name="cfBusImpact" value="4"/>
<param name="cfHugging" value="0"/>
<param name="mnVias" value="0"/>
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<param name="cfVia" value="99"/>
<param name="cfExtdStep" value="10"/>
<param name="cfHugging" value="1"/>
<param name="mnExtdSteps" value="1"/>
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<param name="cfSmdImpact" value="2"/>
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Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
description[de] = <b>EAGLE Design Rules</b>\n<p>\nDie Standard-Design-Rules sind so gewählt, dass sie für \ndie meisten Anwendungen passen. Sollte ihre Platine \nbesondere Anforderungen haben, treffen Sie die erforderlichen\nEinstellungen hier und speichern die Design Rules unter \neinem neuen Namen ab.
description[en] = <b>Laen's PCB Order Design Rules</b>\n<p>\nPlease make sure your boards conform to these design rules.
layerSetup = (1*16)
mtCopper = 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm 0.0356mm
mtIsolate = 1.5011mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm 0.1499mm 0.2007mm
mdWireWire = 6mil
mdWirePad = 6mil
mdWireVia = 6mil
mdPadPad = 6mil
mdPadVia = 6mil
mdViaVia = 6mil
mdSmdPad = 6mil
mdSmdVia = 6mil
mdSmdSmd = 6mil
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mnLayersViaInSmd = 2
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mdDrill = 6mil
mdSmdStop = 0mil
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rvPadBottom = 0.250000
rvViaOuter = 0.250000
rvViaInner = 0.250000
rvMicroViaOuter = 0.250000
rvMicroViaInner = 0.250000
rlMinPadTop = 7mil
rlMaxPadTop = 20mil
rlMinPadInner = 7mil
rlMaxPadInner = 20mil
rlMinPadBottom = 7mil
rlMaxPadBottom = 20mil
rlMinViaOuter = 7mil
rlMaxViaOuter = 20mil
rlMinViaInner = 7mil
rlMaxViaInner = 20mil
rlMinMicroViaOuter = 4mil
rlMaxMicroViaOuter = 20mil
rlMinMicroViaInner = 4mil
rlMaxMicroViaInner = 20mil
psTop = -1
psBottom = -1
psFirst = -1
psElongationLong = 100
psElongationOffset = 100
mvStopFrame = 1.000000
mvCreamFrame = 0.000000
mlMinStopFrame = 3mil
mlMaxStopFrame = 3mil
mlMinCreamFrame = 0mil
mlMaxCreamFrame = 0mil
mlViaStopLimit = 0mil
srRoundness = 0.000000
srMinRoundness = 0mil
srMaxRoundness = 0mil
slThermalGap = 0.500000
slMinThermalGap = 20mil
slMaxThermalGap = 100mil
slAnnulusIsolate = 20mil
slThermalIsolate = 10mil
slAnnulusRestring = 0
slThermalRestring = 1
slThermalsForVias = 0
checkGrid = 0
checkAngle = 0
checkFont = 1
checkRestrict = 1
useDiameter = 13
maxErrors = 50
Normal file
Normal file
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