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## In order to use a custom Kieker.Monitoring configuration, create a copy of
## this file and modify it according to your needs.
## The location of the file is passed to Kieker.Monitoring via the JVM parameter
## kieker.monitoring.configuration. For example, with a configuration file named
## my.kieker.monitoring.properties in the folder META-INF you would pass this location
## to the JVM when starting your application:
## java -Dkieker.monitoring.configuration=META-INF/my.kieker.monitoring.properties [...]
## If no configuration file is passed, Kieker tries to use a configuration file in
## META-INF/kieker.monitoring.properties
## If this also fails, a default configuration is being used according to the values in
## this default file.
## The name of the Kieker instance.
## Whether a debug mode is activated.
## This changes a few internal id generation mechanisms to enable
## easier debugging. Additionally, it is possible to enable debug
## logging in the settings of the used logger.
## This setting should usually not be set to true.
## Enable/disable monitoring after startup (true|false; default: true)
## If monitoring is disabled, the MonitoringController simply pauses.
## Furthermore, probes should stop collecting new data and monitoring
## writers stop should stop writing existing data.
## The name of the VM running Kieker. If empty the name will be determined
## automatically, else it will be set to the given value.
## The initial ID associated with all experiments. (currently not used)
## Enables/disable the automatic assignment of each record's logging timestamp.
## (true|false; default: true)
## Whether a shutdown hook should be registered.
## This ensures that necessary cleanup steps are finished and no
## information is lost due to asynchronous writers.
## This should usually not be set to false.
## Whether any JMX functionality is available
## Enable/Disable the MonitoringController MBean
## Controls JMX remote access
## If the SUN-JMX Bootstrap class is not available, a fallback to the
## default implementation can be used. The fallback solution prevents
## the VM from terminating.
## A graceful shutdown is done by connecting to the JMXServer, there to
## kieker.monitoring.JMXServer and using the operation stop()
## These properties will be forwarded to configure the JMX server
## The size of the thread pool used to execute registered periodic sensor jobs.
## The thread pool is also used to periodically read the config file for adaptive
## monitoring.
## Set to 0 to deactivate scheduling.
## Enable or disable adaptive monitoring.
## Default location of the adaptive monitoring configuration File
## Enable/disable the updating of the pattern file by activating or deactivating
## probes through the api.
## The delay in seconds in which the pattern file is checked for changes.
## Requires kieker.monitoring.periodicSensorsExecutorPoolSize > 0.
## Set to 0 to disable the observation.
####### TIMER #######
## Selection of the timer used by Kieker (classname)
## The value must be a fully-qualified classname of a class implementing
## kieker.monitoring.timer.ITimeSource and providing a constructor that
## accepts a single Configuration.
## A timer with millisecond precision.
## The offset of the timer. The time returned is since 1970-1-1
## minus this offset. If the offset is empty it is set to the current
## time.
## The offset must be specified in milliseconds.
## The timeunit used to report the timestamp.
## Accepted values:
## 0 - nanoseconds
## 1 - microseconds
## 2 - milliseconds
## 3 - seconds
## A timer with nanosecond precision.
## The offset of the timer. The time returned is since 1970-1-1
## minus this offset. If the offset is empty it is set to the current
## time.
## The offset must be specified in milliseconds.
## The timeunit used to report the timestamp.
## Accepted values:
## 0 - nanoseconds
## 1 - microseconds
## 2 - milliseconds
## 3 - seconds
####### WRITER #######
## Selection of monitoring data writer (classname)
## The value must be a fully-qualified classname of a class implementing
## kieker.monitoring.writer.IMonitoringWriter and providing a constructor that
## accepts an IMonitoringController and a single Configuration.
## Configuration Properties of the DummyWriter
## The PrintStream used to print the monitoring records.
## Either STDOUT or STDERR.
## Other values are used as a filenames for a target log file.
## You should use AsyncFsWriter instead of this writer for logging to files!
## In order to use the default temporary directory, set the property value of
## storeInJavaIoTmpdir to true.
## In order to use a custom directory, set storeInJavaIoTmpdir=false
## and set customStoragePath as desired. Examples:
## /var/kieker or C:\\KiekerData (ensure the folder exists).
## The maximal number of entries (records) per created file.
## Must be greater than zero.
## The maximal file size of the generated monitoring log. Older files will be
## deleted if this file size is exceeded. Given in MiB.
## At least one file will always remain, regardless of size!
## Use -1 to ignore this functionality.
## The maximal number of log files generated. Older files will be
## deleted if this number is exceeded.
## At least one file will always remain, regardless of size!
## Use -1 to ignore this functionality.
## When flushing is disabled, it could require a lot of records before
## finally any writing is done.
## When flushing is disabled, it could require a lot of records before
## finally any writing is done.
## In order to use the default temporary directory, set the property value of
## storeInJavaIoTmpdir to true.
## In order to use a custom directory, set storeInJavaIoTmpdir=false
## and set customStoragePath as desired. Examples:
## /var/kieker or C:\\KiekerData (ensure the folder exists).
