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# - name: Install required software on servers
# become: true
# ansible.builtin.package:
# name: "{{ item }}"
# state: present
# with_items:
# - duplicity
# - sshfs
# - python3-packaging
# - acl
- name: Create backup user on servers
become: true
name: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
generate_ssh_key: true
ssh_key_type: ed25519
- name: Fetch server keys to local system
become: true
become_user: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
src: ~/.ssh/
register: duplicity_server_key
changed_when: false
# - name: "Deploy server ssh keys to clients"
# when:
# - duplicity_client
# - hostvars[item].duplicity_server is defined and hostvars[item].duplicity_server
# become: true
# ansible.posix.authorized_key:
# user: "{{ duplicity_client_user }}"
# state: "present"
# key: "{{ lookup('file', 'buffer/{{item}}') }}"
# loop: "{{ groups['duplicity'] }}"
# - name: "Fetch sshd fingerprints from clients"
# when: duplicity_client
# ansible.builtin.fetch:
# src: "/etc/ssh/"
# dest: "buffer/{{ ansible_host }}"
# flat: true
# changed_when: false
# - name: "Register client host keys in server"
# when:
# - duplicity_server
# - hostvars[item].duplicity_client is defined and hostvars[item].duplicity_client
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
# ansible.builtin.known_hosts:
# name: "{{ item }}"
# key: "{{ item }} {{ lookup('file', 'buffer/{{item}}') }}"
# loop: "{{ groups['duplicity'] }}"
# - name: "Test ssh connection from server to client"
# when:
# - duplicity_server
# - hostvars[item].duplicity_client is defined and hostvars[item].duplicity_client
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
# ansible.builtin.command: "ssh -o 'BatchMode yes' {{ duplicity_client_user }}@{{ item }} 'echo success'"
# changed_when: false
# loop: "{{ groups['duplicity'] }}"
# - name: "Set default ACLs on backup data"
# when: duplicity_client
# become: true
# ansible.posix.acl:
# path: "{{ item }}"
# entity: "{{ duplicity_client_user }}"
# etype: "user"
# permissions: r-X
# default: true
# state: present
# recursive: true
# loop: "{{ duplicity_client_backup_paths }}"
# - name: "Set read ACLs on existing backup data"
# when: duplicity_client
# become: true
# ansible.posix.acl:
# path: "{{ item }}"
# entity: "{{ duplicity_client_user }}"
# etype: "user"
# permissions: r-X
# state: present
# recursive: true
# loop: "{{ duplicity_client_backup_paths }}"
# - name: "Ensure gnupg config dir"
# when: duplicity_server
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
# ansible.builtin.command:
# cmd: "gpg --list-keys"
# creates: "/home/{{ duplicity_server_user }}/.gnupg"
# - name: "Install encryption key for backups"
# when: duplicity_server
# become: true
# gpg_key:
# fpr: "C05AD49B790BAC8E3B573B697B25171F921B9E57"
# keyserver: "hkps://"
# trust: "5"
# homedir: "/home/{{ duplicity_server_user }}/.gnupg"
# - name: "Create backup script path"
# when: duplicity_server
# become: true
# ansible.builtin.file:
# path: "{{ duplicity_server_scriptdir }}"
# state: "directory"
# owner: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
# group: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
# mode: "u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx"
# - name: "Create backup scripts for clients"
# when:
# - duplicity_server
# - hostvars[item].duplicity_client is defined and hostvars[item].duplicity_client
# become: true
# become_user: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
# ansible.builtin.template:
# src: "backup-script.j2"
# dest: "{{ duplicity_server_scriptdir }}/backup-{{ item }}.sh"
# mode: "u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx"
# loop: "{{ groups['duplicity'] }}"
# - name: "Register cronjob for clients"
# when:
# - duplicity_server
# - hostvars[item].duplicity_client is defined and hostvars[item].duplicity_client
# become: true
# ansible.builtin.cron:
# name: "backup-{{ item }}"
# user: "{{ duplicity_server_user }}"
# job: "{{ duplicity_server_scriptdir }}/backup-{{ item }}.sh"
# minute: "{{ hostvars[item].duplicity_client_backup_minute }}"
# hour: "{{ hostvars[item].duplicity_client_backup_hour }}"
# loop: "{{ groups['duplicity'] }}"