## The maximal number of entries (records) per created file.
## Must be greater than zero.
## The maximal file size of the generated monitoring log. Older files will be
## deleted if this file size is exceeded. Given in MiB.
## At least one file will always remain, regardless of size!
## Use -1 to ignore this functionality.
## The maximal number of log files generated. Older files will be
## deleted if this number is exceeded.
## At least one file will always remain, regardless of size!
## Use -1 to ignore this functionality.
## Asynchronous writers need to store monitoring records in an internal buffer.
## This parameter defines its capacity in terms of the number of records.
## Behavior of the asynchronous writer when the internal queue is full:
## 0: terminate Monitoring with an error (default)
## 1: writer blocks until queue capacity is available
## 2: writer discards new records until space is available
## Be careful when using the value '1' since then, the asynchronous writer
## is no longer decoupled from the monitored application.
## Maximum time to wait for the writer threads to finish (in milliseconds).
## A MaxShutdownDelay of -1 means infinite waiting.
## In order to use the default temporary directory, set the property value of
## storeInJavaIoTmpdir to true.
## In order to use a custom directory, set storeInJavaIoTmpdir=false
## and set customStoragePath as desired. Examples:
## /var/kieker or C:\\KiekerData (ensure the folder exists).
## The maximal number of entries (records) per created file.
## Must be greater than zero.
## The maximal file size of the generated monitoring log. Older files will be
## deleted if this file size is exceeded. Given in MiB.
## At least one file will always remain, regardless of size!
## Use -1 to ignore this functionality.
## The maximal number of log files generated. Older files will be
## deleted if this number is exceeded.
## At least one file will always remain, regardless of size!
## Use -1 to ignore this functionality.
## Asynchronous writers need to store monitoring records in an internal buffer.
## This parameter defines its capacity in terms of the number of records.
## Behavior of the asynchronous writer when the internal queue is full:
## 0: terminate Monitoring with an error (default)
## 1: writer blocks until queue capacity is available
## 2: writer discards new records until space is available
## Be careful when using the value '1' since then, the asynchronous writer
## is no longer decoupled from the monitored application.
## Maximum time to wait for the writer threads to finish (in milliseconds).
## A MaxShutdownDelay of -1 means infinite waiting.
## The name of the pipe used (must not be empty).
## The url of the jndi provider that knows the jms service
## - ActiveMQ: tcp://
## - HornetQ: jnp://localhost:1099/
## - OpenJMS: tcp://
## The topic at the jms server which is used in the publisher/subscribe communication.
## The type of the jms factory implementation, e.g.
## - ActiveMQ: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
## - HornetQ: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
## - OpenJMS: org.exolab.jms.jndi.InitialContextFactory
## The service name for the jms connection factory.
## The time that a jms message will be kept alive at the jms server before
## it is automatically deleted.
## Asynchronous writers need to store monitoring records in an internal buffer.
## This parameter defines its capacity in terms of the number of records.
## Behavior of the asynchronous writer when the internal queue is full:
## 0: terminate Monitoring with an error (default)
## 1: writer blocks until queue capacity is available
## 2: writer discards new records until space is available
## Be careful when using the value '1' since then, the asynchronous writer
## is no longer decoupled from the monitored application.
## Maximum time to wait for the writer threads to finish (in milliseconds).
## A MaxShutdownDelay of -1 means infinite waiting.
## Database driver classname
## Examples:
## MySQL: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
## DerbyDB: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
## Connection string
## Examples:
## MySQL: jdbc:mysql://HOSTNAME/DBNAME?user=DBUSER&password=DBPASS
## DerbyDB: jdbc:derby:DBNAME;user=DBUSER;password=DBPASS
## Prefix for the names of the database tables
## Drop already existing tables or terminate monitoring with an error.
## Database driver classname
## MySQL: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
## DerbyDB: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
## Connection string
## Examples:
## MySQL: jdbc:mysql://HOSTNAME/DBNAME?user=DBUSER&password=DBPASS
## DerbyDB: jdbc:derby:DBNAME;user=DBUSER;password=DBPASS
## Prefix for the names of the database tables
## Drop already existing tables or terminate monitoring with an error.
## The number of concurrent Database connections.
## Asynchronous writers need to store monitoring records in an internal buffer.
## This parameter defines its capacity in terms of the number of records.
## Behavior of the asynchronous writer when the internal queue is full:
## 0: terminate Monitoring with an error (default)
## 1: writer blocks until queue capacity is available
## 2: writer discards new records until space is available
## Be careful when using the value '1' since then, the asynchronous writer
## is no longer decoupled from the monitored application.
## Maximum time to wait for the writer threads to finish (in milliseconds).
## A MaxShutdownDelay of -1 means infinite waiting.
## The domain used to register the MonitoringLog. If empty, the value
## of "kieker.monitoring.jmx.domain" will be used.
## The name of the MonitoringLog in the domain.